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  1. Maynard says:

    With respect to that quote…”I mean, I do think at some point, you’ve made enough money”…this is typical of why Obama is an enemy of America. At a personal level, I’ve seen people that make what I regard as too much money. I’ve got no respect for people that worship at the altar of the almighty dollar. So my problem isn’t with the sentiment itself. But that’s just a matter of personal social commentary. I would never, ever want to turn my personal opinion into coercive public policy. My words are ignorable, and that’s the way it should be. Obama is formulating policy, and it’s a policy of an authoritarian state the beats the people into impotency. He’s seeking a “cure” or “redistributive change” that is infinitely worse than the disease. Reminds me of a grim line of gallows humor from the Viet Nam war, when someone said, “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.” That’s where Obama is taking us.

    • thierry says:

      at some point you can pay just too much for a handbag made by asian slave labor unless your name is michelle obama. you can cram sea weed risotto in your flan hole until you burst while raiding the food stamp funds and it’s not questioned if you’re a democrat socialist lackey. you can drive a woman into watery grave, drink like a fish and blow up to the size of a whale, besotted with your excesses, and still be a champion of women, the poor and the worker if you are teddy kennedy. nothing people like urkel say can be taken as the product of deep thought and true conviction. they are frivolous humans. frivolous selfish and dangerous.

      they’re typical socialists of the champagne variety. they’re ethically entitled to other people’s money because they are ‘good’ and the people with the money they have no legitimate or invited access to are always ‘ evil exploiters’. ( thus soros who is sick wealthy is not an exploiter- he gives them his money freely.)in real communist theory the wealth is supposed to be redistributed to everyone – but none of the world’s ersatz socialists ever do that nor do they ever share their power with actual workers or peasants whom they ship off to the gulag if they get uppity. it’s all a haze of utopian new age chanting to candy coat their own greed- urkel means none of what comes out of his face. a cardboard cut out could do his job as long as someone programs TOTUS to bark all commie unicorns on command.

      plus i think urkel and michelle are on a big pay back/ revenge trip- oodles of gravy for them that. there will never be enough personal extravagant consumption- commodity fetishism in commie speak- for the urkels but the serfs can’t even chose their own health insurance policy or their own car without interference. it’s the heart and soul of fascism even if he’s playing high and mighty with the humanitarian spew. it’s just the sort of jive talk that got him elected-he’s gonna give free stuff out by jacking the man. means to an end and the end is not the workers paradise.

      michelle doesn’t seem to feel dirtied by piles of icky corrupting money- but the rest of us are sure expected to be.

      i have odd religious and personal beliefs that are fairly contrary to the average- i do not expect others to adhere to them. socialism is like sharia law: a set of quasi-religious beliefs, really a plan for subjugation, implemented only through force because it is contrary to human nature- and i have no desire to submit to their religious beliefs and their absurd theories that have been nothing but epic FAIL in application. freedom and democracy is all about people living their own lives while not transgressing on the freedom of others to live their chosen lives. only people who understand this deserve to be elected to such important positions.

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