I have a tiny feeling you TAMs might have a few fun and interesting caption for this image of our esteemed President of the United States flashing the Star Trek ‘Vulcan’ salute once again making everything about himself. And despite what he thinks, he’s neither Jesus nor Spock–he’s simply a Dumb Freaking Bastard who conned his way into the White House. Not that I have an opinion. Pictured with him is Nichelle Nichols of the Star Trek series who tweeted this gem when she met the Dumb Bastard. Folks, don’t get me wrong–I’m a Star Trek fan and this does give me a certain amount of comfort–perhaps some day (like November 7th) he will find himself in a galaxy far, far away.

Some of my favorite Spock quotes which are more than apropos for our current situation:

“Without followers, evil cannot spread.”
Star Trek: The Original Series, “And The Children Shall Lead”

“Insufficient facts always invite danger.”
Star Trek: The Original Series, “Space Seed”


“It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want.”
Star Trek: The Original Series, “Errand of Mercy”

Have fun!

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35 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. tamcat says:

    caption: Obama “Live long & prosper, but it has to be my way, my logic.”

  2. Maynard says:

    “The needs of The One outweigh the needs of We the People.”

    “Die soon and fester.”

    See my earlier post on Obama the Vulcan.

  3. trevy says:

    We sure know that his pinch disables the American economy.

    We know that he feels no pity or remorse when others suffer because of his decisions.

    He is a half-breed.

    Just as Spock was raised by a human mother, Amanda, who loves him, he identifies with his Vulcan father, Sarek, who didn’t like him; Obama was raised by his white Grandparents, who loves him, but identifies with his black father, who dumped him.

    Obama does have many similarities with Spock, doesn’t he?

  4. Alain41 says:

    I wanted to be Capt. Kirk, but no the rascist New York-Hollywood types (euphemism) wouldn’t let me, I had to be the emotionless one. Well now, Who’s your daddy, Who’s your daddy?

  5. JLThorpe says:

    Not to be nitpicky, but “in a galaxy far, far away” was from “Star Wars”.

    Caption: “Those dilithium crystals are too harmful for the environment. You need to run the Enterprise on algae.”

  6. mdannyg says:

    I’ve never been able to get past the fact that Obama is basically Tuvok from Voyager and have always been surprised others don’t make the same comparison. Besides the obvious similarities in appearance, mannerisms, attitude, they are both emotionless, incompetent men in charge of security. He’s actually ruined that character for me whenever I watch Voyager, even though I was never a fan of him.

  7. dennisl59 says:


    Only One Earthling is pictured, and it’s not in the cheap business suit with the sh** eating grin.

    Favorite Spock Quotes:

    Spock: I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question.-This Side of Paradise

    Spock: After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.-Amok Time

    Spock: What does it mean, ‘exact change’? -The Voyage Home

    posted 4/5 755am Texas[Phasers On Stun Amigos!] Time

  8. greenlantern2011 says:

    The real leader here is Nichelle. Her place in history as TV’s first credible black woman character, first kiss with a white man, is secure, no matter how many dumbasses she poses with for a photo. BOob’s place in history is secure as well–to the utter humiliation of the black community.

  9. Shifra says:

    “If I had a son, he would look like Spock.”

  10. BronzeStarNamVet says:

    After the next election when I’m more flexible, my new first lady will be Uhura.

  11. gretch68 says:

    “To boldly go where no dumb bastard has gone before…”

  12. LucyLadley says:

    Should you accept this mission, the outcome will be: “Reality & Science Fiction will be one & the same.”

  13. mdannyg says:

    “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one”

    Actual Spock quote… Check out Spock’s death on youtube if you haven’t seen it yet, although I don’t think Obama shares Spock’s sentiment when he says “I have been, and always shall be, your friend” when it comes to us little people.

  14. LJZumpano says:

    I cringe. I can’t caption this, but it reminds me of an episode of Doctor Who where the top officials in London have been taken over by alien beings. Where is the Doctor when we need him to rip off the false human front and reveal the alien green slimy things for what they really are!!

  15. otlset says:

    “Live long and let others pay”

  16. Kat says:

    Date: November 7, 2012; Place: The Lincoln Bedroom; Occasion: The Dumb Evil Bastard and the Vile Evil B-witch just received their eviction notice!…the DEB: “But Mooch it is not logical!” the VEB (With her mouth full): “Barack,(pause to lick fingers) Schweetie, (slurp) they will never (nom nom nom) Live Long and Proshper without ush! (Gulp) BTW, can you passh me da ribsh?(Burp, Belch)(nom nom nom)”!

  17. PopArt says:

    OH! This salute means “Live Long and Prosper”? Then what’s the one for “May the odds be in your favor, you dumbasses who voted for me!”?

  18. gingersnap says:

    “Solidarity with Spock, I have no feelings”

  19. Trish S says:

    In perfect Obama disconnect, Barry says “Nanu Nanu.”

  20. flaggman says:

    “Everything I know, I learned from TV. And communists.”

  21. strider says:

    “Foooled Yooou ! ! ! . . .no wait, that was Spaceballs.”

  22. RedMoonProject says:

    “Well, I am a success in a fictional alternate universe…”

  23. TheGreenHornet says:

    Whose grandmother is this, and why is she here?

  24. JHSII says:

    Obama would fit perfectly in the Abrams-verse!!

  25. Sally says:

    “How long do I have to hold this pose? It’s going to screw up my golf grip!”

  26. sandyl says:

    Big Deal! So Spock does his salute with four fingers, I can do mine with just one.

  27. johnnygopher says:

    Sure, I’ll cut your taxes… with these “real” scissors here! Don’t believe me? You racist tea……gr!

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