Michael Ramirez. I love him.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce, HERB JR, HERB JR, Jim Horvath, previsionist and others. previsionist said: RT @HeyTammyBruce: Today’s Tammy Radio Podcast Has Posted http://bit.ly/fKaQep #tbrs […]

  2. Alan K. Henderson says:

    Does Frances Fox Piven have this cartoon tacked on the wall in her office?

  3. Maynard says:

    Tammy commented on a proposed Colorado law to automatically have everyone “opt in” as organ donors. She notes the inverted thinking underlying such a plan: The implicit assumption is that the State owns your body. And if you have a selfish objection to the vultures circling over you itching to snatch your organs as soon as the death panel yanks your medical allocation, then you must stand up and put your name on a list of ungrateful antisocial nonconforming troublemakers.

    In the spirit of reinforcing Tammy’s concerns about state overreach, I’m recalling the notorious “organ donor scene” from Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life.

    P.S. I guess it follows that we should all be organ donors, considering that our political leaders are mostly brain donors.

  4. cjp2361 says:

    George Allen was on Hannity tonight. Did anybody catch the story on the bottom crawler during the interview? In light of Tammy’s show today, I thought this was hysterical and fortunately it was being recorded so I am able to share the exact quote. While Mr. Allen’s face was on the screen, the following story was going by on the bottom crawler “Japanese officials capture a monkey that escaped out of a govt-run nature park and bit 120 people …. the maurauding monkey terrorized resort towns in central Japan after escaping while a cleaner was cleaning it’s cage…Park and city officials in Mishima City said they caught the monkey by calling her name – ‘Lucky’ ” Could that have been the ‘Funny Bone’ of Kharma for George Allen, perhaps? 🙂

  5. Teri says:

    Tammy, This sitting side by side at the Obama teleprompter reading tomorrow is just another example of what politicians think of us. That chamber will seem more a vomitoriam. We will see who stands and applauds. We are watching.

    I think George Allen is riding the wave of the Eric Cantor. I do not trust Eric. Period. Allen did some positive things for Virginia years ago but sounds so same old. I am leery. Webb is an Obama ass kisser and a disgrace to Virginia. I heard a Allen commercial today and it left me feeling empty. *sigh* We shall see. I did love your prediction of the dumb bastards SOTU tomorrow. I would agree 100% and just label it as total bullshit.

  6. Artgal says:

    I hope the Supreme Court ditches the SOTU address and all jump in the limo, go out to a bar on the outskirts of town, have beer, pizza, shoot (ooh! scary word!) some pool, then have a round of shots (yikes!) of tequila and get Kagan to start the evening’s karaoke events – or maybe she does drag shows, not sure. They don’t need to listen to the talking penis at the podium after what he did to them last year.

    My only other hope would be for the GOP not to attend the clusterthingy as well; I hope they’re just keeping it a grand secret until tomorrow night (God, I only wish!). They could have naked mannequins in their place sit next to their civil Democrap member of the nuthouse. That would be funny if they did it; I might even gain respect for them. It would also make Obama look like the meaningless crap-bastard he is just standing there talking to a roomful of mannequins – isn’t that what his party is anyway? A bunch of hollow, souless pieces of plastic?

    I’m already sickened by the thought of O using the SOTU to take another shot at Tucson. See, here’s what irritates me: all these stupid Republicans in office & in media who fawned over this f(rea)ks words at the UofA, tripping over themselves to be on record saying what a great and unifying speech it was, how it struck the chord needed at a tragic time, that he looked like he was back in his element – like he did when campaigning! YeeHaw! Glory be! He’s back!

    What these cowards in the GOP did was pile it on because they are more consumed with grabbing one little thing they can like about this guy than with the gravity of a very real situation – not only in Tucson, but in the country. They helped O’s numbers get a little better – and it worked so well, he’s doing it again! As long as he talks about Tucson, there’s nothing to be criticized. Sort of like having Sheriff Paul Babeu walk John McCain to the mic at High Corbitt Field last October: no one’s going to boo McCain when he’s walking out w/ a respected Sheriff (yeah, we do have quite a few in Arizona – just not in Pima Co.).

    Instead, what the GOP will be doing tomorrow night is reinforcing the idea that we need ‘civility’ by *bravely* parking their backsides next to their friends across the arm rest. The national media will praise this move and move in for close up shots of Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) braiding Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) hair. Maybe the NY reps, Weiner and King, will swap chairs half way through the SOTU to have equal time as Weiner King then King Weiner. The best that can be accomplished through this matching up is that Weiner & King announce they are leaving politics to open the restaurant Tammy suggested, and that they are getting married.

    So here we go – less than 24 hours until the great exploitation of mass murder begins – again. I truly hope this does not happen, but since no one in the GOP or media has the guts to tell Obama ‘Screw you!’, it is going to.

    PS: It appears Sheriff Dupnik is not on the guest list for tomorrow night; that’s surprising. Well, I guess I’d better wait and see before having even a glimmer of hope we will be spared the sight of that freak’s face.

  7. mrcannon says:

    The GOP is not on our side. Instead of uttering a single word of rebuke towards the left, the Republicans are handing the Democrats the political cover they need to withstand any potential backlash with tomorrow’s staggeringly phony date night.

    I can’t wait for John McCain’s next book, “How To Get Ahead In Politics By Being Submissive”. I mean, for blankety-blank’s sake, have we reached a nadir or are they going to set the bar so low we’d have to dig for it?

    Excuse me while I lunge for the pink liquid . . .

  8. MaryVal says:

    Guys, I’ve worked in the medical field for almost 30 years. ALWAYS check NO to the organ donor box form, no matter where it is. Please keep in mind, organs have to be removed from LIVING donors. Upon removal of the organ, the donor dies. Organs removed after death are useless for transplant, they will be deteriorated from the absence of oxygenation. Appoint someone to be your legal power of attorney in the event you are medically unable to make your own decisions, and express your wishes in regard to organ donation to your POA. You need an advocate, somebody on YOUR side, to speak for you at need. If you check yes, then a hospital “ethics” board is going to make a decision as to whether you have treatment to live, or treatment to preserve your organs until they can get you to the OR and remove the organs. There is more than one lawsuit in the works filed by families of badly injured organ donors who say that the ethics board, in their eagerness to have the organs, made no attempt to save their family member. And I believe the family members, not the “ethics” boards. Organ donation is a good thing, but don’t give the power to make that decision to someone or some group who doesn’t have your best interest at heart.

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