**UPDATE 6pm PT: Starting up Tammy Radio Specials for today. The 2 Hour Special Report will post one hour at a time, so I can post quicker for you, FYI. First one will post in about an hour and 15**

Thank you everyone for your patience today. We had some technical issues with the live stream, so the show was short, and I personally did not like the ‘quality’ of it, so today’s live show (all 40 minutes of it) will not be posted as podcast.

Instead, there will be a 2-Hour Special Report later today for subscribers, aka Tammy Army Members, addressing all of today’s news and issues. Thanks again and watch for that Special Report.

If you aren’t a subscriber, please join today! And if you have just joined, here are some instructions. To access today’s show just go to the TAM Podcasts page. There you will find today’s show and the whole archive, including podcasts and netcasts. You must be signed in here at the blog to access the players. Also visit the “Members” subpage listed just above the banner. There you will get special TAM instructions and instructions on how to download the podcasts via iTunes.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ShArKy666 says:

    ooooooooo….damm i’m very sorry to hear that …i was hoping to hear it anyway 🙁

  2. houstongracie says:

    Awwww Tammy, no worries. I know you, Chris and PatS did everything you could just to get the show on today and everybody had a blast in the chat room. Thanks for the special two hours you are going to do. You’re the best and love your views, humor and the show. We love YOU Tammy!

    • Shifra says:

      Ditto – the Chatroom was so much fun, and everybody was at their hilarious best! Off topic, but I wanted to post this video of a pro-Mosque Lib cursing a Holocaust survivor at the GZM protest last Sunday. His twisted-with hatred face tells us all we need to know about the Left. But warning: His rant is full of foul language: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF_tL8m9e-c

  3. MaryVal says:

    Tammy, you always go the extra mile for your listeners. We really do appreciate it. No worries on the program, stuff happens. I love all the electronic stuff and computers, gizmos and gadgets, except when they don’t work :^)

  4. BastiatFan says:

    Amen, houstongracie!

  5. ShArKy666 says:

    umm..i don’t mean to sound selfish and all that…but even though the quality may not be that great, i feel like i’ve missed out on something important when i can’t hear something tammy does

  6. Palin2012 says:

    RuBegonia I know you did the Tammy War-Chick communicator image – Hats Off to You! Excellent! Doesn’t matter about the sound quality – right??? As long as we get the message – that’s what matters.

  7. Mutnodjmet says:

    I love the Commando Tammy image! It is great.

  8. Crueladev says:

    Tammy…Loving the photo…;)

    I came up with a song for you today…it sounded like you were on submarine…so I will
    share again…
    “We all live on a Tammy Submarine…a Tammy Submarine..a Tammy Submarine”..

    Really Tammy…no worries…Crap Happens!

  9. RobTN4palin says:

    Awesome photo of Tammy! **Salute** Good job Rubegonia 🙂

  10. Tinker says:

    LMAO! Ru, you’re awesome. The TAM Radio Operator is the funniest, bestest picture of Tammy I’ve ever seen! (and I’ve been around for a while)

    The only way it could be better is if she were in the mud with an artillery shell exploding in the background!

  11. morecowbell says:

    So there will be a bootleg, never released 40 minute Tammy show…sweeettt.

  12. RuBegonia says:

    WOOFaw for the TAM foxhole chat 2day!

  13. Joel267 says:

    Great picture Tammy, you look like you’re calling in an airstrike on the taliban. Way to go!

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