
Sorry liberals, what Obama has done and what he wants to do is, in fact, creepy. There’s been lots of discussion about this anti-ObamaCare ad. The Left especially thinks it’s “creepy,” or even in Time’s case, “insane” and “bananas.” Strike a nerve, does it, Obamabots? This ad is disturbing because it illustrates the truth about ObamaCare. It’s creepy because the monster at issue is creepy. I have a tiny feeling when liberals wake up and realize that having health insurance is not the same as health care, and when they have to disclose intimate personal details whether or not they have anything to do with their healthcare, to every single doctor they see, they, too, will understand how “creepy” is a mild word when it comes the thing that is ObamaCare.

In fact, if you do a bing search about this ad you’ll find that virtually every source complaining about it uses the word “creepy.” Weird, it’s as though there was a talking point! Obama’s gestapos are determined to get everyone roped into the special hell of ObamaCare, an absolutely necessary step to single-payer which will condemn every single one of us to unending and disastrous liberal policies and spending. Forever. If we don’t kill creepy ObamaCare, it’ll eventually kill us.


Sex, drugs and ObamaCare: Doctor questions get personal

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. tamcat says:

    This ad is creepy and offensive. That will forever be in-bedded in my brain somewhere. Icky.

  2. ancientwrrior says:

    That’s exactly what that creepy @ss b@st@rd and his slimy O-bammy care is. A fitting avatar if there ever was one.

  3. Dave says:

    They all also have oversized plastic heads so it more than fitting.

  4. Samster1 says:

    I just heard on Saturday early afternoon on Fox News a person named something like David Hawkins or Hawkings or something. He was referred to as “senator” by the news anchor, although I hadn’t heard of either of them. Anyway, in discussing the health care law and possible government shutdown, “senator” referred to the freshmen representatives and Ted Cruz as “insurgents”. Now that’s creepy. Anyone else see this?

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