KSM at 2003 arrest, and now in 2009.

KSM at 2003 arrest, and now in 2009.

Today’s Tammy Radio podcast has posted for Tammy Army Members. Please visit the TAM Podcasts page for your exclusive media 🙂

If you aren’t a member of the Tammy Army, please join today!

And if you have just joined, here are some instructions. To access today’s show just go to the TAM Podcasts page. There you will find today’s show and the whole archive, including podcasts and netcasts. You must be signed in here at the blog to access the players. Also visit the “Members” subpage listed just above the banner. There you will get special instructions in my Welcome letter, and instructions on how to download the podcasts via iTunes.

Thanks again for all your support!

Shots from today’s show:

9/11 accused Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to be tried in New York court

Republicans slam administration decision

On Gitmo, trials of terrorists in NY and compromising American security. NRO: Holder’s Hidden Agenda


On Memorial Day Obama gives America the crotch salute (again). Which prompts Atlas Shrugs to ask: Who Is This Guy? Which is turning out to be a very, very, surprisingly important question these days.

Palin’s Book: The Overview

MSNBC Uses Fake, ‘Sexy’ Photos of Sarah Palin on Air; Will Network Correct and Apologize?

NASA Moon Crash Found ‘Significant Amount’ of Water

Recanvassing shows NY-23 race tightens even as Rep. Bill Owens is sworn into House seat

Balloon boy hoax parents plead guilty

Treasury Sec Timmy “Tax Cheat” Geithner absolutely sure Congress will aid and abet the Obama admin bankrupting this nation.

Dobbs gave up on $9M

24 servants and not one can say "not a good idea"?

24 servants and not one can say "not a good idea"?

Michelle Obama’s Mirror: Is That Ammunition Belt An Appropriate Veteran’s Day Accessory?

And from Jammie Wearing Fool: Michelle Obama’s Special Veterans Day Look

Prosecutors tie Iran, U.S. assets

Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin Battles Breast Cancer

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
68 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. lord-ruler says:

    I am just glad I listened to the speech on the radio. Seeing Nancy Pelosi agian would have made me sick.

  2. naga5 says:

    tammy suggests sarah should reply instead of boustany?
    facebook says your wish is granted.

  3. intheknow says:

    Remembering the victims of the 9/11 attack. May they rest in peace now and forever.

  4. eMVeeH says:

    I salute you, Tammy on this anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. I will not call those attacks, like too many do, “a tragedy.” A killer tornado, or some other storm and it’s aftermath, that’s a tragedy. Not destruction caused by evil humans.

    The opening audio of your show was brilliant. I’m sorry to say that it looks like too many have forgotten the pain, the horror, and the meaning of those attacks. Especially our leadership or lack thereof. There in is the a tragedy. Too bad that our leaders are not as brave as Lance Cpl. Brady Gustafson [http://tiny.cc/ARealHero], who was just awarded the Navy Cross, and those like him. People who are willing to go across the world to chase down those barbarians and kill them. Blood-thirsty human animals who strike when no one is looking or expecting them.

    No, our leaders are willing to sit down and break bread with them. As if you can make a deal with the devil, and win. They refuse to acknowledge what Tony Blair so brilliantly said in his speech to the Labour Party Conference [ http://tiny.cc/TonyBlair911 ], ” There is no compromise possible with such people, no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror. Just a choice: defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must.”

    From the president on down, we elect our leaders to serve and protect the country. Lance Cpl. Gustafson and his brothers and sisters in arms perform their service in a more literal way. And sometimes they give their lives doing so. Yet, this young man is not in need of validation nor was he seeking “help” from anyone to fufill his service to the country. As he humbly put it, he simply was doing his duty that’s all. Just keep in mind that Gustafson is only 21 years old.
    I am humbled.
    I am grateful.
    G-d Bless America

  5. eMVeeH says:

    Sorry about the broken link. Here’s Lance Cpl. Brady Gustafson’s story http://tiny.cc/ARealHero920

  6. carolyn says:

    Dear Tammy:
    Sampled a good bit of talk radio yesterday. By far, your opening audio remembrance of all those who died when America suffered that horrific act of war on 9/11, was the most moving I heard. Thank you for memorializing the dead, honoring the bereaved and inspiring our determination to vanquish the great evil of our day. You did our nation proud not only in the audio clips but in the tone you struck with your remarks throughout the show.
    God bless the noble warriors in our armed forces who put their lives on the line in order to preserve America, the world’s last best hope for liberty and goodness. They are facing evil down in hard places on our behalf. We should all be gratefully humbled by their selflessness. Let’s not forget we have our work to do here at home to be worthy of it.
    God bless America, may she ever be beautiful and free.
    Thank you to all the patriots who are in Washington DC this weekend to make our voices heard. You too, are homeland heroes.

  7. TRUTH SEEKER says:

    I need to update my credit card info. Please tell me how to do it. Thank You.

    • Tammy says:

      I’ve been checking into that for another peep. For some reason it’s a little freakish. Please email me at the private TAM email address and as soon as I have the answer I’ll let you know. Sorry about this.

  8. k.nelson5047 says:

    Could be an excellent weekend! Try this to get past the Obama TV spree. A little drinking game while watching all of the shows! Every time he says one of the following, take a shot of beer:
    cutting waste and fraud in the current system
    2 drinks for every distorted example of how the current healthcare system doesn’t work
    scare tactics of those opposing reform (or something like this)
    insurance company profits or executive salaries (1 drink for each 10 million he mentions)
    1 drink for each 10 million he says is uninsured (46, 30, whatever!)
    Trigger, Bipartisan, Public option, add your favorite Obama Healthcare Speech Misrepresentation or Term to the game

  9. Mutnodjmet says:

    Tammy: I am a big history buff (my handle is the name of the last Egyptian queen of the 18th Dynasty and Neferiti’s sister). I LOVE Don’s “This Day in History” — the content and presentation were awesomely awesome! 🙂

    I have to add that I totally agree with you about the History Channel’s obsession with truckers and loggers; however, I usually use that time to get my HGTV fix, so it is all good.

    I am so done with the major broadcast networks, especially cBS and NBC.

  10. trevy says:

    Hi Ya Tammy!

    Just joined as a commentor! Reporting for duty!

    I’ll keep Praying for you.

  11. VinceP1974 says:

    Today (The 23rd) at the top of annointed hour you played a great song, “Uprising” by some new group.

    I just wanted to thank you for introducing the song to me and the video is pretty cool too


  12. morecowbell says:

    My God… I still can’t get The Lonely Goat Herder out of my head !

  13. Lamplighter says:

    Hi, Tammy. While listening to you live today, you mentioned something about Gov. Huckabee and his southern style that reminded me of something I heard in my college history class in 1978. Since I was born and raised in the deep south (and no, I wasn’t offended by anything you said about the south today), it’s a phenomenon that I can honestly say that I have witnessed and it will likely confirm your observations concerning Gov. Huckabee, if you aren’t aware of it already.

    It’s called the “country gentleman” ploy. It’s a way for those in power to hoodwink the citizenry that’s unique to the south, and it’s been going on for a long time. It goes something like this: “We’re all the same here. We’re all country gentlemen. So, maybe I own one thousand acres and you only own forty, but we’re still the same: we’re all country gentlemen. We all like the same things: whiskey….gambling….women (wink wink). We ah awl country gentlemen heah.” Sound familiar? Do Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton come to mind (especially Clinton, on the part about women)? How about Huey “every man a king, no one wears a crown” Long?

    So, with this in mind, is it possible that Gov. Huckabee may not necessarily be all that he appears to be? Possibly. Could his easy smile not always be genuine? It’s possible. Does it mean he’s sinister? I don’t think so. To put it in a better perspective, Ayn Rand once commented on Jimmy Carter’s famous toothy smile by saying that “he smiles all the time, even when he’s delivering bad news”, that it was “a reflex”, and that she doubted he had any feelings.

    Do I think Huckabee is as deceptive as Carter? Certainly not, but I’m inclined to believe that your intuition is razor sharp, and you may have picked up on something.

  14. RobbieK says:

    Hey Lamplighter, I like your post. I was raised by a mother from Southern Alabama & she was as sharp as a tack when it came to figuring out a person by just their face. I forget the proper word for that, but I notice it is very common for a Southerner to looking at someone’s face alot when you first meet them, or, when you are among those you have never met. Southerners “stare” alot at people, which isn’t a bad thing, it seems to be a faster way of determining who someone really is? As a born & bred Southerner, I find in Huckabee a pretty neutral demeanor toward everyone across the board, unless they are Far Left whack jobs, then I’ve seen him get hot under the collar on their show i.e. when he had the smart ass ACLU attorney on his show about a month ago regarding the 2 school board members who prayed prior to a meeting. There is a difference between the “country gentleman ploy” & the true “country gentleman”. I’ve seen it time & time again in the South where men use the “country gentleman” ploy to try and get into a woman’s pants! It’s disgusting! But then there is the true “country gentleman” who doesn’t have jumping in the sack on his mind. Jimmy Carter was a literal LIAR and my Southern mother knew it. Carter used his Southern Baptist religion to rope in the Christian vote and smooth talked his way to the rest of America in order to get into the White House . But, he didn’t fool my mother. She didn’t vote for him. At the same time, Jimmy Carter ran head on into the Liberals in the Democrat party immediately after winning the election. They exploited him. I mean, seriously, what Democrat hasn’t been pretty much a whimp Liberals couldn’t run over? My Father in Law, a minister from Miami, Florida, spoke with a top Christian pastor who actually counseled Carter. This pastor told my Father in Law that Carter brought a list of names to his Cabinet appointee meeting with his advisers and the Liberals denied every one of the people on the list. Carter gave in and his Presidency was sunk on day one as it was controlled not by Carter, but by the Liberals who actually made him a lame, lame duck. I personally think Huckabee is far from a smooth talker. But like most Southern men, I’m sure he is stubborn, but his value system and ideas are far, far better than Urkel’s for sure and are way better than Romney’s. Palin is “what you see is what you get” and I like her for that. But my guy, Rudy Guliani, lost and it was a shame. How in God’s name a great man like Guliani didn’t make the Republican nomination because unfortunately our Republican party doesn’t seem to trust anyone inside the beltway of New York City. Many in my party have some serious growing up to do.

  15. Timbo says:


    Love the independent format. I think that you are riding the leading edge of the next media wave. Thanks for having the courage and the brains to get out in front of the pack. I look forward to and listen to your podcasts everyday. They are definitely what the we need in these strange and murky times.

    Would you mind sharing the number of enrolled TAMS? If not I understand but think that it would be great to watch the numbers swell.

    Keep doing what your doing, and in the way your doing it. Your a beacon for common sense.

    Best, Timbo

  16. PeteRFNY says:

    Hey peeps, just checking in…my job has kept me busy and I have firewall issues at work so I haven’t heard the weekday show in a while. 🙁

    Good debate in NJ last night, I think Clownzine is on the way out!

  17. naga5 says:

    hi palin democrat!

  18. cmoore324 says:

    Ms Tammy:

    Another great show. I have one teeny tiny correction–it’s Howdy Doody and Mr. Rogers, not Mr. Roberts. Mr. Rogers is the guy in the sweater that sang to us as kids, Mr. Roberts is the Naval officer in the play and movie of the same name. Played by Henry Fonda in the movie. Now, you may mean Mr. Roberts in your analogy, but you’ll have to explain that one, cuz it’s just waaaaaaaay over my head if you do mean to use him in that way.

  19. tammybruceizamazin21 says:

    hi tamy ur amazing!

    i’ve just subscribed thanx tammy!!!

    bye for now!!!!!

  20. mrcarter says:

    School kids sing for healthcare on set of CNN
    http://tinyurl.com/y87e6vdI just had to leave a post on the real clear politics website even though
    I doubt that those posts or comments are ever seen, but this stuff just
    Makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little, so I’m re posting my
    comment here too.
    Dear President Obama, I am sure that you had no knowledge of such a shameful thing going on in our country.
    I mean with you being the all knowing, all seeing, able to walk on water,
    leader that you are.
    Could you please come out and denounce this indoctrination of our children and make some heads roll at the school that is doing this.
    If you keep allowing this to happen all over our country, there are some people out there that may begin to believe that maybe you actually are aware and must actually be a racist, marxist, dummy.
    It’s bad enough that it seems that you are intellectually spent and have used up every tactic that you have been taught by your “early 20th century progressive” mentors and have not been able to fullfil your dreams of the one world utopian rainbow land and that now the whole world looks at you as our red headed step child of a leader but please dont try to take our kids down the same path.
    We are, or I guess I should say that I am humbly asking you to reconsider the decision that you have made to try to lead the greatest nation on earth and just pass it on to somebody more qualified that will not embarass us anymore than you already have.
    Just pick a name out of the phonebook, anyone else would do. Best Regards Mr President,
    Rich Carter

  21. CO2aintpoison says:

    More “swine flu” fun facts. Thought you’d like to know some of the ingredients. There is an excellent article about this at canadafreepress.com. The article discusses things like, oh let’s see – you can’t sue the pharma company if you crash and burn – you see there’s an “Act” Congress signed to protect pharma. Let’s see, oh yes, it also supports Tammy’s position of “uh…what’s all the rush about ya’ll?” Well….Tammy doesn’t say “ya’ll”…but you get the idea. And no, of course, we already know this crap hasn’t been tested – evidently not one scientific study has ever established the long-term effects vaccines have. That’s fantastic! Roll up your sleeves, or bend over – here’s a tid bit from the site but I recommend reading the whole article:

    “Dr. Mercola notes on his website that “According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), most flu vaccines contain mercury in the form of thimerosal, some containing as much as 25 mcg…per dose – which is more than 250 times above the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit.”
    Dr. Mercola goes on to list several other ingredients found in some vaccines:
    •Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
    •Triton X100 (detergent)
    •Formaldehyde – a known cancer causing agent
    •Resin and gelatin – known to cause allergic reactions
    •Neomycin and streptomycin (antibiotics)
    •Phenol (carbolic acid)
    •Aluminum—a neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s disease
    •Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™) – which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis
    Thimerosal, squalene, and the other ingredients listed above, are hardly an exhaustive list of what goes into the various vaccines.
    Prevent Disease.com notes that, “Not one scientific study has ever established the long-term safety of adjuvants, and none have ever been approved for use in vaccines for humans.” If you wish to check out the ingredients in various vaccines for yourself, check out their website.”

  22. fiona1 says:

    Wow. Thanks for the info, CO2aintpoison.

  23. Palin2012 says:

    Doctors and Nurses – friends and family members ALL say – “Don’t take the H1N1 shot” – it HAS NOT BEEN TESTED!! Most of them say it quietly, a few will tell everyone with no consideration of impunity.

  24. WarriorCitizen79MP says:

    AAAHHHH!!!!! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. I have been without Tammy Radio for a long time now. Since I dumped an unmentionable satellite radio after they dumped all my talk shows, including Tammy. Finally I can download your show and listen to it on the road. Thank You Tammy. Missed you and things are much more gooder now. Now, if I remember your team member Chris used to play some Euro-Tech-Trance background tunage from time to time. If he needs some good stuff tell him to send me an e-mail. Have some really great stuff ever since my tour in Germany. Nothing good from my last two tours though, they involved nasty smelling, filthy and extremely warm locales. The only noises were very loud, and very close, all too often. It’s great to be back on the block with Tammy Radio. Keep up the fight and never let the voice of Freedom be extinguished! ( Just a crusty old soldier )

  25. jiaconis says:

    Tammy, As a PROUD TAM I cannot seem to find the private email address, how can I locate it on the site?? Also, we are electing a new gov here in Ca and I am backing Meg Whitman, I worked for Ebay during her tenure there and I thought she was great, I think she has the experience that Arnold never had. I think she would be great as our next Gov, any thoughts…

    • Tammy says:

      Jeff, I sent you an email, bt for all newbie TAMs asking the same question, please visit the “Members” subpage listed above the banner and read my “Welcome Letter.” In it you will find the private TAM email address. Thanks 🙂

  26. Mary Val says:

    By the time a vaccine for the Rosie O’Donnell flu is widely available, the target population will largely have had the virus already and recovered. 2 of my nieces, along with most of the other children in their high school and middle school, have already had the flu, and are doing fine. They had fever and muscle aches for 24-36 hours, one of the girls threw up once. That was it. No big deal. One niece missed one day of school and a band trip. The other niece was sick on the weekend and missed no school, to her disappointment. As far as we know, there were no children in either school hospitalized for any complications. There certainly were no deaths, that would have been in the local paper.

  27. Mariachi says:

    GREAT segment! I posted it on my FB page. People need to wake up and see the fascism trying to creep in here. I hope Rush receives damages from CNN & others for the unfair and unjustified defamation he’s received. And good for Juan for taking it up with that Ballantine guy about the porch comment. I’m glad he got a chance to call him out for it, especially since neither Juan nor Bill picked it up last night. If O’Reilly let Williams host the show tonight to give him a chance to address this, then that was a great move on his part.

  28. kristiemitschke says:

    Has anyone looked into how many days President Obama has been in his office at the White House? The President seems to be traveling more than he has been in his “office”.

  29. Mike Peacock says:

    Tammy, regarding your challenge to men to get a uterus installed… sign me up! I’ll take an occupied one from a woman who was considering abortion. You can say what you want about men wanting to control women’s bodies, but for many of us it’s simply about saving a child’s life. I’d glady accept nine months of inconvenience and a c-section to do that. Hell, my wife has done it twice… about time I took a turn.

  30. jiaconis says:

    Dear Tammy,

    Am a little bit concerned reguarding your comments on a Hillary/Obama ticket and how it may have been better, with all due respect Tammy, I would not want Obama anywhere near the Presidency. Being Vice-President, he would be just one heartbeat away from the office. Give me Zell Miller in a second for VP. Also, Is that not one of the arguments that the left used against Sarah Palin, that she would be only one heartbeat away. BTW: Where does the term “left” come from anyway??

    • Chuck says:

      “Left” comes from the seating arrangement in the French parliament during the time of their revolution. Those who seated at the left supported the republic while those at the right were the traditionalists.

  31. RobbieK says:

    Tammy, great breakdown of the Newt Gingrich reaching out to his mistress Nancy Pelosi in his stupid bid to try and run for President in 2012. After what he said about the Republican running against Hoffman in the NY Congressional race, I’m done with the guy. I’m a Republican, but I am on standby, watching, listening carefully, and waiting on someone in the Republican party to emerge. I’ve only seen 2 so far, Palin and Pence. If my party keeps it up, I’ll leave it after 29 years and become an Independent.

  32. wildone says:

    Jeb Bush has said ” the GOP is looking like an old white man’s Party…the DNC has something..” George Will commented that ” Cheyney and company should have dithered, instead of going after wmd’s that didnt exist”. So, I for one am glad to have change from the bs. regardless of who it is. Thus far Im not tired of Nancy P and crew.

  33. CO2aintpoison says:

    RobbieK – just make sure your state will allow you to vote in the primary if you are an independent. I made that mistake during the last election. My attempt to “make a point to the R’s” caused me to not be allowed to vote in the primary in my state (MD – I know, I know…).

  34. CO2aintpoison says:

    Hey! Who wants to “go in” on buying the Once another tea-tyme?! I figure, the he’s on the course, the less time he can ef up our lives with his magical mystical pen… Anyone?

  35. Rob_W says:

    Hey, Newt! Don’t you have a global warming commercial or something to do? Go play with Nancy. We’re in charge now.

  36. varmint says:

    Obama Communications Director, Mao philosophy loving, Anita Dunn video was shown by Glenn Beck, and her mouth was doing weird things between sentences. Anybody else notice it? The camera placement behind the microphone nearly obscured it, perhaps deliberately. It was this odd repetitive thing with her tongue, as if someone put peanut butter in a dogs mouth to trigger simulation of “talking” movements of the mutts mouth.

    • Shifra says:

      Yes! It’s called “dry mouth syndrome” and it can be a side-effect of many different medications. As soon as I saw the clip, I thought that Anita Dunn must be on some anti-anxiety meds or anti-depressants. Maybe I’m projecting, but I know that if I held a job in Urkel’s administration, I would definitely have to be on heavy-duty medications to get through the day without having a psychotic break! (But, come to think of it, don’t they ALL SEEM TO BE PSYCHOTIC????)

    • Carol says:

      Yes, I noticed it too! Shifra’s explanation sounds right on target, but it was still bizarre to behold. I talked to several other people who also noticed it. We likened it to the FSU defensive coach on the sidelines sticking out his tongue all the time as he’s chewing gum. (I know that’s meaningless to you unless you follow ACC football.) She looked even more strange especially considering the subject of her affection.

    • BarbaraM says:

      She is really one of those alien lizard people from “V” that is going to be revealed later….once her face is peeled back.

  37. radargeek says:

    How am I going to fill the void Tammy has made by not pod casting on Saturdays? What’s a Tammy soldier to do? I guess this will make Mondays even more exciting!!

    About Jeb and his great discovery of BO hating America and Capitalism, Is it me, or does Jeb Bush remind you of the bumbling oaf Officer Barbrady on South Park?

  38. right-wing-babe says:

    Oh that picture of Reagan and the thought of taking 3 little “trophies” tomorrow is so sweet I can almost taste it. Please, everyone registered to vote in NY23, VA, and NJ – GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s take our country back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. CO2aintpoison says:

    Back from DC Rally. Oh how sweet it was! Can’t wait to see how lose stream media will spin it.

    My favorite chant Nancy, Nancy, Nancy, Nancy, Nancy (like a parent looking for their kid who is in hell of a lot of trouble).

  40. Shifra says:

    We just returned home (NYC) from DC rally. It was wonderful! Twenty thousand people chanting:
    KILL THE BILL! KILL THE BILL! Favorite banner: Yes We Can —- Vote You Out! Best speakers: John Ratzenberger (Clifff Klavan from Cheers) and Jon Voight.

    I met a woman there whose son returned from Iraq and is about to be deployed to Afghanistan. At the time, we did not know about the attack at Ft. Hood. Hope he is OK. Our prayers go out to the families…..

  41. CO2aintpoison says:

    Naaaancy….Naaaaancy….Naaaancy….Naaaancy…… This freak puts the HR bill to vote today or tomorrow. Some patriots stayed overnight to roam the halls of Congress some more to lobby. If you can’t be there….PRAY.

  42. bryanjg07 says:

    Long time listener, TAM, and huge fan … first time commenting:

    I am a bit confused by your comments on the gays and the Boy Scouts / Big Sister programs on your show today.

    I, like you, tend to respect traditions, and I feel we tend to brush them aside too carefully in today’s society, but also like you, I can recognize when they need to be changed.

    I feel the idea that gays cannot be Scout Leaders or Big Sisters perpetuates the idea that we are somehow less capable of being role models for children, to a lesser degree perhaps, but in the same way the gay men in cheerleader costumes during the parades do. I am a gay man (one that wears a suit, by the way), and I know that I would be an excellent Scout leader. I am sure you would be an excellent Big Sister.

    I understand that people would not necessarily want the “parade gays” leading their children in the Boy Scouts, but shouldn’t we be judged based on who we really are, instead of that image our “gay elites” portray of us? I feel that supporting the belief that we should not be Scout leaders or Big Sisters is like wearing the cheerleader costume – we should instead “put on the suit” and let America know who we really are – that we are just as capable of being good role models for children as people who happen to be straight.

  43. jiaconis says:

    After analysis I have come to the conclusion that the reason that the Fraud-In- Chief was unwilling or unable to start off the news confrence without even a mention of the Ft. Hood shootings is that his teleprompter had not been fed the relevent data. I am so sick of hearing how clever and smart he is when he can’e even speak off the cuff on something as important as what had just taken place in our Nations largest Army base, pretty sick stuff, Thanks Tammy keep up the good work…

  44. Dave J. says:

    “A killer tornado, or some other storm and it’s aftermath, that’s a tragedy. Not destruction caused by evil humans.”

    As hairsplitting as this may sound, I’ve always hated the modern tendency to refer to natural disasters as “tragedy,” because by the original Greek meaning of the word, it suggests the victims brought it on themselves by their own hubris. Something cannot be truly tragic UNLESS it is caused by human pride.

  45. marleed says:

    Happy Birthday US Marines! Did anyone catch BHO’s well wishes … oh, nevermind, he didn’t make any comments!

  46. Crueladev says:

    14 Died at For Hood….14 NOT 13. Why do all forget about the unborn child?

  47. jiaconis says:

    Dear Tammy,

    Thanks so much for covering the services for our fallen heros and for the wounded heros also. Your take on Urkel was spot on, hearing the emotion you were feeling during the final few moments of the services brought the services to an different level. I am so proud to be an AMERICAN, and I am also very proud to be a TAM too…

    Love and Blessings TAMMY

  48. stephen says:

    god bless all at war old and new there are heros all over the world god bless you all

  49. BarbaraM says:

    I love the story about Sabi, the military dog ….
    And I just figured out that BO, the White House dog = Barack Obama….B.O. !!!!
    It really IS about him….

  50. Nemesister says:

    It’s the hose clamp belt!

    And under the headline of “You won’t see this on network TV” here’s something for the TAMs”


  51. Nemesister says:

    About the Lou Dobbs birther thing, it’s ironic to think that Nidal Malik Hasan is more qualified than Barrack Hussein Obama to be POTUS, ’cause we know where the former was born.

  52. eMVeeH says:

    Carmelo Junior posted the following in response to the HillBuzz blog’s November 10, 2009 excellent post titled, “Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush”

    “What a difference between George Bush and Obama.
    Bush an ex alcoholic, born again Christian, managed to lead this nation with just a megaphone, a pair of slacks and the most encouraging words pronounced by a president since Ronald Reagan: “We can hear you…the world can hear you. And the people who brought these towers down will hear from all of us soon.”

    Obama a former cocaine addict, half Muslim managed to polarize this nation with two teleprompters and an empty suit.

    God bless George W. Bush.”

    And, I humbly add, that Bush also kept us safe for eight years after 9-11. It’s ad to say, but it’s more than polarization we will get from the arrogant, narcissistic man-boy and his sick-o-phants. Obama and his prissy little AG, driven to “get” the Bush administration for “war crimes,” are probably going to get a lot of us killed!

  53. Carol says:

    Saints, let’s pray together that through their struggle they will see Christ and His strength. Borrowing words from Paul (Ephesians 1):
    We pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give Jennifer and her family the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that they may know Him better. We pray also that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which He has called them, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when He raised him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age, but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.

  54. sandyl says:

    Who could expect anything else from Obama than to try the 9/11 gang here in the US? He bowed to the Saudi King!! He also had a czar, Van Jones, Communist, who was a 9/11 truther. They don’t believe in Muslim extremist terrorists. Instead his AG is going after Bush and CIA as if they were the real criminals.

    It scares me when they are asked about this, both BO and EH choose their words VERY carefully. EH says he is sure the prosecution will be “successful.” What is THEIR definition of successful? For the terrorists to go free? To get the “real terrorists”–Bush and CIA?

    Obama either has made a deal with the Saudi’s (remember Lockerbie Bomber?) or he is a 9/11 truther and he is trying to “uncover evidence” via a trial that links the US to 9/11 and not the Saudi’s. Or perhaps he doesn’t believe in the 9/11 truther crap, but will make the other nut jobs even more certain that our government was to blame. I don’t know how a mad man’s mind works, but no matter which of these theories MAY be true, this man is NUTS.

    And as long as I am going out on a limb with my crazy, wacko thoughts. I have believed for a long time that the New York flyover was a political payback for a Saudi donor who wanted to see the twin towers site. There has been rumors that he had Middle Eastern donors, and that there was a contributor in Air Force One that day.

    I know this all sounds absolutely NUTS… but this man and his actions are not the actions of an American President with the best interests of America in mind. Sad to say, but I consider the President of the United States an enemy of the state!!

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