
See the video of Palin’s surprise cameo at the Phoenix Tea Party at PalinTV.

(All pics via AP via Yahoo! News)

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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Chuck says:

    Awesome pictures, Tammy!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. defendAmerica says:

    that Trig is so darn CUTE!

  3. ShArKy666 says:

    yeh these are great…thanks tammy..who took these?

  4. paboki says:

    Mama grizzly, showing the world what love of family and love of country looks like. you bethca .

    God Bless the USA.

  5. MainelyRight says:

    Thank you for sharing these with us. Trig has grown up so much since the last pictures I saw of him.

  6. trevy says:

    I LUUUV that “Hell Care” sign!

    Trig is cute. I have a special-needs son myself. My son is autistic.

  7. Artgal says:

    Awesome pics, Tammy! I love the part of the video playbacks where the audience begins clapping, then so does sweet Trig – he is absolutely adorable!

    I loved Sarah’s shout out to Tammy and to Janet Contreras – love that she stopped by in the state that is going to carry this revolution. We’re already seeing THOUSANDS of invalid ballots in CD-7 – Ruth McClung’s district. Her opponent, Raul ‘The Boycotter’ Grijalva, is relying on SEIU to get him back in office. Yes, we can see Desperation from our house!

    Tammy, did you also get a chance to speak to Russell Pearce? I just love him! He told me at the tea party event at the Hereford/Mexico border in August that in no way is Brewer going to back down on the lawsuit or SB1070 – not that I thought she would, but some speculated. I will send you that bit of video if you’d like.

  8. KatieSilverSpring says:

    Where’s the Tammy Bruce part of the video? RuBegonia, what did you do with it?

  9. MaccabeeMaven says:

    For those who were not there in person yesterday, I hope you’re able somehow to catch a video of Tammy’s speech. It was wonderful, as usual. My only complaint: it was too short. 😉 (And that’s saying a lot. Typically during speeches, I think, “Enough already,” because they go on far too long. Not the case yesterday!)

  10. Kimj7157 says:

    In the midst of all the chaos, Sarah asks the reporter about HIS special needs son… . The “real deal” in so many ways and our Country’s best hope.

    • girlsgotrhythm says:

      Great observation, Kim! I noticed that, too. She’s definitely REAL! How refreshing it is to actually have a ‘regular chick’ rise to prominence in politics. As I’ve said before, we haven’t seen this kind of person with the proper values, the dedication, love for America, true and consistent conservatism, and strength, from anyone since Ronald Reagan. I am anxiously and optimistically looking toward 2012, and a win, and a new United States President, named, Sarah Palin!

  11. Crueladev says:

    Remember to leave a tea bag upon exiting your voting booth on Nov. 2nd!

    Nice Job Tammy…Liked the Outfit!
    Great Speech…but Trig sort of outshined you this time…just sayin’! 🙂

    He out did his Mom too..so you are in good company! 😉

  12. Tinker says:

    Sometimes I just can’t believe what I’m seeing. Palin, with Trig, giving a shout out to Tammy. I just love us!

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