
Gabrielle Giffords

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Gretawire: A very difficult time … a time when we must do our best a reporting

Gateway Pundit: DISGRACEFUL: Krugman Blames GOP For “Attempted Assassination” Today (Before We Found Out He’s a Leftwinger)

Video: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Reading the Constitution of the House Floor

House postpones next week’s schedule

Ex-Sen. Bob Dole released from Army hospital

Book for the Month: Words to Live By: A Guide for the Merely Christian

Sunk in 1811, remains of USS Revenge have been found

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce, Tammy Bruce, NY Jooo, RuBegonia and others. RuBegonia said: WEEKEND UPDATE by @HeyTammyBruce PODcast available 4 all #tbrs #tcot […]

  2. aardvark says:

    In a bizarre quirk of fate, 9-year old Christina Greene (who shares my first name) was born on September 11, 2001 — THE 9-11 date! Praying for all the victims and families.

    Now sitting back to await the first mention of introducing a piece of legislation — named after one of the victims, no doubt — banning related guns, magazines, or ammo. Yup…it was the gun’s fault.

    • Foreverautumn says:

      Well, of course, aardvark, SUV’s go out of control, guns shoot people, etc. No one is ever responsible for anything that happens; these are some of the very people who don’t give people the slightest ounce of agency or free will. I’m starting to understand, now, some of Ayn Rand’s rants about “men of the mind” being vilified at every turn, and everybody else wanting to avoid any real thought of any kind at all costs. Such people don’t want to actually do anything for themselves (that would entail risk of some kind, you see), they certainly don’t want risk anything, they somebody else to “take care of them.”

    • Chuck says:

      … and on queue: Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill. Let’s see if the Repubs have a spine.

      These libs are so predictable.

      • Dianna_in_Columbus says:

        I also noticed in that article that Rep. Robert Brady from Philadelphia wants to criminalize using language or symbols that could be seen as threatening against a federal official. that seems a little broad and could be used to silence opposition. I guess dissent is no longer patriotic?

  3. The Prince of Heft says:

    It is clear the Pima Sheriff acted stupidly, but lets wait until all the facts are in before jumping to conclusions… What a partisan hack! What an A-hole to try and score political points with his base within hours of such a tragedy/man caused disaster. Great detective work! I love it when Arpaio called him a bureaucrat that wears a suit. He won’t even don the ol department uniform. Do your job! Don’t use this opportunity to gloat, and say I told you so… I would not be surprised to hear if the shooter was let off easy on any of his earlier offenses.
    Trying to tie Palin to this mass murder is a much bigger stretch then holding AC/DC or Ozzy responsible for teen suicide. Every time the left tries to unfairly blame Palin for something, the more rational people will come to her aid and support her cause. The more people will stop listening to those idiots. I feel the left is now stuck in the ol “mean spirited” ditch that conservatives where in during the Clinton age. It does no good to stew over “how bad” you think someone is. You have to present logical arguments.

  4. PatC says:

    Shepard Smith’ coverage was a disgrace. He should be fired, but won’t be.

  5. Ginger says:

    Shephard Smith should have nipped that Lopez woman in the bud when she first started her anti-tea party ranting early in the day. None of this will do the left any good. Let them hang themselves on this one.

  6. varmint says:

    Fox had announced that Representative Gabrielle Giffords had passed away. My own immediate choice at that point was to begin praying, very literally for a miracle. After some time I felt it best to shift into a prayer mode of “thy will not mine”, accepting God’s will. After only 30 seconds of that it was announced that she was still alive and being operated on. Now I will emphasize gratitude more. This whole prayer thing is new to me. It seems a lot like when I first learned to drive a manual transmission, only with the eyes closed, and some auto steering going on.

    • mariamcbean says:

      A friend of mine says: “An important part of being a spiritual person is living a life of gratitude”. Emphasizing gratitude is like walking in grace…a good move!

      • PatC says:

        Hello, Maria,

        I made a sign (and of course weathered it and antiqued it) and hung it in my kitchen, that reads, “Gratitude is the road to wisdom and joy.”

        It help remind me every day.

        Pat C.

  7. 1ntbtn says:

    I just heard Christina’s mother on FOX, the love for this beautiful child is warming. She was born on September 11, 2001, her name Christina. It truly gives one something to think about. I know for me, I will surely say an extra prayer this morning in church for all the victims and their families.

  8. mariamcbean says:

    Liberal Logic 101: if a muslim kills Americans, it is an “isolated incident”. If anyone else kills Americans, the blame is placed on: Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, the Tea Party, and the Second Amendment.

  9. animalfarm says:

    Knowing the leftist mainstream media will scoff it up, the sheriff issued acrimonious partisan smears of blame in order to deflect attention away from the police department’s incompetent response to the event

    • Artgal says:

      Animalfarm – you are exactly right! I have been saying the very same thing since Sheriff Dumbutt made his comments last night.

      I would like to know how Loughner’s mother’s position on the local Board of Supervisors plays into this – not trying to generate attacks on his family at all; I’m genuinely curious because nothing is being said about them at this time. It’s not a blame game on them at all, but I am curious about their relationship with their son & if others noticed something was wrong with Jared, were they aware? I am still not clear about the past record Sheriff Dumbutt mentioned. I would be interested in learning what that is about, too.

      As the media are trying so hard to make this a political motive, what is truly in play is the guy is mentally ill. Severely. I’m not saying that to make excuses for his actions/behavior, but it’s simply true.

  10. franknitti says:

    I predict that on Monday the zombies will be burning up the talk show lines in order to blame the entire shooting on Sarah Palin. They’re already going over their talking points as I type this. The sad thing is that hosts like Sean Hannity, John Gibson, and Mark Levin will put these freaks on the air and let them spew their garbage.

  11. Mrs. Malcontent says:

    I am very serious when I ask this, but what does “heated political rhetoric” actually mean? Is it the kind of speech that enables whack jobs such as Loughner or more likely anything that goes against what the MSM thinks we should say? My fear is that the powers that be will use this tragedy to stifle speech.

    • makeshifty says:

      I have the same concern. I read this article in the AP yesterday, “After rampage, appeals to cool the political tone,” and it made me fume some. It does generally get across the idea that “both sides should cool it,” but the author just can’t help emphasizing that the blame for the heated rhetoric, and therefor the “atmosphere of violence” should be directed at opponents of ObamaCare, and to Sarah Palin. In other words, “Tea Partiers” by association, not by name. Once again the AP is trying to “play doctor,” but instead of looking at it clinically they’re making everything political, avoiding the fact that the shooter was mentally unstable.

      It was announced yesterday that the House has changed this week’s schedule in response to the incident. The main item on that agenda is a bill to repeal ObamaCare. You can be sure this will be used as a means to blunt the momentum to repeal the bill. I also detect an opening to try to regulate talk radio and speech on the internet. As the sheriff says in the article, “This may be free speech, but it has consequences.” I resent the connotation. Unless someone is inciting violence, “Yelling fire in a crowded theater,” law enforcement should lay off the temptation to blame speech for this. I sincerely hope the raw emotions that have been evoked because of this incident will not distract people from the substantive proposition that ObamaCare will negatively affect people’s lives, and needs to be repealed or stopped in any way possible post-haste.

  12. Maynard says:

    Did anyone catch the particular words used by the idiot Tuscon sheriff? “We [Arizona] have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry.” Hey, he said “Mecca”! He cast the holiest site of Islam as a metaphor for hatred and violence. What a racist! He insulted the religion of peace! Someone please make him apologize, and then chop off his head.

    • Dianna_in_Columbus says:

      careful there! you better watch that ‘vitriolic rhetoric’. otherwise, the next time there’s a beheading in Mexico, they’ll link it to this post. And even though beheadings are becoming common place down south of the border, we’re going to just ignore that and pretend it started after you made the comment. 😉

  13. LJZumpano says:

    Carolyn McCarthy should bear in mind that it was a cray man who terrorized NYers and killed her husband. Not political dialog. Also the VA Tech mass murders. Not political dialog.
    Thankfully the prayers sent out from millions of Americans of good will, even when the press insisted Giffords was dead, and the diligence and skill of the doctors at the trauma center who knew exactly what to do has been most encouraging. It is unfortunate that giving an idiot a microphone or a blog only ensures that you will hear idiotic statements. It is also sad that Congress is so easily intimated by one damaged individual that they have gotten themselves all wee-weed up. Giffords may have been the target, but it looks like she will survive. Six others were not so lucky, and it would be nice to hear Congress recognize those lives. It would be nice if the mass murderer actually got to pay the penalty for his deeds, and not get away thru a loophole created by the idiots who find they can’t pass up an microphone to display their biased and uninformed thoughts.
    Once again, it was a bunch of ordinary Americans, who acted against their own self-interest & tackled and stopped a mass murderer. When asked why, they shrug their shoulders. They didn’t stop to think about reasons, they saw what the right thing to do was, and they acted. God bless them. And continued prayers for all those whose lives have been forever changed because of an insane act by a mass murderer.

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