(From the fine folks at SadHillNews)

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. JEN says:

    Yeap the picture about sums it up… I jumped over here from c4p traffic heavy over there and getting heavier with the upcoming announcement of the film by Bannon who put in 1 million of his own money.and the upcoming bus tour of historical sites by the Gov.Looks like Gov. Palin is taking it to the people.
    It will be the people that decide our next President and not some American idol contest between rival factions in the GOP.
    The Gov. does her best when she mixes it up with folks on the ground.The resst of the copetition will be left in the dust…
    She puts the excitement back in the contest,not knowing exactly whats coming next.Building consensus,continuing on uniting americans to retore america what it used to be ,going back to our founding fathers.Ive ben to Mt.Vernon home of our first president and sarahs tour will ignite patriotism to be sure.
    Of course its just the beginning the campaign which has ben going on since Mcain lost the run for the presidency in 08.as time goes on beleive me things will pick up up until Nov.2013 and she takes the oath…

  2. Bri says:

    If Saturday Night live was fair and balanced they would do a skit on the Pres. and VP. Playing on the movie Dumb and Dumber. Who would have known Biden would be less embarassing of the two. Hey Tam you might have to do a Palin Mid-week update the way things are going.

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