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  1. jerocat says:

    Obama’s success is inverse to his current popularity. The reason why? Although the media propaganda regime can conceal his identity fraud and Communist upbringing and, cover for the foreign allegiances and Muslim religion he was born with, the economic results of Obama’s war on the American economy speak for themselves. Yes, Obama is succeeding in consolidating the government’s monopoly of power at the expense of middle class Americans.

    “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    Obama promotes the general Welfare of the US government (USA, Inc.) and its bankers at the Federal Reserve and the IMF and not the American people. To the people, he issues crushing taxes and regulations, then provides them with an unsustainable general Welfare.
    He inhibits our common defense at the Mexican border and at Ground Zero. He also knows that Offgoneston, as he pronounces it, is the grave yard of many great armies of the past and, placed more American troops there on a murky mission. Some might suggest that he secures natural resources for the common good of the bankers at the IMF.

    The Federal Reserve owns all legal tender, US dollars, in circulation and charge the American taxpayers a fee (income taxes) for all who hold and use them. They’ve mooched away trillions of dollars since 1913 when they unlawfully replaced our money (a debt free currency) with theirs. They’ve offered little in return except inflation. A Federal Reserve dollar today is worth only 5 cents against a one ounce pure silver dollar.

    The International Monetary Fund owns and operates the District of Columbia, a 10 mile x 10 mile square box carved out of Maryland and Virginia (now only Maryland*) where all the States come to convene on cross border issues.

    *George Washington donated his some of his Virginia land to make D.C. but sued to get it after being angered by corruption in the 1st Congress. His surviving descendants finally won his case forcing the return of his land. His granddaughter and her husband, Robert E. Lee, built a magnificent villa on the hill directly across the Potomac from the new city.

    In Robert. E. Lee’s days the forced subjugation of property owners to fraudulent mortgages and tax liens led a tax rebellion, secession and ultimately to civil war, a convenient cover for the forced transfer of wealth from the property owner to the royal banker. The vanquished have no voice in the matter. We face these same issues today.

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