Dumb Bastard. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. IloiloKano says:

    Tammy, technically Obama’s not a bastard.


    • sandyl says:

      LOL. Technically that is correct, but technically he is Dumb. Technically.

    • Tammy says:


      1. Informal, offensive an obnoxious or despicable person
      2. Informal, often humorous or affectionate a person, esp a man “lucky bastard”
      3. Informal something extremely difficult or unpleasant “that job is a real bastard”

      [from Old French bastart, perhaps from bast in the phrase fils de bast son of the packsaddle (that is, of an unlawful and not the marriage bed), from Medieval Latin bastum packsaddle, of uncertain origin]

      And, technically, Obama, Sr. was already married to a woman in Kenya when he “married” Obama’s mother, technically making that second marriage invalid (and illegal), and Obama a bastard even in the old-fashioned technical sense.

      I, as I have mentioned on my show a few times, am myself the product of an affair, making me a Smart Love Child 😉

  2. Chuck says:

    Thank you, Dumb Bastard, for delaying my flight back home 4 hours.

    Official message from ATC in SF International: “Inbound flights delayed at their origin an average of 2 hours 20 minutes due to low clouds.” Interesting that no delays in arrivals or departures are in effect for Oakland International or San Jose, even though we have the exact same weather conditions. Since my flight originates in Reno, I have to wait. More than likely, I have to wait until Urkel and his entourage departs from here, so that normalcy will return.

    Going to the airport today along US-101 was a nightmare with the highway patrol controlling traffic pace.

    All for a $35,000/couple loosing proposition.

    Thanks again, Urkel, for making everyone’s life miserable.

    Sorry, I had to vent.

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