Caligula’s tomb found after police arrest man trying to smuggle statue

The lost tomb of Caligula has been found, according to Italian police, after the arrest of a man trying to smuggle abroad a statue of the notorious Roman emperor recovered from the site.

After reportedly sleeping with his sisters, killing for pleasure and seeking to appoint his horse a consul during his rule from AD37 to 41, Caligula was described by contemporaries as insane.

With many of Caligula’s monuments destroyed after he was killed by his Praetorian guard at 28, archaeologists are eager to excavate for his remains…The statue is estimated to be worth €1m. Its rare Greek marble, throne and god’s robes convinced the police it came from the emperor’s tomb. Under questioning, the tomb raider led them to the site, where excavations will start today.

Introducing George – the lesser known tunnel of The Great Escape

The three tunnels known as Tom, Dick and Harry were synonymous with The Great Escape, but British engineers are to excavate their lesser known cousin, George, which was dug by the remaining inmates left behind.

The entrance to George has been discovered in the old theatre of the Nazi prison camp, Stalag Luft III in Zagan, which was in German-occupied Poland.

George was built by men bitter that they did not escape through Harry on the night of March 24, 1944. Only later did they learn that the Gestapo murdered 50 of the 76 escapees, made famous by the film starring Steve McQueen, Sir Richard Attenborough and Charles Bronson.

George was never used because, when the Red Army moved nearer, German guards put the prisoners on a forced march back into Germany. About 200 men died during the march.

Chemical Analysis Confirms Discovery of Oldest Wine-Making Equipment Ever Found

Analysis by a UCLA-led team of scientists has confirmed the discovery of the oldest complete wine production facility ever found, including grape seeds, withered grape vines, remains of pressed grapes, a rudimentary wine press, a clay vat apparently used for fermentation, wine-soaked potsherds, and even a cup and drinking bowl.

The facility, which dates back to roughly 4100 B.C. — 1,000 years before the earliest comparable find — was unearthed by a team of archaeologists from Armenia, the United States and Ireland in the same mysterious Armenian cave complex where an ancient leather shoe was found, a discovery that was announced last summer.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce, PalinPromotions. PalinPromotions said: Via @HeyTammyBruce Your History Fix […]

  2. thierry says:

    24 january 41 AD- Praetorian Guard assassinate Caligula( “Little Sandals” .his real name was Gaius Caesar).

    due to lurid sensationalism much of what Caligula is said to have done lacks trusted verification. what is known was that he was becoming politically a despot and that’s why he was done away with. he did command statues of himself to be placed in all places of worship including Jewish synagogues which outraged everyone- that’s probably the main reason his statues were destroyed.

    perhaps a party with lobster and honey from the garden is in order- to celebrate the removal of a tyrant from office. affordable. sustainable. healthy.

    and on 24 jan 1984 the first apple macintosh went on sale. what a special day( and i still have one that works.)

    • Maynard says:

      Hey, Tammy, if you read this, you might want to follow thierry’s link to, in particular, this image of (quoting from the text of the page) “Ann Sheridan toting a big, honking machine gun. And boy, does she tote it!”

      That bit about how Caligula voided his campaign pledge to post new laws on the Internet does seem to anticipate a certain American president of uncertain pedigree.

      I agree that Obama’s public option should employ Senators as well as wives, husbands, or significant others. This may have been in our esteemed Sen. Boxer’s mind when she objected to being called “Madame”.

      My idiotic notion to see the theatrical release of Caligula was inspired by my awe of the amazing I, Claudius BBC mini-series. In my enthusiastic rush, I foolishly neglected to question why Caligula was playing at the Pussycat Theater. (Caligula is also noteworthy for its being, to my knowledge, the only film that compelled Roger Ebert to, in flailing for the right term to describe it, employ the s-word. See his review.)

  3. glwinch says:

    The movie, Caligula, was intended to be an American porn film from day one, IMHO. The Europeans seem to have better credibility with sensual content than Hollywood;they at least know that a ‘little dab will do ya’ for the application of sensuality, and that any film still has to have a well-written script with competent choreography to be credible.

    I find it ironic that it took a (debauched) thief to discover the artifacts/remains of a man known for his debauchery. Thanks for the history section, Tammy!

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