An editorial comment by Maynard

Drudge linked to this Breitbart article.

President Barack Obama said in a report Sunday that he saw the new “Star Trek” film recently — and not just because it was last week’s top-grossing movie.

“Everybody was saying I was Spock,” said the US leader, known to have a wonkish command of the minutiae of policy — not unlike the dispassionate movie Vulcan to whom he has been compared.

Newsweek gushed however that Obama’s version of the character would be “Spock with global sex appeal.”

What deranged moron could possibly make this absurd connection? As an alum of Starfleet Academy myself, I can only respond with this earthy expression that was in common use at my alma mater: WTF?

I could rant for pages, but I’ll spare myself and my readers (if any) and keep it short. The very first thing they teach you when you sign up for Starfleet is the Prime Directive.

As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Starfleet personnel may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Starfleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ship, unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation.

In a word: Leave people alone.

The Prime Directive is consistent with a philosophy of minimal government. The angry control freak that needs to poke his enlightened nose into everyone’s business would have been a Starfleet washout faster than Rev. Wright can say “God damn America”.

We all understand that Obama’s mental and ethical supremacy is inarguable. But so what? The whole idea of the Federation is that we can co-exist by letting everyone have their patch of turf and get on with their lives. That’s why peace more-or-less prevails within our sphere of influence: Because we are truly tolerant. Even when we think the other guy is a stupid jerk (which, by the way, he usually is), we let him be. We only step in when that guy is taking pot shots at innocents or otherwise being so aggressively obnoxious that we’d be suicidal to ignore him. This micromanaging central-command-above-all mentality is more suited to Dr. Evil, or maybe The Master Cylinder.

Spock is not Obama. Spock would kick Obama’s ass. So says Maynard.

For further reading, investigate the philosophy of the Führerprinzip, which came out of primitive, savage cultures on Earth.

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ffigtree says:

    I concur.
    Spock is no Obama and Obama is no Spock.

  2. dman says:

    i donno, he may not be Spock, but he’s definitely Tuvok. while watching Voyager, i can’t get over how similar their mannerisms are. and i think the adherence to (or at least posturing to) the Prime Directive, even to one’s own harm and destruction is very Obama-esque.

  3. John says:

    If anything Obama is more like Data. His inability to speak without the teleprompter makes him almost robotic.

  4. John says:

    Maybe Obama’s more like the Borg, as he’s looking to assimilate the banks and carmakers.

  5. Tamala says:

    The Liar in Chief knows his Star Trek as well as he can speak Austrian. He was probably attracted to the show by all those red shirts.

    In the same Newsweek interview he stated “…it turns out we got this nice theater on the ground floor of my house … So Star Trek, we saw this weekend…” HIS house??
    No Barry- that house belongs to all of the American people – all 57 states of them;)

  6. John says:

    “So Star Trek, we saw this weekend”?

    He’s not Spock, he’s Yoda.

  7. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Well said, Maynard!

    Oh, BTW, to paraphrase a beautiful recent painting making the rounds of the web, that of past conservative presidents around a table, “So I said, ‘Barry, I knew Spock, and you’re no Spock!'”!.


    And the new Star Trek movie IS awesome. Worthy of Gene and Majel’s legacy. And yes, I was a charter student at Starfleet Academy back in the fall of ’66…uh, huh, The Original Series Debut…you betcha…

  8. RobK says:

    The best description of who Obama is JUST LIKE is Khan from Star Trek 2. The scene where the hijacked USS Reliant approaches the USS Enterprise and no communication happens, yeah, that is Obama. Lures you in, then screws you over.

  9. Shawmut says:

    Being “Spock may be what he has in mind when he discusses “Torture”.
    From a Thomas Sowell piece:
    “There is a big difference between being ponderous and being serious. It is scary when the president of the United States is not being serious about matters of life and death, saying that there are “other ways” of getting information from terrorists.”
    Would the President care to appear before the various intelligence committees, the ACLU, The Who Pork Times, and other ‘anti-law enforcement’ confabs, and ‘Cambridge and Berkely love Doves’ and testify what these “other ways” are. Madame Speaker {currently} Pelosi {Hmm; What are Madames most like known to run?} would like to know ahead of time so she’ll be able to repudiate such knowledge later in time – or space – or both.
    Evidently, during his arduous career as President Pro Forma, Obama has become witting to some technique to which even Leonard Nimoy wouldn’t pretend.
    It’s been paraphased “..not what you know, but how you say it…”. Now, it’s ..’what you don’t know, but how you conceal what you don’t know..’

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