(Right on target from Nate Beeler’s ‘Toons at the Examiner)

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce, HERB JR, HERB JR, Linda Zumpano, PalinPromotions and others. PalinPromotions said: Via @HeyTammyBruce Today’s Tammy Radio Podcast Has Posted http://bit.ly/dVez3Y […]

  2. morecowbell says:

    And then there is this: a ‘little person’ with a lute


    and my favorite version


  3. franknitti says:

    Boehner is fast becoming a national joke but that might not be a bad thing. Perhaps it will encourage challenges to his so-called leadership in the House.

  4. bluegrassriver says:

    Big surprise, men cry. It’s just embarrassing to see them cry over stupid crap.

    Really, Boehner’s acting like becoming Speaker is the same as winning the Academy Award for playing Blanche DuBois. I wish he’d look on it more as if he’s General Patton & by the way General, your new job is to kick the Nazi’s out of all those countries they’re occupying. This is no time for precious tears, bozo.


  5. ancientwrrior says:

    What a sorry excuse for the GOP speaker of the house this guy is. How do we always seem to end up with such dirt bags in positions of power and authority? I guess it’s true that crap always floats to the top of the cesspool, and that’s what Washington seems to be, a stinking cesspool! That whole smelly place needs to be flushed into the deepest trench in the ocean.

  6. Mrs. Malcontent says:

    Someone should tell Boehner that there is no crying in Congress.

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