Not a surprise, but the details will matter.

Video: Cruz Victory Speech: “Tonight Is A Turning Point, It Is A Rallying Cry”; “We Have A Choice, A Real Choice”


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  1. Maynard says:

    Setting aside questions of competence and ideology, I get the sense that Trump and Cruz are opposites in terms of strategic strengths, even as they are similar in both being “outsiders” in some sense of the word. Trump seems to have great fanfare but little organization; Cruz may have less of a base but he plays his hand optimally. As remote as it seems, and perhaps ideologically impossible, it would be a winning combination if these two could somehow find enough common ground to bring their respective strengths into a unified force.

    By the way, a few days ago Taranto posted on the intriguing scenario under which Trump and Cruz agree to use their collective strength to retain “Rule 40” at the convention. You can look up the gory details, but it’s basically a rule that got shoehorned into previous Republican procedures assuring that the prevailing candidate must have won at least eight states. If retained, it would pretty much assure that one of the pair takes the prize, and precludes the establishment giving it to Mitt or whomever. In other words, the fate of “Rule 40” is a very big deal.

  2. Pat_S says:

    So another election based on a candidate NOT being someone else. Gets us a government that’s NOT as bad as the other party would have done. How long can this go on?

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