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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. dennisl59 says:

    Why I like the 3rd Hour:

    1) Because The Live Show, for me, is during 1pm-3pm(Texas) while I’m at work, so it’s difficult to pay complete attention to what topics Tammy is commenting and riffing on, because of my usual distractions of emails, phone calls, you know, WORK(Maynard K.Krebs voice…)
    2) Because her “Private” TAM only presentation is ‘a little’ less intense(dialed down so to speak) than when she has to ‘perform’ for the live, general audience, first time listeners, but still content rich so I can pick topics to comment on here(it’s 1130p, here while I type this…), pause, think, make a note, and continue. You get the idea.
    3) It’s like having your own personal political consultant, pundit and sage.

    High Points:
    1) Quackdaffy endorsing the Dumb Bastard for President. “Stop the Bombing my Brother!”
    2) Donald Trump is liked because he is a ‘Honest Bullsh*tter”, not like Mittens or Huckasmuck, the terrible bass player.
    3) Diane Sawyer’s tone and the way she articulates her words when asking questions. It sounds so East Coast College Liberal Smug, doesn’t it? Just dripping with attitude.
    4) Drunk, Trespassing and Vomiting: Sounds like a Tarantino movie soundtrack cut.
    5) Regular for me is $3.5999999(The extra ‘9’s are for Tammy) LOL!
    6) Wal-mart: Mine is 1.4 miles south of me. I shop there all the time(but not for “fresh” food, ok?) I can tell you from personal experience walking down the aisles, you can see the prices are the same but the sizes are smaller. THAT’s Inflation. Just like their CEO said. Stock Up on TP and canned food people! 🙂

    Happy Landings Tammy, take care!

  2. JuanitaDugas says:

    You made me curious about the Eve/Michele B. parallel Tammy; just finished watching the “All About Eve” rental from Blockbuster and love it so much, I bought the darn thing. You may be right about M.B.’s stalking horse status, which disappoints me about her if true and like parellel lines, I hope they never intersect…we shall see. Back to the movie, WOW! That didn’t disappoint. Congrats on the fabulous new blog…love it!

  3. naga5 says:

    had to chime in after listening to the podcast about urkel suggesting that 8 mpg cars just needed to be traded in. i was checking hotair earlier this morning and a commenter said the real ‘let them eat cake moment’ was before that. malkin’s site and hotair now has the longer video urkel’s dismissive comments.
    long story short, large families can just suck it in urkel’s brave new world of his desired crazy expensive gas. mandated car seat regulations be damned, trade in your van for what? a hybrid what? and that helps a large family how? and who the heck has an 8 mpg car/van? the same family looking for a tune up and tire pressure gauges?
    this clown is killing me….

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