
Agree. It’s one thing to try to affect what’s happening on the ground with the caucuses and primaries, and quite another to thwart that process because you don’t like where it’s headed.

For far too long the establishment got exactly what they wanted during the primary season, with their next-in-line who “can win.” That rubbish is over. If they can’t impact the voting on the ground they have no right to simply throw over the process. And if they’re successful, Romney and others have been implicit in their preference for Hillary over Trump. Which means, if we lose the White House, we’d lose the Senate. It also means Barack Hussein Obama would be appointed to Justice Scalia’s SCOTUS seat and would be setting this country on fire for 30 + years.

That is where Romney and the others in the establishment are willing to go, and yet Trump (and all the so-called outsiders) are the problem. Got it.

Via RCP.

(relevant portion begins at @2:00 mark)

Ted Cruz denounces the Mitt Romney idea that candidates should win all the delegates they possibly can in order to take the Republican nomination fight to the national convention, which in theory would be a way for the establishment to stop Donald Trump from obtaining it.

“I want the crowd to answer with me. Do you not see that of the 14 or the 15 contests that have happened, and I think this is true, that the establishment has lost 14 of 15. Did you see that? Now the only question I have is there seems to be an organized, well-funded effort to push this to the convention in the hopes to prevent you or Mr. Trump from getting the nomination because the establishment is angry that you’re winning,” Hannity asked Cruz about a brokered convention.

“Any time you hear someone talking about a brokered convention it is the Washington establishment in a fevered frenzy. They’re really frustrated because all of their chosen candidates, all of their golden children, the voters keep rejecting. And so they seized on this master plan,” Cruz said of the idea.

“We go to a brokered convention and the D.C. power brokers will drop someone in who is exactly to the liking of the Washington establishment. If that happens we will have a manifest revolt on our hands,” Cruz said Friday at CPAC.


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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. dennisl59 says:

    Here’s the one thing I know about the GOPe. They would rather have Trump or anyone else and lose to Clinton than have Cruz as the nominee. Why? Because they all despise him more than Trump. He is the existential threat to the Washington Cartel. Just ask Mitch McConnell.

    posted 3/5 326pm Texas[Cruz Country]Time

  2. MACVEL says:

    What the PEOPLE want doesn’t even occur to the establishment. We are inconsequential to them. What to do about it?

  3. Seems that both of these party’s have become like the Communist Party, whatever they say and want they get. They have become the real power in government, not the titular figure-head of president. What the common citizen voter wants no longer has relevance. Do we need a complete reboot/revolution to start over fresh again?

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