
**Program note: Due to our upgrade of the subscriber service which has made becoming a TAM unavailable for a couple of days, we decided to make the podcasts normally open only to TAM members available to everyone. So here is the first one, today’s 2-hour live show. You will also have access to today’s “3rd Hour” which will post later. I hope you enjoy them 🙂 The upgrade should finish tonight so I hope all of you who have been waiting patiently to join up will then come on in. I’ll post here on the blog when we’ve launched.**

Purrfect. Thanks Michael Ramirez 🙂

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce, AH. AH said: RT @HeyTammyBruce: Public Podcast: Tammy Radio 11-8-10/Hrs 1 & 2 #tbrs […]

  2. DouggieJ says:

    Have you seen this quote Tammy?

    “I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. … He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. … So, what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. … He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”

    — Valerie Jarret

  3. kaps1 says:

    ramirez – in a word, brilliant.

    jarret – in a word, delusional.

  4. eMVeeH says:


    I hope that Orange Guy John Boehner and Plastic Toupee Trent Lott see this cartoon. This political cartoon will no doubt find its rightful place in political history.

    How incredibly appropriate.

  5. ShArKy666 says:

    tammy. just a few words about some stuff if i may 🙂
    1) hillary clinton is an elitist liar…she got her senate seat after NEVER living in new york state, and had the nerve to run just because she thought she was entitled that she was the wife of a former president.
    2) remember when she said she had no intention of running for president after she won re election and was challenged by judge jeanine ferris pirro to promise the voters she would finish her term? well she went out on a 2 year campaign for the presidency, only serving in reality HALF of her seceond term…
    so i won’t be surprised at all if she turns around and runs against obama in 2012…i just don’t believe a word from her mouth
    3) if 70% of the american people wanted the healthcare bill to be stopped, then it makes no sense AT ALL that 48% of people in these stupid lousy exit polls in some conbination want parts or all to be left alone…that’s BULLSH…as you would say..i dont’ believe these exit polls one bit!!
    AND on a serperate note…dont’ you think palin/west would be the perfect ticket to hold the white house for 16 years? wouldn’t the restoration of our country be incredible if those two people got in there?

  6. MainelyRight says:

    “You pulled our tail and pulled our tail…and suddenly we just bit your damn head off!” No one makes me laugh the way Tammy makes me laugh. I listened to this comment and laughed until the tears ran down my cheeks.

  7. BastiatFan says:

    Hey Sharky–

    everything going okay? Can we help you in any way?

    • ShArKy666 says:

      hey bastiatfan..thanks for your kind thoughts..well i’m moving into a temp place this week, while they start to rebuild my house, so hopefully in a few months my life will be back to normal..there were so many things that were ruined, either by the fire itself, or complete obliteration by the smoke damage…and it’s not just a dust like black soot one can air clean or blow off’s like this sooty, oily, fumy disgusting oily coating, almost like a black sludge covering eveyrthing that still exists..,mainly because of the two cars, one tractor, generator, and various lawn maintenance equiptment i had that actually exploded while i was standing outside the house as the fire dept was en route…what was actually only 7-10 minutes seemed like an eternity….our fire dept is all volunteer which means everyone has to get there and then dispatch out to the scene…it just so happened that when i called 911, personal from 6 different locales were actually sitting around the table there having a meeting, and were about as ready to get out to my house as possible…i’m incredibly lucky not only in that aspect, but also at the stage i noticed the fire on the other side of the laundry room door just before it got into the main part of the house..if i’d been sleeping or had spent more time in the basement playing pool, i can only imagine how much worse things may have beem….anyway, once i build a new computer (i’d just built an incredible machine before all this crap happened) i’ll be back in the chat room during the show…i’m not sure if anyone else can really help me out yet because things are so fresh, but if i can think of anything over time i’ll let you all know…you’ve all been so very kind with all your offers, i’m just filled with gratitude…thanks again everyone!

  8. thierry says:

    why is WHITEWATER never mentioned in the same sentence as hillary rodham clinton?

    “On January 26, 1996, Hillary Clinton was forced to testify before a grand jury concerning her investments in Whitewater. This was the first time in American history that a First Lady had been subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury. ”

    i think she ‘ lost’ all the documents they tried to subpoena… ooopsy! legal documents have this funny way of ending up down the pants of democrats or lost in their night stands at the white house. more profiles in courage.

    the hag is a lawyer, right?

    and she was president of the young republicans at wellesley college. snort!

    “During 1974, she was a member of the impeachment inquiry staff in Washington, D.C., advising the House Committee on the Judiciary during the Watergate scandal. Under the guidance of Chief Counsel John Doar and senior member Bernard Nussbaum, Rodham helped research procedures of impeachment and the historical grounds and standards for impeachment. The committee’s work culminated in the resignation of President Richard Nixon in August 1974.”-

    that must have come in handy…

    • ShArKy666 says:

      as far as i’m concerned, both clintons are crooks that got away with lots of junk…it’s just soch a sad thing that we just haven’t been able to get very many good leaders here. i can prolly name them on ONE HAND..and for a country like ours, it’s a dismal record quite frankly..but now that we’re much more awake, hopefully that will change in 2012…

  9. Tirian17 says:

    Love this cartoon! Yep, pretty much that! Boehner needs constant reminders of who let him be where he is now and where he will be. Not himself. Not the other Repubs in the house. We the People are letting him be Speaker. This Ohio kid is not excited about it though. I would be if Michelle Bachmann were Speaker! Boehner needs watched closely and we need to make him recall whose thumb is over his head. Not B.O.’s. Ours.

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