Today has been rather busy to say the least, and while I am a night owl and normally thrive in the later hours, I’ve decided to take the late evening off, and am taking a one-night respite from the Tammy Radio 3rd Hour. Thanks for understanding 🙂

In the meantime, here are some links to the events of the day after the live show this afternoon. And, of course, I’ll see you tomorrow on Friday’s Tammy Radio!

Video: Barbara Walters’ Sarah Palin interview. Walters asks Todd Palin if he wants his wife to be president. He answered, “She’s definitely qualified to be president, and yeah, I’d love for her to be president if she decided to run.” Goo stuff. And when asked for 3 words to describer herself, Palin chose “Determined. Patriotic. Faithful.” Those 3 say a lot, but I’ll add one more: “Presidential.”

After a day if handling cowardly internet attacks by hypocrites is back up. Conservatives4Palin, which was also under attack, is now back up as well.

The Economist on dealing with Wikileaks “The right reaction”

Cat lost during Katrina is back after 5 years
Microchip data brings Scrub home just in time for Christmas

This is what the left does when they think their free ride might be coming to an end. Terrifying moment Charles and Camilla were surrounded by a baying mob and their car attacked in tuition fees riot

And this is what liberal politicians do in America do when their free ride is over. Profanity, Anger Spill Over in House Democratic Caucus Meeting

Final House Race Decided; GOP Net Gain: 63 Seats

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce and Palin Twibe, PalinPromotions. PalinPromotions said: The Very Busy Day Update & Open Thread […]

  2. Maynard says:

    Let me take a stab at the question of who wins the battle/war of the Bush tax cut extension.

    Most comments are focusing on who gave the most crucial concessions to whom, and who was weak and who was strong, or was perceived thusly.

    I’m not convinced any of the foregoing matters at all. Sadly, the majority of voters seem to have a pretty short attention span. The details of this conflict will be forgotten, or at least have receded into the background, by the 2012 election.

    Instead, the top criterion will be: Is the economy on the mend (or perceived to be so)? If yes, that’s good for Obama, and never mind that he doesn’t deserve it. If not, that’s bad for Obama…and of course he’ll try to blame Republicans, and it won’t wash.

    The irony is that, if the Republicans win the tax war, and as a result the economy improves, Obama will get credit. But what are they supposed to do? Poison the economy in hope of a perception that what’s bad for the country is bad for the Democrats? I think a number of Democrats think that way (because they think the country deserves to be taken down a notch), but not many Republicans do (because they’re not big on the “America sucks” ideology).

    In my opinion, it will take more than tax cuts to save the country. Washington must focus heavily on the twin deficits…budget and balance of payments. Either one of those will kill us. Neither get the necessary concern.

    Obama may cave on taxes, but he won’t help on deficits. He’s got too many cronies to pay off. (And the Republicans, too, are afraid to stop the money spigot, and that’s a problem.) So, even if the economy seems to improve, it will be an illusion. But Obama may ride that illusion to a second term. He’ll have the automatic votes of the hard left, and the obsessive racialists, and the cronies that pick taxpayers’ pockets to suckle at Uncle Sugar’s teat. That’s a formidable voting block. If a few moderates lose sight of how they got raped in the aftermath of the 2008 election, that coalition could squeak through to victory.

    Anyway, those factors are going to dominate the next election, and not the argument over who “won” this current battle.

    • thierry says:

      one of my cats came to me as a rescue from the aftermath of katrina. she is black. she once ate a blade of grass while living in new orleans. we’re gonna have at some of those Pigford billions. the lady rimbaud was a black farmer.

      focused on this little faux battle- because democrats have no choice but to obey their master who is trying for the quasi clintonian triangulation but with a great big side serving of bitter contempt, that obama just signed a huge fraud laced reparations bill for billions of dollars is lost in the ether. where the hell is that sort of spending coming from? where is it going?and we’re bickering over unemployment extensions as the root of all evils. the spending has to stop. accountability must be enforced. the only way to do that is to limit government and curb its access to unlimited funds.

      meanwhile i will await my reparations check with farmer kitteh.

      • Maynard says:

        How could anyone object to, when we’re already broke, paying additional billions of dollars to a bunch of politically correct frauds, and leaving the bill for the next generation to settle? If you see a problem here, you must be a racist.

        What is one supposed to say? This stuff is obvious. Why are we stuck pointing out the obvious to people with the power to sell the next generation into debt? Why are we condemned for this?

  3. Maynard says:

    And another thing. Obama’s surgeon general is officially a moron. See report.

    Surgeon general: 1 cigarette is 1 too many

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Think the occasional cigarette won’t hurt? Even a bit of social smoking — or inhaling someone else’s secondhand smoke — could be enough to block your arteries and trigger a heart attack, says the newest surgeon general’s report on the killer the nation just can’t kick.

    …”That one puff on that cigarette could be the one that causes your heart attack,” said Surgeon General Regina Benjamin…

    …That means social smoking, the occasional cigarette at a party, can be enough to trigger a heart attack…

    SHUT UP! What became of the great nation that conquered the frontiers, beat back the Nazis, stood down the Russians? Now we wet our pants because someone takes a puff on a cigarette? These people are insane…and that’s okay, I’ve got nothing against insane. But insane combined with power is an offense against humanity. These holier-than-thou nitpicking ankle-biting killjoys are eating away at the dwindling American stockpiles of testosterone. This is part of the campaign to turn us into a nation of children. We must teach these screwballs that tar and feathers can also constitute a health hazard.

    Along these lines, we have a nice rant from Mr. DrinkingWithBob, Four Loko Rules!!!.

  4. JuanitaDugas says:

    OMG Just saw Tammy’s clone (Liz something) on Fox & Friends discussing Dem’s tax bill w/Pat Caddell and another Dem analyst. Same profile with beautiful smile, but platinum blonde…..and yes, she represented the conservative view. Distracted by other things and didn’t get her full name or affiliation. On a different matter, this unruly barbarian was calmed by all the video links provided in lieu of a 3rd hour last night. Thanks Tammy ! ;JD

  5. thierry says:

    jim morrison did not expose his wee wee at that concert. he wasn’t even arrested that night. it ended with those cops asking for his autograph and his manager paying for the one cop’s hat jim had snatched from the guy’s head and wafted into the audience. it wasn’t until days later when some uptight teenagers waged a’ campaign for decency’ that the att’y general decided they were made fools of and had to act. it’s only then that warrants were issued and morrison was far away from FLA. the story is hagiographic, mythical- it becomes whatever the teller of it wishes it to be.

    jim was an out of control drunk known to be provocative and unreasonable when on the tiles. he purposely provoked the audience saying a mess of crazy whack into the microphone about everyone getting nude and how they were all a bunch of slaves being pushed around- clearly projection about his emotional state and disillusionment with being made into something he found repugnant to sell records. morrison was a Living Theater devotee- any knowledge of which will illuminate what he was sloppily trying to do- get his fans to think about the cultural idolatry they seemed to be enslaved to and he felt manipulated and limited by.

    “You’re all a bunch of f**kin’ idiots.Let people tell you what you’re gonna do. Let people push you around. How long do you think its gonna last? How long are you gonna let it go on? How long are you gonna let them push you around. Maybe you love it. Maybe you like being pushed around. Maybe you love getting your face stuck in the sh*t…..You’re all a bunch of slaves. Bunch of slaves. Letting everybody push you around.
    What are you gonna do about it? What are you gonna do about it…What are you gonna do?”

    he may as well have been speaking to democrat voters. crist is a tool. the counter culture jim morrison was a part of- and by the by rejected( he wanted the charges expunged from his record because they simply weren’t true except for the public intoxication part. he understood he was being used by both sides. )- celebrated his many run ins with authority, making him even more famous and lauded. and look what that same generation and their ethos inherited by many of their offspring has done- now that they’re in authority- they’ve become fascists.

  6. Artgal says:

    I, too, have wondered how the tax deal is going to play out and to whom’s benefit. That being said, I have to put into perspective one of the arguments against the Bush tax cuts by W’s political nemesis, John McCain. Though I disageed with McCain’s opposition in 2001 to the tax cuts, he was correct in his assessment: there were no calls for a reduction in government spending. Even just a basic economics lesson tells us when tax cuts occur, there HAS to be spending cuts by the fed in order to make the tax cuts successful. Where are we going to see government spending actually reduced??? In fact, we already have a new series of taxes and fees emerging outside of what would have occurred if the Bush cuts had not been extended, and I am sure that will be the case at the state and local level in many areas.

    We are a long way from from having a sound economy. We have a president who has blocked our access to energy production, a healthcare and insurance industry starting to respond to the dictates of Obamacare, a newly signed Food Security bill, the Dream Act hanging over our heads, nationalizing of education standards (for k-12 & career colleges) and federal expansion of school days/years & operational regulations on the horizon, the feds implementing new car requirements, the endless printing of money & doomsday forecasts of massive inflation…need I go on and ruin everyone’s Christmas cheer?

    My point is, enough is taking place that the tax cuts – though needed – are not going to make a heck of a lot of difference, I’m afraid. No one is going to be giddy about all the sudden hiring. We don’t have the economic structure in place right now to give anyone running a business any certainty of long-term production. Yes, if there’s a temporary bounce in the economy by 2012, Obama will take credit for it; if we’re crawling on the streets in poverty, he will blame the GOP. Ultimately, haven’t both sides facilitated this mess?

    How this will play out is anyone’s guess really, and I’m forever the optimist measured by the realist in me. We have a very bumpy road ahead of us to say the least. It’s not going to be life as we’ve known it for some time. I don’t care about my own comfort in this world because I’ve enjoyed it when I had it – it’s a great memory! But my concern is for my godson and niece on the brink of adulthood. I want them to have the same (and even more) opportunities than I did. I don’t want their lives and dreams squashed by a bunch of putrid hosebeasts on Crapitol Hill who have too much time on their hands putting theory into practice – a theory that has failed other nations and destroyed actual human beings.

  7. hsgripper says:

    Moving aside the trouble makers in DC will be an endurance event. The last election was a good step in the right direction and there are more to be taken. It may be uncomfortable like hiking up a mountain in a sleet storm, but it is doable.

  8. ancientwrrior says:

    Tammy, regarding the image of the Kitteh above, is it a white cat or is it a light orange/butterscotch color. It’s a beautiful cat (I love them), I think they are such graceful creatures.

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