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17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Artgal says:

    Lots of government vehicles out on the road in Tucson. Must be someone important coming to this mecca of hate and bigotry.

    We can heal just fine without this crapweasal coming here.

    • Shifra says:

      Artgal, my condolences to all of Tucson, for the atrocity of last Saturday, and for the atrocity about to be visited upon your city today. Am praying that the football stadium crowd does not jump to its feet and cheer. Am also praying for TOTUS malfunction. Is that just wrong of me ? 🙂

      • makeshifty says:

        Well, your hopes were dashed. There was LOTS of cheering in the stands. It felt like a political rally, though there were some good sentiments expressed. I’m afraid they turned it into another “Wellstone memorial.”

    • ancientwrrior says:

      Artgal, I heard that he had been given the name of Walking Eagle by an Indian tribe (don’t know which one) on a visit to the tribe. The Indians explained after he had left, that Walking Eagle meant “Bird so full of crap it cannot fly”.

  2. Artgal says:

    Thank you, Shifra, and no – it’s not wrong of you at all. We’re thinking alike!!! ; )

    I have to teach tonight so that will be a nice distraction. Thankfully, I do not teach at the University of Arizona who are the culprits in this mass exploitation move – they invited Obama. This is an effing event – not a sincere recognition of the victims, families or this city.

    What indication does anyone have this freak means us well? He hates us! He’s suing us! He has made our law the subject of a human rights violation turned over the UN! They are going after us on education, too! I understand hundreds of FBI agents are coming here as well. This is NOT good!

    I’m not at all trying to sound like an alarmist, but you can bet Odumbass’ presence is meant to be salt in our wound and the start of something very grave in this beautiful state. They are intent on making an example of Arizona and certainly, of the tea party. Mark my word.

    • Teri says:

      Yes Lisa that sonofabitches’ presence is not needed to comfort us and help us heal. I heard about 4 minutes of the moronic bastards speech on the way home from work today and had to flip it off. It sounded like a political rally. They are not letting this ‘crisis’ go to waste.

      Does anyone know if the moron started it out with a shout out to someone ?

      This horrific act of violence by a deranged individual is not a reason to reach across the aisle and let Obama do his thing. What bullshit. The left are cockroaches running around in circles. The media & Matthews & Olbermans hold no relevance or credibility. It’s that cocker-spaniel thing Tammy talks about. We know the truth, to hell with the left.

      Sarah Palins response sounded presidential indeed. Dignified and sincere. We TCons are with you Artgal. God Bless 🙂

    • angelaisms says:

      I’ve been looking at my Twitter feed on and off all day to keep an eye on the goings-on of the Tuscon memorial. My jaw dropped when I saw the t-shirts. And by all accounts, while the President’s words were appropriate to the occasion, the complete lack of decorum from the crowd was not. There are a lot of people who are saying to just ignore the crowd, but I don’t think so.

      Tammy has been tweeting a lot about how what Obama hasn’t said is just as important as what he said today, especially where the timing is concerned. I agree, and I’ll go one further — and this goes for everyone who was at the podium at a time when the crowd was behaving inappropriately — the fact that he apparently said nothing to quell the pep-rally feel of the memorial is inexcusable, and amounts to tacit approval. If you don’t have the balls to tell an unruly crowd that their behavior is disrespectful to the families of the victims, then you have no business speaking at that memorial in the first place.

      I also saw on Twitter that CNN’s John King said, “I think on this night, after five horrific days, this town needed to cheer.” No, John, after five days of hacks trying to make political hay of heartache, Tuscon needed a chance to grieve — not a pep rally.

      It sounds like the President made a good speech, and told the attack dogs to back off. Good. Five days too late, but at least he did it. But that doesn’t mean that I have to kiss his ring for showing a shred of competence.

  3. daydrummer says:

    I tried NOT to watch his speech tonight. I knew what was going to happened. Turned it off due to disgust. Bret Hume said that no matter what he does it is viewed politically. I can’t argue with that,except that I would do what I think President Bush Would of done. (not HUGE bush fan,but did support him,kinda) BUT…I believe he would of made one statement as would be expected. Content ? Shorter the better…BUT NOOOOOOOOO! This Pres is going like 35~ 40 minutes. Narcissism is an illness. I suffered it from some success,and it ate my lunch. Being HUMBLE is one Duty of a Leader,Not to get every drop of ,whatever, he thinks he will get. Our Country is not lost,but with us GLOBBING onto things and People like Barry ,or the latest COOKOO,we are on the path.
    That brings me to folks like Tammy & Laura. Tough people will guide us with no non-sense commentary,and easy to follow wisdom. I get that from Tammy as well as Laura. Have been away for a few months. Back for a couple…will weigh in and listen when Possible.
    I too am a recovering Liberal. Grew up in San Diego,where the guys just follow the Girls and the Progressives knew to go after the girls. can you say indocrtrination from the get-go? I was SOOOOOOOO screwed up(and this should prove it) I voted for….cough,cough…carter in 1980. THANK GOD I WAS WRONG! still,I did not really awaken until 2001,sept. I learned from You,Laura, Rush and more,the errs of my ways. The mirror is a good thing too.
    I leave everyone with this….I am so glad Barry won the election…(I KNOW….WHAAAA?)didn’t vote for him,but,this way true liberalism has been exposed. Problem is the NARRATIVE, and the OPTICS and all that Crap(pardon the language) is the big “HEAD FAKE” and this dude will come out smelling like a rose. This Summer though,the Gas prices should STINK that up! They will try the OLD BUSH DID IT narrative,but wont work. Real people get gas,and real people vote. NUFF SAID.
    Thanks Tammy and Carry on Gorgeous. Dave out

  4. jeweytunes says:

    Was it just me, or did Charles Krauthammer give the impression he would’ve licked Obama’s boots if he’d walked in the room after the speech??

  5. varmint says:

    In the castle made of sand, they pour from a cracked vessel, nothing. Then the “great wine” is praised. Much appreciation is feigned, over empty goblets.

  6. Crueladev says:

    That was appalling! I believe the crowd was bused in!…There is NO WAY anyone with a heart could act that horrible! Gov. Jan Brewer…Prayers. You acted on behalf of your State and those hurting!..You Are an AMERICAN!

  7. Shifra says:

    I am still shellshocked by the circus/pep rally. I’ve never seen anything in such poor taste. Paaaat’s Biblical selection? Still trying to see any connection to the AZ atrocity. I am guessing that she just a grabbed a Bible and randomly picked something to read. Maybe she could have read something about Noah’s Ark? Just sayin’ Was waiting for Urkel (when he told the crowd that Giffords had opened her eyes) to start screaming, “Lawd! HEAL this woman !!!!!!!!!” And then maybe the crowd would have come forward, so Urkel could lay his hands on all the sick and disabled. Yes, Cru, it seems only Gov. Brewer understood that it was a memorial service. Wow, what an awful event!

  8. FreedomsWings says:

    Just came over from Twitter where PlastiGirl (my name for Pelosi) declared how nice it was to be with Gabby Giffords when she opened her eyes. I wonder just how many people can be piled into the room for that event that followed the laying on of hands from the Anointed One? Sheesh, these people have no shame. Appalled doesn’t seem a strong enough word for this pep rally. T-shirts, cheering, applause, no real prayer, no pastor, no priest, no rabbi at a memorial?! This is what you get though when you hold a memorial at a university with a bunch of people that have no connection to the people slaughtered or wounded, just wanting a picture of the President and a chance to be part of a “moment.” At least Obama had enough sense to look uncomfortable with all the cheering and the shout-outs. Too bad he lacked the leadership to school everyone in decorum. To the conservatives falling over themselves to congratulate the Prez on reading a good speech, are you really that gullible and stupid? This was not even close to the best speech he has given and the fact that he could not resist going into campaign speech mode halfway through is proof enough this buffoon has no idea how to be presidential.

    And like others have pointed out, why did it take 30 minutes before the names of the slaughtered were uttered? Or God for that matter. Thanks to Gov. Brewer for doing both. Did anybody else hear the boos when she took the stage? Poor thing had to be near Holder too. Yikes, thinking about this pep rally has me needing to visit the Porcelein Goddess again. *Gag*

  9. dr4ensic says:

    My favorite line from all the speeches was when Janet “Pat” Napolitano, quoted Isaiah 40:3
    “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make ‘STRAIGHT’ in the desert….”….now that would have really been an epic feat. (What speech wizard chose that biblical passage for her to read? That was hilarious)

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