And he’s not happy. “Everything Obama touches turns to crap. Now we’ll never get the votes!!” (A very funny HT to TAM Don)

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. trevy says:

    The Oscar for Best Original Screenplay goes too…..DON!

  2. morecowbell says:

    What does “HT” mean ??

  3. aardvark says:

    “Obama failed lunch” lololol

    Useful video clip – they used it in the United Breaks Guitars War too.

  4. texasheat says:

    Like it, laugh a lot.

  5. jmucciola says:

    Brilliant and hilarious! “Obama probably failed lunch” Haaaaaa!!!!

  6. 1elder1 says:

    Oh my word! Ja Ja .This has to be a real translation. If the words fit we can’t acquit. Beck was right to get that Nazi uniform for the cover of his book. He has said yesterday and today O Hiel will be attacked by his own people. His own side oi vey!
    When your Gestapo book comes out, Ms Tammy, we can only hope you will wear a tight tight brown leather suit with riding crop. Don’t scare Syndey though (by the way how is Syd Bruce?).

    Oh where was I ???? oh yeah. Your program and posts have scored a BLUE RIBBON once again.
    Do I like them because I am BENT. Remember the play Bent?

    We all have ADD+H. I cannot concentrate today because Scott Brown has met with Mc Cain and Kerry today . The Prez called him because they will all work together now. Both sides of the aisle like quisling Mc Cain has been doing.

    I am nauseated now. I do this to myself. I know.

  7. thierry says:

    yes yes it’s time- the wicked witch of the house just gave up on giving us her special belated christmas gift-

    waterloo in french for john” hunting for octopi in france” kerry especially :

  8. 1elder1 says:

    I have given hundreds of dollars before to someone and then told them to go fuc# themselves. Socialist Health Plans out of Scott Brown’s pie hole today leads me to say ,Scotty go fuc# yourself.
    I put you in office and I will take you out the same way.
    On top of this some Romney idiot from Florida said Romeny was up on the stage with Brown because it was Romeny’s campaign which won it for Brown.
    OK, now you all can go to__________.
    I am not ,any time soon ,going to be a Brown cheerleader.
    WE USED BROWN TO STOP DEATH CARE. He is done; he can go back to Massachusetts and get a tune-up for his truck. See Ya!
    Palin said again today don’t put your trust in any one politician. We can trust them for 2 weeks . “bout it.
    Palin 2012

  9. animalfarm says:

    Would Hitler be Soros in this clip?

  10. gothicreader says:

    Oh goodness this was great!!!

  11. Chuck says:

    “Should’ve stuck with Hillary” — brilliant!

    Awesome video.

  12. mmeusa says:

    What a brilliant adaptation of “Downfall”! Thought I’d seen this before when I saw Juliane Kohler. Brilliant. Thank you…what a wonderful mockery to wake up to this morning…entirely appropriate! And, yes, Brownnnnnshirt, unfortunately, another progressive dressed in faux Republican clothing, I fear. Hopefully, he will not have any undermining effect on the beloved Tea Party Movement. Unlikely, but how many stabs in the back must be tolerated? These digressions just increase the pressure on the Tea Party patriots and the boldness with which they must act to restore the Republic.

  13. CO2aintpoison says:

    Full Stop. Is it just me or is anyone else having concerns about the Govnah (Sarah)? Got a tweet she’s getting ready to do Oprah (again); beating feet for McCain’s re-election (I will support whomever runs AGAINST him – unless they are a statist of course); calling into Fox for a “take” on the Brown race (I get it: she’s now a FOX News contributor, but it did seem kind of hookey) – AND, I had to put her book away about 15 pages from the end because she used the phrase inalienable rights (incorrect – inalienable are rights bestowed & protected by man) instead of unalienable rights (correct – they are rights endowed by the Creator and cannot be taken away). Yes, there was discussion in the writing of the Declaration regarding which word to use, but the founders settled on UNALIENABLE. All you have to do is READ THE DOCUMENT to see what is the correct word. I do not appreciate people changing the language whether by giant leeps or small margins. I was really hoping for some other kind of change.

  14. Shawmut says:

    Well, my feet have just touched the ground here inn Boston. I think I’m won of few people in this caliphate who’s feeling OK.
    But, Gang, remember, one battle ribbon is not enough. The enemy still holds the White House and all the propaganda ooutlets it needs. Take from the Brown election an important lesson. It can be done.
    If you want to respect his efforts, work as hard.

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