I wonder if Obama will include this monumentally embarrassing screw-up of a toast for the Queen in his next Greatest Hits iPod? Idiotic and painful to watch. Just like the last 2 1/2 years.

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17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. oualdeaux says:

    Name for the “Update”. How about “‘tweener”?

    or maybe “betweenie”?

  2. JEN says:

    Yes a clean page.I see her majesty snubbed him he deserved it. It was pretty painful to watch.embarrising to watch.Im glad that his wife was there,think she got the drift?. She would before him though.To him it was just a photo op.He has absolutely no scrupples.
    There is a old saying that s**t rolls downhill.They get this ego thing going and they figure they are untouchable unstopable.Instead of being down in Joplin MO. to those poor folks there he was photoed in a pub with a pint of guiness shooting off his chin.Shame shame shame…

  3. aggedor says:

    Hey Tammy!

    Suggestions for the 3d Hour Show… a) ‘Tammy Between’ b) ‘Tammy 3’ c) ‘The Bulldog Edition’…as in a VERY early morning edition of a newspaper d) ‘The Sydney Edition’…for if you don’t like bulldogs.

    Great to hear about the movie. It’s even sweeter for the timing of the announcement.

    It’s really no surprise Maria Shriver hired a private dork since she has so much experience living with a public one.

    ‘Star Fruit’ doesn’t sound very appealing when one considers it must taste like hydrogen and helium. It didn’t make your voice any higher. Did you start to float after drinking it, Tammy?

  4. Cernunnos81 says:

    Um, that made me both cringe and snort/guffaw… First he screws up and tries to toast before Her song is over, then the Queen mum doesn’t even bother to touch her lips to her drink. All she had to do was raise the glass and touch her lips to the rim and that would have shown acceptance of the toast. Didn’t even get it to neck height.

    To put this into perspective, the Queen is normally the Most gracious of hostesses… A case in point.
    She once had a young man to a state dinner, he was the guest of honor, but was not the most well mannered of people, unused to the formalities of state protocols. As the courses of the dinner are coming through they brought finger bowls to the guests, this poor bugger has no idea, the blasted things look like small soup bowls. So, he whips up his spoon and sets too. The Queen, rather than embarass this poor lamb, proceeds to follow suit and, as is the way things Should be, so do all of the others at the table. To save a young and less than cultured young man the embarassment of such a faux pas at a state dinner… She is a Most gracious lady, but I do believe she’s had more than her fill of that officious wanker we are forced to call President.

    God Save the Queen! (This coming from an Irishman)

  5. dennisl59 says:

    “The Morning Show”, Live broadcast from the I.S.S in Low Earth Orbit. Suit up, we’re all going for a spacewalk to make some adjustments to the solar panels and other cool stuff.

    FYI: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, aka Pacific Trash Vortex, The Patch is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of pelagic plastics, chemical sludge, and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre.

    Hannity Palin Book Interview: ‘Blind Allegiance’; Frank Bailey, he had two political muckrakers assist on the book.Another Scott Mcclellan. Never answers the question: If you were so offended and outraged, why didn’t you quit?…crickets.

    Guestbook Date? Some say it was written by someone else and the date May 2008 was deliberately wrong because it would, in the timeline and effect have him visiting there NOT as the President. Rubbing chin…mmmmm.

    Tammy Tech Tip: Check the Time Settings on all your systems. Make sure they’re all synchronized to within a second of each other.

    You just HAD to play the audio of this ‘Toast’ it didn’t you?

    Pass the Tea and Crumpets please, thanks.


  6. naga5 says:

    re:urkel’s toast
    a swing and a miss…

  7. Jeffrey says:

    Mystery Science Theatre with a twist- Obama provided the narration?

  8. otlset says:

    The Queen’s inner thoughts: “What awful people.”

    • dennisl59 says:

      What I wouldn’t give for a Thought Bubble Generator Program to use on this and many other pictures of the Dumb Bastard and Thing-2.

  9. dennisl59 says:

    The “Morning Show” as the new 3rd Third Hour Name.

    My Five Two Cents on the subject:

    1) The ‘3rd hour’ posting time presently is ‘sometime’ in the evening Pacific time. Meaning the East Coast/Central TAMs would probably get to hear these after midnight anyway, therefore it’s technically ‘morning’ for them. Plus you have to keep checking the site to see if it’s posted(a drag) because there is no TAM email notification(at this time) that it’s been posted. Then it gets late and time to wind down anyway.

    2) ‘The Morning Show’ means that Tammy can do and post the show anytime she wants, early or late, give or take, on her time. If it’s branded ‘The Morning Show’, Tams will know it’s posted in the morning, whatever the time zone.

    3) “The Morning Show’ branding means it doesn’t necessarily has to be a ‘follow-on’ to the 2 hour live show, like ‘the 3rd hour’ name implies. Tammy can report/comment/riff on different non-politicial topics that might be of interest?

    4) ‘The Morning Show’ could be a ‘look ahead’ to upcoming things in the news and a preview of the “live show’ topics done the same day. (Because of the 24/7 news cycle, this might be an advantage for live show prep?)

    5) ‘The Morning Show’ can be downloaded/played for people so they can listen to it over coffee(like me) before getting ready for work or during their commute.

    Pass the Toasted Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches Please.


  10. JuanitaDugas says:

    Tag suggestion for 3rd hour Tammy…how about a great french term: “lagniappe” pronounced( lan- yap) an extra gift or benefit. ;JD

  11. Palin2012 says:

    So…he thought “God Save the Queen” was being played as background music for his toast. Yep — Loser!

  12. makeshifty says:

    It seems to me the speech was inappropriate to the occasion. Not the sentiments, but the length and where it was going. I guess it’s like a lot of Obama’s speeches. He takes a while to get to the point, and everyone else gets impatient with him. The fact that the band started playing in the middle of his speech sounded odd. That was his cue to shut up. This stuff is all choreographed. Who did the advance work on this visit?

    This and other gaffes take me back to one of Obama’s campaign speeches:

    “It’s embarrassing when Europeans come over here. They all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beaucoup.”

    He made this point, apparently, to say that Americans should learn Spanish, or one could take it to mean that we should learn another language in addition to English. The implication I took from it was that we should do this because that’s what cultured people do. I agree, but when it comes to demonstrating “what cultured people do” in the larger sense, he sets a terrible example! I still remember the DVD set his staff gave to PM Brown during his first state visit to the U.S., after Brown gave Obama a pen set that was made from the wood of a British ship that helped stamp out the slave trade, which was the sister ship to the wood that was used to make the Oval Office desk; a gift of cultural and historical significance that took a lot of thought. When I heard about what Obama gave Brown, I was embarrassed for our country. Merci beaucoup, indeed!

  13. strider says:

    Was that the Queen who muttered WTF?

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