Awesome Lego machine gun shoots Lego bullets

Video: Elizabeth Smart’s reaction to abductor sentenced to life in prison

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30 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ShArKy666 says:

    that guy who kidnapped smart & the arizona shooter SHUDDA gotten the death pentaly..we have sooo far to go to get out of this liberal swamp of tappin criminals on the’s frightening

  2. ShArKy666 says:

    WHEN WILL WE GET TAMMY TV ???? ..i want it!! 🙂

  3. Crueladev says:

    Third Hour Names …
    “Tammy Time”
    “Nightly Vortex”.. (A spiral motion of air or fluid within a limited area)

  4. Maynard says:

    With respect to members of Congress earning “abnormal” profits in the stock market…I’m flashing back to 1994, when it was revealed that Hillary Clinton had amazingly turned $1000 into $100,000 in options trading. It seemed unlikely and was certainly unusual (options trading requires a particular sophistication, I understand), but if there was a smoking gun, it was never found.

    A report:

  5. Crueladev says:

    Note to Patty Davis…

    “An Ass is still just that..An Ass” …
    I am trying to figure out though…if the camera actually did catch her better side!

  6. aggedor says:

    Tammy you should check these comment sections for more 3d Hour suggestions. I’ve seen some good ones. Here are a few of mine…

    Suggestions for the 3d Hour Show… a) ‘Tammy Between’ b) ‘Tammy 3′ c) ‘The Bulldog Edition’…as in a VERY early morning edition of a newspaper d) ‘The Sydney Edition’…for if you don’t like bulldogs.

  7. RuBegonia says:

    How about a contest to rename “Hour 3”? Throwing some ideas in the ring:
    Today’s @HeyTammyBruce TAMcast Xtra,
    TAMxtra; TAMx; TAMtake3; X-TAM hour; TAM-Xfile,

    OK TAMs..put on your clever caps. Suggest something short, sweet, and easy to write and very catchy. Woof!

  8. ecu22331963 says:

    Lego HK UMP is outrageously cool……no cleaning required.
    If I had an HK UMP .45 when I was a kid, I would be President of the United States of America now.

    Oh yes the topic; I have a great name for the 3rd Hour, wait for it, wait for it…….The 3rd Hour.

  9. dennisl59 says:

    Welcome Aboard the U.S.S.Tammy: The Buffet is now open,the Casino has been open all night and the Limbo Contest is beginning in 1 hour!

    TAM World Review (Still think “The Morning Show” is a winner, though)

    No Swift Justice:
    E.Smart Trial: 8 Years.
    Arizona rapist just executed for a crime committed in 1984-27 years
    Fort Hood Terrorist: Over 2 years…still no trial.

    Ed: I’m sure his family is very proud of Grandad calling someone a ‘slut’ and if I were Laura, I would NOT accept his apology. He talked, then it became all about him. He doesn’t know when to STFU and he’s only sorry he got caught. How much does this thing make a year? Whatever it is, it’s one penny too much.

    Glen Beck: Ripoff of “Information Lives Here” from EMC.

    Patty Davis: Me Me Me!!! Drug addled pathetic human being. (Expect to see photoshopped pictures of Palin with blood on her hands and dripping from her mouth…) Wanna bet?

    Tammy: Senior WH Assistant to the President for Tipping and Gratuities.

    Please pass the Shrimp Cocktail, thanks


  10. MaryVal says:

    I have just tipped over from the “don’t know” Bachmann camp to big thumbs down. I am being HOUNDED by her campaign for money. Calling calling, writing writing, INCESSANT. I have told her people no less than 5 times to STOP CALLING ME. Just had yet another Bachmann call. Allright Ms. Bachmann, you greedy phony nincompoop, you’re going to hear from me now.

    • Crueladev says:

      We had this issue with Boehner not so long ago. I finally got fed up and called his DC office. I told them I was keeping a runnng total of phone calls and mail. If the calls and mail persisted…We were looking into a Harrassment Suit! The calls and mail stopped abruptly. Just food for thought…

  11. MaryVal says:

    I just sent some very strongly worded e-mails to her various websites, twitter, and Facebook. Already had the harassment thought and won’t hesitate to use it if the calls continue. Honestly, why does it take threat of legal action to get through to this people. I am *so* angry. Going to find some more addresses to send that twit some mail.

  12. Mutnodjmet says:

    Here is my humble submission for your third hour designation: Bonus Show. Short, sweet, and to the point.

    Also: Thing 1 and Thing 2 are my favorite tags for the Obamas.

  13. vitadMD says:

    P.S. Report?
    Addendum Report?

  14. _CarrieP says:

    My 3rd Hour suggestion is….


    Just knowing there is a 3rd hour of Tammy Radio I have to look forward to ALWAYS makes me HAPPY!! 🙂

  15. Rob_W says:

    3rd hour suggestions –

    Tammy 3D
    TAM Report
    Daily Wrap-Up
    The Tiki Room

  16. otlset says:

    How about “The Bruce is Loose” hour? It works on so many levels.

  17. pochitatwo says:

    how about the Tammy Times Tammy Post
    Tamster Times,
    assuming we keep this for insiders, maybe using something like TFI Tammy for Insiders

  18. MaryVal says:

    Bachmann’s campaign just called me AGAIN! OMG! Third call just this morning. That young man got both barrels, point blank range. And what was his response? He started to justify and excuse. I mentioned harassment and attorney and hung up on him. COW-A-BUNGA!! Off to send (increasingly) nasty e-mails to the Bachmann bimbo and call her DC office.

  19. little firefly says:

    Third Hour suggestions:

    Tammy’s nightcap, Tammy’s triage, Tammy’s one for the road,Tammy’s parting cup, Tammy’s after dinner drink, Tammy’s last word, Tammy tops off.

    Tammy, we end up with bad quality people in politics because no one wants the anal exam and most of us do not think we are good enough. Being humble without a giant ego is rare.

  20. Jerry says:

    3rd hour? ENCORE’/OVERTURE Depends on the day heard.

  21. Ginger says:

    Here’s a 3rd hour suggestion:

    “The Third Charm”

  22. Ginger says:

    Also for third hour–“The TamWhamBam” hour…I’ll see if I can think of some more winners… LOL

  23. Crueladev says:

    Third Hour Names:

    “Tammy’s Bedtime Stories”
    “Snausage Time”
    “Tammy’s Inner Sanctum”
    “DIY Tammy”
    “As the News Stomach Turns”
    “Tammy’s Take”

    Okay..I am done now!…

  24. Dragon Lady says:

    “Tammy After Hours”

  25. pochitatwo says:

    how about tammy’s cafe or i’m just saying hour
    tam’s army hour

  26. JEN says:

    Sorry Folks im drawing a blank…

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