Due to my being on Fox Business Channel’s Scorboard” tonight, the taping of which conflicts with the Tammy Radio 2nd hour, the podcast today is the one hour that was live.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. trevy says:

    The first President who hates this country and wants to destroy it.

    2012 can’t get here quickly enough.

  2. radargeek says:

    I see the moon-rock-god worshippers killed an innocent family in Israel. Oh yeah, real peaceful religion. The moon-rock-god moslims cry when US forces kill civilians; and they, in turn, kill innocent civilians? WTF? Israel is one of the US’s best friends. Israel is the canary in the mineshaft in the middle-east. What peace process? What a sham to give money and relief to rulers and dictators in the arab countries. They are incompatible with our way of life or Israel’s. They follow an evil religion and sow the seeds of evil people and then they expect roses? No, look at their crapistan countries of no progress or opportunities. The rock-god is evil!! What happens in Irael will eventually happen here. When is the dumb-ass-in-chief going to get his head out of his ask? Oh yeah, he comes from a long past of moon-rock-god worshippers. EVIL BASTARDS!

  3. Brontefan says:

    I agree… I also believes he hates this country and wants to destroy it!

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