**Promoted from the TAM Wire, posted by Shifra**

Freudian slip alert: O starts out saying “my first term” and corrects himself. Was this an interview or a therapy session? DB looks mildly depressed. Anyway, DB, here’s a story for *you* — On 11/6/12, the great people of the U.S.A. rose up and kicked an empty-suit community-organizing incompetent, narcissistic Marxist *out* of the WH.

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. radargeek says:

    Oh, you told enough “stories.” All about your fictional life, composite girlfriends, and nearly all that comes out of your mouth!

    BTW: I wish a real interviewer with a backbone would ask this bum:
    “Since you brought up ‘Your first term.’ Do you feel comfortable playing over 100 games of golf while there are soldiers in the field fighting wars, spending millions of taxpayer dollars on vacations and parties, spending an enormous amount of resources and time campaigning while 15 million people are unemployed and suffering, the economy never left the recession, Americas ‘Faith and Credit’ was downgraded and may again be downgraded, and you got America involved in more wars than President Bush leaving the islamic jehad terrorist even stronger?”

  2. strider says:

    Has no stories to tell other than those of a pot laced warped ideology unrelated to history and reality. Well, maybe the story about his background, religion, college career and intentions.

  3. FrankRemley says:

    His biggest mistake was showing up. It’s been downhill from there.

  4. otlset says:

    He’s too hard on himself, I thought some of his stories were very entertaining. His “No New Taxes on the Middle Class” and “My Healthcare Plan Will Lower Costs” are full of laughs for example.

    • Shifra says:

      otlset, don’t forget the story about how Muslims have been part of the American story from the beginning of the founding of our country. *That* was riveting story…er… fairy tale.

  5. MACVEL says:

    He needs help–a quick ouster from WH, and then locked into a padded cell, fortified by Tammy podcasts. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…

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