(Daryl Cagle)

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Teri says:

    Wonderful as usual Tammy. And fear not, coffee is not a vice. That liquid beverage is good for you ! * Just don’t load it up with tons of cream & sugar like I do * 😉

    • mrcannon says:

      Yeah, don’t be so hard on yourself, Tammy. We here in the Great Northwest are so far gone we use coffee bongs. Sometimes I even roll coffee grounds inside a paper filter basket and smoke it, but only on rainy days.

      Try this mixture sometime (a liquid beverage that CAN’T be good for you): coffee, milk, brandy, eggnog, mocha Kahlua, and ice.

  2. Shifra says:

    Not sure my stomach can withstand hearing Urkel’s Mid East non-policy speech tomorrow…. Divide Jerusalem???? *n-e-v-e-r* It was already divided, from ’48 to ’67, until the Six-Day War of ’67.

    I was in Israel in 1965, when half of Jerusalem was in the hands of Jordan. The Arabs used the Kotel (Western Wall) as a garbage dump, just to give you an idea of how classy these people can be. I remember standing at the edge of the Jewish part of the city, and as I asked someone a question (don’t remember what I had been asking) I lifted my arm and pointed at something, and someone grabbed me and shouted, “Are you crazy? Put your arm down!” It was then explained to me that there were Jordanian sharpshooters on the other side who would not hesitate to shoot if they “thought” they saw a rifle pointed at them.

    As far as “going back to the ’67 borders” is concerned, Abba Eban, Israel’s foreign minister a while back, said it best: “The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” If they had agreed to the U.N. Partition Plan in 1947, there *would* be a “Palestinian” state, and Israel would be an even smaller sliver of land. Today, Israel is smaller than New Jersey. You can drive from east to west in less than an hour. When Ariel Sharon took Geroge W. Bush for an aerial view of the country, W. was surprised at how small the east-west border was, and he said to Sharon, “In Texas, we have driveways bigger than that!”

    • BastiatFan says:

      NO divided Jerusalem. It only became a “holy city” to muslims when the Jews got it. It’s not even mentioned in their so-called holy book, if I’m not mistaken. And that comment by W is hilarious, miss Shifra.

  3. dennisl59 says:

    “The Great Petsmart Kerfuffle”(*) will be spoken, chatted and blogged by TAMs around the campfires, bakeries, oxygen bars and IHOPs for years to come. And written into the “Tammy Book of Lore”.

    *A minor disturbance or disagreement. Smaller than a contretemps, larger than a snag, involving more people or things than a SNAFU or a stink.

  4. ShArKy666 says:

    tammy i gotta disagree with u about the kennedy women…as i’m sure ur aware from psychology, THEY are also seriously flawed to choose & stay with men who treat them like crap. my guess is they saw how their father treated their mother and in response to that had mainly two paths to travel down.
    1) recreate that same scenario in their lives because that is what’s more comfortable and fimiliar, even tho it was bad for them…OR
    2) the other more constuctive one wudda been for them to REPELL away from that dynamic and out of self respect NEVER allow that to ever happen to them….
    ….they for whatever reason, chose the more destructive route…just like hillary clinton and all women who accept the abuse they receive from the aggressor…it’s usually low self esteem

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