They tape the show which conflicts directly with Tammy radio time, so today’s live show will be a “Best of.” We’re actually replaying yesterday’s show since many of you missed it due to the holiday.

To make up for the replay, there will be a fresh “Special Report” podcast for TAMs this evening.

Thanks everyone, and I’ll see you on the TV and on the Interwebtubes 🙂


Thanks to TAM RuBegonia, you can catch the segment here.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
32 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ShArKy666 says:

    knock em dead tammy!!

  2. DouggieJ says:

    Just saw it, O’Reilly gave like twice as much time to that leftist bitch!

  3. fast1 says:

    Tammy gives another KO with citing facts and reality checks, great to see Tammy who is prepared with well thought out positions based in fact, Tammy said the november Wisconsin election is the peoples will and if one thinks continuing to run up the debt is ok ask the teachers and school workers in detroit who are losing their jobs as 50% of the schools there will be shut down, the socialist on the O’Reilly panel pointed out the Gov’t should negotiate what a weak moron she is having no idea of consequence of continuing to run up debt,
    Go Tammy !!!!

  4. lawmom90 says:

    Tammy outclassed both of the people with whom she was matched. Tammy always does her homework. You’re the best commentator out there Tammy. Get a publicist for cryin out loud 🙂

  5. KatieSilverSpring says:

    Was Tammy in the first 20 mins which I missed?

  6. BastiatFan says:

    I believe so, Katie. My brother said she “kicked ass, as usual.” He has a bit of a crush
    on Miss Tammy.

  7. jeaneeinabottle says:

    Tammy you looked beeeeuuuteeful!!! Smart too 🙂 So smart the look on Bills face was priceless. He knows you know your stuff, facts are facts. That’s our girl!!!!!! YooooooHooooo! Oh, loved your jacket too.

  8. GiMiller says:

    Did a Great Job Tammy!!! 🙂

  9. USApride says:

    Tammy they really have to bring someone on that challenges you lol. Was the lady next to you asleep , seemed like it. 🙂 I must say , you utilized your time well, made some great points.

  10. ashleymatt says:

    I think O’Reilly got caught up in hearing himself talk and mixed up the timing each of you got. You made good use of the time given to you, and, most importantly, I liked your jacket.

  11. cnmnd7 says:

    WOW!!! Tammy you looked HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. tamcat says:

    Civil debate on O”Reilly Tuesday. Leslie is one of the most personable liberals on FOX, she is decent. Tammy, the jacket you were wearing was fabulous! I know you are a down to earth, but you looked polished. Always enjoy seeing you on the TV. As far as your analysis, clear and precise.

    • Ripper says:

      Yes Leslie Marshall and Kirsten Powers both are thoughtful and decent liberals.

    • BastiatFan says:

      Is it catty of me to point out that Tammy’s opponent looked sort of “puffy,” a la Hillary Clinton? Meow.

      • JuanitaDugas says:

        Call me catty too, but that girl needed to run a brush thru her hair! Leslie does seem like a nice woman….just wrong. ;JD Tammy always looks “put together”, informed and concise, and didn’t you love that jacket?

        • thierry says:

          (warning: this sound freaked my cats out….)

          • mariamcbean says:

            Thierry, my cat’s head shot straight up off the computer modem pillow he was napping on. He is still looking around for an angry cat! Do you think that any cats were made angry in the recording of this?

          • thierry says:

            mine all dived onto the desk and stuffed their heads in the computer speakers… full of concern.

            the guy who posted it has a bunch of cat sounds and pics on his site and seems to genuinely adore cats- looks like he has almost as many as i do. i too collect sounds- there’s a whole underground of sound collectors who post random sounds they have recorded on the internet for musicians to use. i know i have two cats who always make the angry sounds at each other( it sounds exactly like they’re both in a bag being poked with sticks even though no such thing is happening) so if you have enough cats you’re bound to hear that sound a lot- not actually having to provoke it. when my girls start ‘swearing at each other’ the rest come around and watch it all. they’re so weird like that.

          • mariamcbean says:

            Then of course you know about “Jingle Cats”. I play it every Christmas time and my cats slink around the house trying to find the offending chorale.

  13. dwbinder says:

    Tammy you were one hot looking lady on the leprechaunn’s show.

  14. theroys88 says:

    O’Reilly did give Leslie far too much time. However, your comments were so concise and accurate I guess Leslie needed the extra air time to spout her nonsense. The buzz word for the lefties is that the WI bill isn’t about balancing their budget. It is about busting the union. Well, hell yeah!

  15. Crueladev says:

    I hope you are being paid by appearance and not by the word count.
    I understand exposure is everything…just not sure BOR is worth the avenue!
    Great job! You showed great patience!

  16. 1ntbtn says:

    Tammy, I don’t know why they don’t give you a spot on fox, you make every word that comes out of your mouth meaningful, and your intellect has got it over all of them. I think we should all send fox a message that we want to hear more of what Tammy Bruce has to say.

  17. jeaneeinabottle says:

    Keep supporting Gov Walker!!!! He needs to know the left is fake, the tweets are fake, the stories of support for Urkel are fake, facebook postings are fake, everything is fake and we see it. Gov Daniels can’t figure that one out, or won’t. Oh they’ve paid a bunch of ignorant ppl to go out there and do their dirty work but what’s on tv and online is pretty much made up to look like all these ppl support this mess. We are living what they are denying, dumbasses, now they’re even telling us they are frauds, they are begging us to stop this thing. Oh, the whole Planned Parenthood thing is over too, they invented a pill to do their job, so shut up and go away. I am still jonesin for my twitter, acckk!

  18. Ripper says:


    I always enjoy your segments on O’Reilly.

  19. metalheaddoc says:

    We need to get Tammy to appear with Nick Gillespie from Reason to fight for the Fox Pundit Ultimate Leather Jacket Championship.

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