(Great stuff over at Anti-Anti-Underground)

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Soldierboy says:

    I never thought I’d end up feeling like the political-right’s enemy. I’m afraid I’m one of those much reviled public sector union employees. I make less than $18 an hour, & that’s before taxes are taken out, cleaning & repairing blades that go on jet engines flown by our Air Force. Even though I have a bachelor’s degree, given the economic times foisted on us by The-Slanderer-n-Thief (as I like to call the prez), I feel very very lucky to have this job. I’m told I wouldn’t have gotten it had I not served honorably in the Army (to include a year-long tour in Iraq). I have a wife & 2 little girls under 6 years old. I voted a straight Republican ticket last November (although I, myself, have never declared a political party). And I’ve been a “TAM” since last summer.

    Am I really an enemy?…Because if I am, I sure don’t wanna be.

  2. makeshifty says:

    This cartoon outlines the political strategy that Obama and his allies have been wanting to implement all along, according to Stanley Kurtz. It is not a reactionary response to what the Republicans suddenly “foisted.” The Democrats have been planning this! They’ve been wanting to set up class warfare, to create the “struggle” that they see as necessary for social transformation. I don’t mean to say that the Republican governors have been set up and are playing right into the hands of the Democratic strategy (though maybe they have), but the Democrats are exploiting the situation that the Republicans are now creating, to be sure, and I think the Republican strategy is legitimate, if one really looks at the situation honestly. The question is will the American public look at it as honestly? What I’m saying is conservatives should not see this as a battle that will necessarily defeat the Democrats in the future. The Democrats have been dreaming of this conflict, because they think it is their path to victory over the America we have known. The key to defeating the Democrats is to help the public understand what’s really at stake, not what they are being told in the LSM.

  3. Soldierboy says:

    Huh? I said Obama did the foisting. He’s a Democrat.

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