Hope you can join us. I believe we’ll discuss the Democratic attack on Ann Romney and perhaps other politics of the day. See you then!

UPDATE: Video courtesy of TAM RuBegonia

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27 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. rtthorne says:

    Ouch! “Ring in the nose” is ringing in some ears this morning! Great job Tammy. We need more people-at least on TV-linking this strategy directly to the White House and the DB himself.

  2. USApride says:

    Tammy another excellent job!!!! You got your points across in a articulate manner. It is refreshing to not feel frustrated when a conservative finishes a segment. Well done!!!! 🙂

  3. Marni says:

    Tammy you looked wonderful and were your articulate, snarky self! I was relieved to see they found someone other than Jehmu to regurgitate the liberal talking points. Loved the ring in the nose comment! Keep up the good work!

  4. longhorn mama says:

    OUCH! Way to kick some ass, Tammy!

  5. ffigtree says:

    Meow Tammy! You nailed every point and then some:

    – this administration has no intention of talking policy (because they’ve all failed)

    – Hilary was not a “rouge loose lipped pundit” (marching orders directly from TDB)

    – this administration thinks women can be ‘dragged around with a ring in their nose’ (which is how the dems view women period)

    And by the way, did you,or anyone catch in Hilary’s not “apology” where she referred to the Romney-Ryan budget? LOL

  6. Tammy was very good against the talking points robot. Too bad there isn’t some show with a more relaxed, extended format where Tammy and some other actually thoughtful people could get more deeply into the issues than ever gets allowed on these fast-paced shows that blight the airwaves.

  7. sandyl says:

    Great job as usual Tammy. I just wish they would stop giving the lib more time than you. Wow you really struck a nerve with that “ring in nose” comment (great by the way). The host chimed in immediately and said it was time to go. Even the host after the segment seemed shocked. Obviously these people aren’t told the truth very often. That is why Tammy needs a TV show of her own, or at the very least be on one of those Fox panels as a regular. FOX has very few true conservatives on any more, and Tammy would be a great asset to them if they gave her more than a couple minutes each time.

    • Nemesister says:

      Sandyl, I agree with you about Tammy needing a TV show, and I’ll go even farther. We need a conservative network on mainstream TV. Something that would have wholesome entertainment and real news. Something that would give FOX a run for its money.

  8. Mariachi says:

    Well done Tammy!

  9. Maynard says:

    It makes me crazy, the way the Dems keep repeating that anyone who doesn’t support the expansion of the public sector and its unsustainable entitlements and giveaways is at war with women and children and minorities. Ann Romney hit it on the head when she spoke of the mountain of debt we’re dumping onto the next generation. Obama’s largesse isn’t compassion and generosity, it’s child abuse pure and simple.

    (Obama’s people try to create the impression that the “Buffett rule” and a tax on oil companies would balance the books. But they don’t actually say that, because then the lie would be too obvious, so they just imply it. The fact is that Obama could get every tax hike he’s asked for and it wouldn’t address the budget shortfall by more than a couple of percentage points. And if those tax hikes were such a great thing, why didn’t the Democrat Congress pass them two years ago?)

  10. Maynard says:

    Oh, yeah, it’s also ironic the way it was deemed fair to shoot down Ann Romney because “she never worked a day in her life”. One particular concern about Obama was his non-existent personal experience with respect to real-world business and productivity. This is the man that told us he could be the CEO of the world’s biggest corporation, but he’s never run a hot dog stand. And now not only does he control Washington, as he and his unelected czars trample Congress and SCOTUS (who are mandated by the Constitution to keep the executive in check), but he tells GM which cars to build and banks what loans to make, and of course local police who to prosecute. That’s the sort of concentration of power that’s completely un-American, even if Obama were competent enough to wield it (and no person is that competent). But the people who would give dictatorial powers to Obama disdain the idea of a First Lady who is merely a mother.

    • sandyl says:

      Maynard great posts, and as usual dead on! My comment is that the left fears “merely mothers” (or as I like to call them Mama Grizzlies) the most. 🙂

  11. greenlantern2011 says:

    Tammy, I thought I saw you hesitate out of good manners, to step on the lefty’s blathering, but, quick on yer feet, you decided there was no time for you if you didn’t take it. Honestly, you sounded very forthright and clear and not just a stream of loud talk from the wanker on the left. Then you left them reeling AGAIN with not only the money line, “ring in the nose”, but from the fact that you actually had something cogent and considered to say! So many of these segments the accepted rule on all sides seems to be just to talk as loud and fast as you can and not mean anything you say. You were not playing that game. That totally harshened their buzz.

  12. jeaneeinabottle says:

    Wow! That was great, love love love! A member of N.O.W. who is now a conservative against Sally the bully. Tammy you were purrfect on getting their strategy out and how it’s failing, the ring in the nose was a bonus!!

  13. LucyLadley says:

    Tammy says Ann Romney is the secret weapon of the Mitt Romney campaign. Tammy, you are the secret weapon of Conservatives. Your wit & intellect are prime.

  14. imacat says:

    Great job, Tammy! Loved how you made Sally squirm there at the end!

  15. rickh says:

    Tammy, you looked and sounded GREAT. Was on the phone with a semi-lib friend when you came on. Had him turn it on and watch while we both listened. He was very impressed.

    • sandyl says:

      Rickh, Thank you for doing your part. We all need to convince as many people as we can. Tammy is the perfect conduit to convince libs (if they’re not on drugs). Glenn Beck always said if you can’t change one person’s mind, keep going on to the next, and this will change the country!

  16. SoCalGal says:

    Good job, Tammy. You got in the last word and it was a stinger. Queen Bee.

    I cannot stand that Sally Kohn chick, talk about someone who needs a makeover. She and Debbie Downer need to go to the beauty parlor together. Oh wait, Debbie Downer DID go to the beauty parlor. And Sally says she’s a mother? Well, jeezo meezo, I wonder how that happened? I usually turn off Fox when they bring out these lib women like Sally, Jehmu and that Tamara girl. I just can’t stand to listen to them, same ol’ same ol’. I only watched it because you were on Tammy.

    I loved the looks on Sally’s face (and the commentator) when you made the ring in the nose comment. It was classic.

  17. Nemesister says:

    LOL! I love how Tammy stirs the pot at the end. Clearly these people are not regular listeners to the TBRS. It’s funny how people seem to be shocked by appearance in the choice of words and completely overlook the message. Because, yes indeed, what Tammy said about this administration is true. And that’s what should be addressed.

  18. gkin31 says:

    The look on there faces at the end was priceless! Great job Tammy 🙂

  19. donqesp says:

    Wow Tammy, this is why I love you and your show so much!!!!! You kick ass!! Keep it up! Only complaint is that I wish you were on 7 days a week but I know you need some time off!!! lol!

  20. AniMel says:

    Boy, I just love the look on Sally’s face when Tammy got ready to speak. She looked like she was thinking, “oh, boy, here comes the right wing…”

    Darn tootin’, sweetie!

  21. Trish S says:

    Fab talking points, Tammy!

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