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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ChrisL says:

    Hey, watch the video of the Pres limo getting “stuck” in Ireland. Look very closely. As the front wheels crested the hump it’s passing over, the front end of the car collapsed. There’s a serious mechanical problem with that car. Look where the front tire is relative to the front fender as the car approaches the hump. Then it drops several inches so the tire is up inside the front fender. There was an obvious mechanical failure that caused that car to drop. I’m guessing something in the load leveling system gave out. Sudden air bag deflation… something along those lines.

    • Maynard says:

      This isn’t a real world problem. If there were ever an actual threat to the president, his special car can easily evade hazards and avoid pursuit…as long as there’s an escape route handy that doesn’t involve a driveway or going over a speed bump or the like. Of course, if the road ahead is blocked or isn’t perfectly flat, I guess they all jump out and run, and it’s every man for himself.

      • ChrisL says:

        I may have missed it. But I haven’t seen any reports of a mechanical problem with the car. The videos make it evident, that is what happened. The blessed car broke! What should we expect from a $300,000. custom built security vehicle?

        • Maynard says:

          I suppose this is a nice metaphor for our dilemma. With the UAW secure at Government Motors, that special invincible unstoppable car they built for him may not be able to handle driveways, but Obama will somehow get to the Irish bar on time for his photo op. And that’s an inspirational tale. I think we all could use a stop at a bar; maybe an American one.

  2. sohali99 says:

    Maybe Meechelle was in the car- Can’t take the heavy loads.

  3. aggedor says:

    After two months here I have to say this was the first time I felt unpleasantly disturbed at the end of a show. Despite the possibility of ending up on Tammy’s fecal roster I felt compelled to write the following…

    Like most others here I’m hoping Governor Palin will be the next President of the United States. I’ve been in her camp since a few months BEFORE she was picked to be on the Republican ticket.

    The Tea Party Movement has given not a few of us hope that the people might have a chance of regaining control of their government. One thing that’s become abundantly clear, however is that compared to the establishment there are very few candidates that truly represent the ideals of that movement. Very few indeed.

    The struggle that lies before us has to be met with spirit, enthusiasm AND pragmatism. We have our prefered leaders but we should be prepared to spin on a dime and move in different directions if we’re forced to. if we’re going to beat the establishment we have to play their game–only smarter.

    Part of good strategy is always having a, ‘Plan B.’ If ‘Plan A’ doesn’t pan out for some reason we have to be ready to roll with ‘Plan B’ and not look back. That’s an intelligent way of waging a campaign–and ours is a campaign for the future of our country.

    I’m happy to support Governor Palin for President. I’m sick to death of the ‘dog and phony show’ that our process for choosing a Chief Executive has become. All the above in mind I’ll do what I can for Governor Palin–but I’ll be prepared to back Herman Cain as a second choice.

    Mr. Cain’s performance in the Fox interview was less than impressive–but Governor Palin ‘stumbled’ (as she would put it) in 2008 as well. Of all the Republican hopefuls out there I still view HC with favor over the cadre` of establishment droids trundling over the American political landscape. He’s had some bad moments but IMO that doesn’t disqualify him for the Presidency any more than Governor Palin’s 2008 missteps disqualified her.

    As I see it Herman Cain is no threat to Governor Palin. This will become glaringly obvious to everyone when they debate. For now I intend to continue to give this strong non-establishment candidate the benefit of the doubt while supporting my FIRST choice, Governor Palin. HC may not be perfect but he’s one of only two people running for President that has the kind of anti-establishment resume I think this nation needs.

    We would do well to remember that if the ‘perfect’ plan falls through we have to be prepared to win with the ‘good’ plan.

  4. JEN says:

    Faith… usually if you dont have it,it..finds you.I have faith that the Gov. Will be our next leader I was born 1952 teenager in the 60s during that vietnam thing Abbey Hoffman,Jerry rubin ect…Protests on the green in New Haven,Ct.,US Army 15yrs,Worked in restoration of antiques antique shows flea mkts. for 20 yrs,have met and talked with countless people,married 3 times,5 children all grown up now searching for direction in their lives and me searching,searching for that something that voice it finally came for me during the RNC in 08 when John Mcain announced his pick for VP and she spoke.It was a active current tht shot thru me like i had my finger stuck in a wall socket.Its ben that way since.When Mcain gave his concession speech and Sarah was standing next with that look it tore at me but at that moment i knew she was going to be our next president.I beleive at that moment the Gov.knew what the future held for herself,family and country.Since then its ben a daily thing for me getting the word out,blogging,converting people from their despair of thinking that there is no hope.The gov. has given me that. yes its gonna be a uphill swim, yes its going to be a struggle to change peoples misguided ideologys and thats why i beleive yes i have Faith that there is only one at this time in our history that has what its gonna take to fix the ditch we are in since FDR.You know sarah and our first president have a lot in common, ive studied american history and am familiar with Georges exploits in the early days when he was fighting for our freedom with the colonists and our indian allies. Step up to modern times,sound familar,ill say.So when folks say “if”she runs i say no its “when” she runs.Like Tammy i too will crawl through brocken glass if i had too for this great person and yes when i watched bibis speech today to congress i thought about our Sarah and how much the two are alike.Some call the “it” factor and because i grew up in a family like the palins i have the faith and the insight that beyond the shadow of any doubt and with gos and our help we will right the wrong thats ben done to all of us through President Sarah Palin…

    • aggedor says:

      Jen: I really like a lot of what you have to say. Could you do a small favor, though and break up your posts a bit?

      Like what I just did there. Not bagging on you here just saying paragraph breaks make it easier for people to read what you post.

      All the Best.

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