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This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Maynard says:

    This is a trivial point in the context of endless trillion-dollar deficits. But I must note it. In this podcast, Tammy plays the audio of Obama reading from the Declaration of Independence. At 21 minutes into the podcast, we hear Obama clearly say, “…they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights…” Now since Obama is supposedly a scholar of such matters, he above all people should know that the word is “unalienable”, not “inalienable”. Yes, they mean the same thing, and, yes, the word “inalienable” appeared in earlier drafts. But Obama, with his academic credentials, is supposed to know all these details and nuances, and not screw it up. But I guess it’s not surprising that our president, being a moron in big ways, is also a moron in small ways. And now that I think about it, it’s even worse than that. This probably means that not only is Obama is a moron, but so is his teleprompter.

    For further study, here’s a page with a bit of historical background about the unalienable/inalienable thing.

  2. Chuck says:

    Tammy is a closet Democrat!!! That was really funny, Tammy. I hope you change your registration tomorrow.

    In the meantime, speaking of Barney Frank, here’s The Barney Shuffle. Enjoy!

  3. KatieSilverSpring says:

    I opened this morning just as the ticker hit 9 days – what a smiling moment!

  4. jspauld says:

    I don’t have anything particularly cogent to add, Tammy, other than I love today’s illustration…very illustrative! Missed you at Smart Girl, Tammy, but I was pleased to meet RuBegonia and Pat…also RuBegonia’s sister! What a great group!

  5. CurliQ says:

    I am soooo in trouble. I wear rimless glasses (I did even before it was cool!), I often sport the updo, and I live in Palin country so they are sure to be extra tough on us. I better be prepared to bring my German Shepherd as my guidedog because if they make me remove my glasses I really will need a Braille ballot. If I have to take my hair down, I probably will end up a big sweaty mess. But fear not! Even with long stringy hair and sweat pouring off me, I will feel my way and crawl if I must to post my vote! Okay, off to learn how to feel Miller in Braille.

    Go Tammy go!! Love ya!

  6. larrygeary says:

    I think Connecticut should deny voting to anyone who didn’t serve in Viet Nam, as that could be considered electioneering for Blumenthal.

    Tammy would make a great press secretary in a Palin administration, but I’m not sure how the White House press corpse would deal with three hour press briefings.

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