(via BigFurHat at iotw)

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. CO2aintpoison says:

    Palin-axe v. Palin-istas. In selection of a weapon-it seems she would go for an axe versus an “ista” whatever that is. Mittni-istas for Romney fans? How about Newt-t’istas? Hucksti-istas? T-paw-istas or maybe Pawlentistas? PalinAXE seems fitting – uh, with a velvet glove but of course.

  2. BeforeGoreKneel says:

    I prefer Backers, as in we have Sarah’s back. Palin Backers, Sarah Backers, take your pick if you need to differentiate between Palin and all the others. Backers is short and sweet, reminiscent of Sarah’s usual style. It doesn’t come the fashion hit that comes off -istas or the unnecessarily contfrontational -axe suggestion.

  3. imacat says:

    I believe it was intended to be Palin-acs, not -axe, but I don’t like either one. Palin Backers is better, but what about Palin-ites, in honor of the Reagan-ites?

  4. CO2aintpoison says:

    Palinacts; as in activism, you know Tea Party Activists? It doesn’t copy off anyone; blazes a new trail, you know Rogue and all that. You guys are too smart for me. “Backers” Nice! Simple and to the point! Whatever…it doesn’t matter. Simply Sarah – and she will likely be confrontational when necessary whether she wants to or not. It’s kinda the point: having to be so, to save the country. Being non-confrontational doesn’t seem to be working so much. If you want non-confrontational elect Huckabee, or a potato.

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