Palin at the Daytona 500

Palin at the Daytona 500

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60 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. CO2aintpoison says:

    Riddle me this Batman: what can save us from carbon “polution” except Crap & Tax? Answer: Photosynthesis dumbass Riddler guy (uh…w/all due respect Barb…).

    Because….CO2 aint poison. Duh. What the hell….

  2. CO2aintpoison says:

    Had to have a short civic lesson w/my son last night when we were discussing the Brown win in MA. For some reason, as an honor student, he did not know how many US Senators there are. We had a little chat after that. Our weather here near DC was calling for another sleet/snow/rain/ice storm cuz of all the global warming sht and we figured school would either be late or called off. I asked him what his first class of the day was (wondering what he may miss as it’s a new semester). He said “ceramics”.

    CER-FREAKING-AMICS!!!!! I blew a gasket but he told me the students are required to take an art class to graduate and he just found out. Did you guys have to take a freaking ART class??? I graduated ’83 – maybe I’m just, you know, old fashioned.

    • Artgal says:

      Art was required for one semester when I was in high school in the early 1980’s. But after that semester, I had various art classes as electives for the tenure of my high school career. Having those classes led me to my life’s calling in the arts and education, and I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to go to a very well funded school that had a very advanced curriculum in a variety of the arts. Those classes are what kept me in school.

      Unless the teacher of your child’s course is a real flake, art is a very valuable course!

      The arts have everything to do with creativity, developing perception and coordination skills, problem-solving and building confidence, patience and concentration. When combined with another subject, it can enhance a child’s learning experience though it is certainly a very strong subject on its own.

      For instance, I used math to create a blue-print of a mural painting (which we did recently at the school where I teach art). We are also going to build a kid’s clubhouse the students will also paint and donate to a daycare while working together and having to measure and follow prints. If they’ve never used a ruler before (and I have ran into that often), they’ll know how to read and use it properly within a half hour in my class. Art is connected to history as well whether it’s studying ancient Greece and the architecture of the Parthenon or the perfection Da Vinci strived for in his paintings.

      I find it unfortunate that Art (one of the 4 R’s in education, in my humble opinion) is considered a ‘fun’ thing and therefore, it’s somehow not work. If people only understood the hours, days, weeks, months, years it has taken for some of the most admired work on earth to be created, there would probably be an entirely different perspective on the subject. I’d like to think that arts are one way to bring beauty to the lives of my students when so many of them are faced with so much ugliness in this world.

      • CO2aintpoison says:

        Artgal: I see your point about art; but when civics is only taught in 5th grade, and my 16 year old honor student does not know there are 100 US Senators and/or thinks they are the same as state senators, but he may be late for ceramics class – that was a bit disturbing. When I asked him why he did not know about the Senator issue – he simply replied “well, they taught us that stuff a long time ago”. So, to me, that says they do not continue a reinforcement throughout the educational framework. When I was in school (I had to go to Christian school so maybe it’s different); each year we had a core of classes including either history or civics, but somethign along those lines. At the time of course, I hated it and forced myself to memorize enough to get a decent grade on my tests; but not I’m sorry that I did not LEARN it because I’m now having to go revisit all that information as it is so crucial to our survival.

        Thanks for another perspective though!! (I took art as well, as an after school elective-ish thing. Still have one of my paintings on my wall!).

        • thierry says:

          art was always part of the classic liberal arts education- along with latin and civics. (what ever happened to debate classes?) architecture ,the mother of the arts, has everything to do with mathematics and geometry. leonardo di vinci known primarily as an artist was a genius- a polymath- a rather mind boggling one whose greatness was fueled by his powers of observation and his ability to synthesize what he saw. in this aspect he’s rather more of an engineer . he made some of the most terrifying designs for weaponry yet was a vegetarian who thought humans were disgusting barbarians. he did some of the first exacting anatomical drawings after illegally ‘ autopsying’ bodies. he had the mind of a scientist, the eyes of an artist.

          but that was the old world humanist revolution idea of ‘ liberal arts’ which doesn’t exist anymore. diversity is seen as more important rather than a well rounded education in the basics. i graduated from american high school in 82 and ‘ problems of democracy’ and american history were still requirements for graduation. and as i recall even then only one teacher actually tried to encourage us to learn to intelligently debate issues. i also recall having to memorize the presidents and states and capitols in jr. high. but i went to one of the best ranked high schools in the state- when i got into college i realized that some people graduated high school and could barely read let alone explain the 3 branches of government. is it any wonder we are where we’re at?

      • Leon says:

        Hi Artgal! I agree, the arts are indispensable. When I was slotted into Dramatic arts and into Music Appreciation in the 10th grade it was something that stuck with me my whole life. I think performing the character Tom in the school play of “The Glass Menagerie” actually helped me deal with those home tensions involved with growing into a young man. My limited experience with ceramic clay in my 9th grade art class eventually led to continued experimentation with sculpture just a couple of years back. You’ve seen my fantasy art masks on in my pictures. The music appreciation class was where I encountered and loved “Claire De Lune” by DeBussy, something that stuck with me all my life, along with “The Grand Canyon Suite” and other musical experiences including Tchaikovsky. Anatomy and Physiology was just not destined to lead me into a life in medicine. For three years the only reason I went to school was for Dramatic Arts with Mr. Charles Wyman. I’ll never be an actor but the self discipline of memorizing roles, and the mustering of enough nerve to step out on the stage and do it, despite the nervous shakes, and the pieces themselves combined into something special. Hamlet at 18. You know? It made High School bearable, and even something to remember fondly.

    • mvupoars says:

      i think you may have been had by the lad, dad… check 2c if shop class was an opt. It was always a cop out for credit at MCHS.

  3. CO2aintpoison says:

    Do you think Sara would change her mind about helping out McCain now? (HT
    “Former Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth says he is planning to run against John McCain for his U.S. Senate seat…

    “We will formally announce at a later time, but we’re moving forward to challenge John McCain,” he said. “I think we all respect John. I think his place in history is secure. But after close to a quarter-century in Washington, it’s time for him to come home.”

    • aliencats says:

      I know I will be supporting Hayworth. I believe McCain is a liberal at heart, but I also believe he loves this country and would do anything to protect it. I respect McCain and his service, but we need a true conservative in office. It is time to say thankyou and move on.

  4. CO2aintpoison says:

    JD Hayworth voting record can be found here:

  5. CO2aintpoison says:

    Tammy; loving the salty & glad Syd is okay; was worried about you guys after not seeing any updates Monday!

  6. jap81 says:

    It would be great if Sarah changed her mind. However, I wouldn’t count on it.

  7. jap81 says:

    I found a bingo card for the SOTU address tomorrow night. I hope this link works [] Enjoy!

  8. eMVeeH says:

    FYI, other than the usual shenanigans, there’s something even sneakier going in Congress. The interim Ex-Senator from Massachusetts, Paul Kirk, is still voting! According to Hotline On Call at, Kirk voted in the Whip Count to keep Ben Bernanke as Fed chair. Apparently, Kirk’s service isn’t completed until Scott is sworn in. Soooo… away.

  9. Mary Val says:

    OMG Tammy, LMAO, I love your deficit reduction plan. I’m in on that one. (Lock him in the basement.)

  10. aliencats says:

    oops, I did not see the preious message saying JD is running. Funny, I live in AZ and have had the news on, and still manage to miss that piece of information. I emailed JD’s office and called him and encouraged him to run. I believe he has a shot. I doubt Sarah will campaign for him, I fear she is in between a rock and a hard place.

  11. eMVeeH says:

    I agree about Sarah Palin. She probably has to “payback” McCain for choosing her as his running mate in the 2008 presidential race, and do some campaign stumping for him.

    However, on the bright side, once Mrs. Palin’s done with McCain, so won’t owe him a thing. Besides, it doesn’t look like McCain has a chance when the GOP primaries begin, again. And that’s if he bothers vying for 2012.

    Too bad McCain didn’t show the “teeth” Mrs. Palin did in the campaign. Even worse, too bad he chose to be candid about Obama’s lack of leadership skills now instead of then.

    • CO2aintpoison says:

      IMHO, I believe Govnah Palin would actually GAIN credibility if she did not support McCain as a “payback” – – that’s the good ol boy, business as usual (which she asserts she cannot stand) network. Not only that – but McCain is not conservative! She would stand apart from that if she supported JD.

  12. ancientwrrior says:

    Tammy, where’s the 2 images of your dog you mentioned in yesterday/todays podcast?

  13. ancientwrrior says:

    Tammy, thanks for the info on Syds photos. Also want to let you know that i appreciate your occasional saltiness in your speaking. Shows you have a real passion about things. I get so tired of people being so nice and proper when talking about those who feed shovel fulls of crap down our throats, so as to not offend anyone. To hell with them and the damned horse they rode in on. You should hear me turning the walls blue shouting back at the radio about all this crap. Keep on being who you are and what you are, that’s why i like you!

  14. Leon says:

    I agree with ancientwrrior. I like a bit of hot sauce.
    Here’s something funny from Chuck Devore of the California politics scene!

    President Obama`s State of the Union Address: Confusion and Indignation:
    The President’s first State of the Union Address was an appropriate reflection of his first year in office: rhetorically ambitious, pragmatically muddled, ideologically dangerous, and surprisingly naive for a product of the Chicago political machine. But as with F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Amory Blaine, for whom “It was always the becoming he dreamed of, never the being,” so too did Barack Obama focus more upon ascending to high office than on using it well. The President is now stuck upon his pinnacle. To borrow a metaphor from the Owens Valley where I spent my high school years, he’s a turtle on a post: you aren’t sure how he got there, and he’s not sure what he’ll do about it.

  15. CO2aintpoison says:

    Riddle me this Batman: If the STFU lasted 70 minutes and Matthews “realized” barry wasn’t black for 60 minutes, what “color” did he think barry was for the other 10 minutes? Answer: Irrelevant. Matthews is a dumbass and can not track time.

  16. CO2aintpoison says:

    Theory: Obama bows to those who do not have the “traditional American appearance” because he feels the need to apologize to the planet for all of Americas transgretions.

    Mayor of Tampa has obvious Asian decent – thus, the once feels he needs to apologize for whatever America must have caused to her family line somewhere in history.

    Has anyone seen a photo of him bowing to anybody who has a “traditional American” appearance??

    • naga5 says:

      please, before he finishes his one and only term, can he come to my house to bow to me? i am of japanese descent and would appreciate a prince akihito “where-the-heck-did-that-eyeglass-screw-fall?” bow. my kids should get a half bow, except my son who is in the military reserve and probably gets a quarter bow because urkel hates our soldiers in uniform. my wife will get nothing from him, just like the nothing all white people will get from the gates millennium scholarship. ugh.

  17. CO2aintpoison says:

    10 Steps to Destroy America (HT Mark Levin). Any of this crap sound familiar? Hey thanks, Barry.
    •Rewrite the Constitution and break down its firewalls through Judicial and Bureaucratic fiat.
    •Concentrate all meaningful power in the Federal Government.
    •Suppress and Repress the Individual by attacking his Unalienable Rights through laws and constant torment.
    •Eliminate Private Property through Confiscatory Taxation and Regulation and wage constant war against Business Enterprises and Entrepreneurs.
    •Control Institutions of Education at all levels and turn them into Indoctrination Centers for the State.
    •Change the Citizenry by opening National Borders to virtually all comers and changing the qualifications for Citizenship to include mostly poor, uneducated illegal aliens.
    •Destroy the Private Financial Institutions that have funded the Greatest Production and Accumulation of Wealth for the Most People the World has ever known.
    •Destroy Capitalism and replace it with Redistributive Policies by Destroying the currency and Replacing it with a new currency or Revaluing the old currency.
    •Eliminate American Sovereignty through arrangements and agreements with Foreign Countries and International Bureaucracies.
    •Use American Foreign Policy not to improve American Economic and National Security, but to advance the Notion of One Government Globalism.

  18. eMVeeH says:

    Tammy, Reuters has pulled the Backdoor Taxes To Hit Middle Class by Terri Cullen [I wonder if this person still has a job.] story you talked about on the show from their site. Bob McCarty posted at Big that maybe Reuters values accessability to Obama as tantamount. It seems the truth is expendable when you want to continue in the godling’s good graces. Luckily, the folks over at got the text of the article before it was pulled. No doubt the article is still availiable on the net through other folks as well.

    P.S. Hope things went well with Sidney. Take care.

    • CO2aintpoison says:

      After his show tonight, you’ll likely also be able to pull the article from Mark Levin’s show page as he spoke about this in his opening monologue this evening and read from the document (also commenting that it got yanked quick – but not quick enough for bloggers, etc.!). Anything he cites, he posts to his site so people can fact check etc…

      Gettin’ ready to pull the PodC for today! Yippie!!!! (I’m sooooo DONE with the snow, dudes).

  19. CO2aintpoison says:

    Yanked Reuters story can be found here:

    I printed out a copy – you know just in case this link finds its way to the memory hole also…

  20. azlwcats says:

    Sending good vibes to Sydney and you!

  21. Carol-1R says:

    I, for one, don’t mind if you comment while playing a sound bite from a moron. You’re usually funny. It’s your gift to comment on absurdity as it’s being said and/or done. One of your best shows was when you were describing the people at the Town Hall meetings being showered and well dressed.

  22. Los2000 says:


    Enough already! The last thing I want to see (anywhere) is The Vegetable Lady snogging Urkel!

  23. tamcat says:

    Tammy, the Palin accent you talked about Monday sounds midwestern. Sorta like the folks in Minnesota. Like in the movie Fargo.

  24. IloiloKano says:

    So okay, Tammy.

    Apparently Conservatives are exercising a great deal of self-restraint and giving the memory of Murtha the respect that Liberals won’t give back, since I can’t locate any comments anywhere of a derogatory nature towards the EX-Marine who called my brothers in Iraq Murderers.

    So I now claim my right as a FORMER Marine to report, “Another old fat pasty white male politician has died”.

    And I am not be the least bit apologetic for that description, nor do I feel the least bit of grief over his timely death!

    However, to those who have chosen to be respectful, I admire your civility, but don’t expect Liberals to respond in kind when the time comes.

    • Shifra says:

      IloiloKano, Liberals do NOT show civility; remember the vicious and disgusting comments from the Left when Tony Snow passed away?

      Conservatives are adults, Liberals are angry and spoiled teenagers.
      (Btw, thanks for your service!)

  25. eMVeeH says:

    Hi, Tammy. Your discussing that moral idiot’s comments about the American people helping al-Queda when the godling is criticized, reminded me of the difference in political climate of President Reagan’s time and today. Reagan inspired and believed in the American people’s ability to do the right thing. Reagan did that in spite of constant attacks by the press of jingoism, nationalism, as well as ad hominum attacks. Today, the president and members of his administration scold the American people and call them names instead of inspiring them.

    Luckily, We the People have woken up and know a bully when we see them. Besides, were mad as hell and they know we’re not gonna take it anymore!

    November 2010, here we come.

  26. jiaconis says:

    This is a bit off-subject, I just wanted to tell you how much I/we appriciate your show and all the hard work that goes into it. As a very proud member of the TAM Nation be assured that we have your back and God willing you will never have to go back to regular radio again. Commando radio/podcast is the best thing that has come along in a while. It must be such a good feeling to not have to answer to anyone on the content of your shows, they are the high point of my week…

    Blessings Always Tammy

  27. VinceP1974 says:

    OMG what is this picture?

  28. jmucciola says:

    Obama’s Head on a Stick…Nice!!!

  29. Artgal says:

    Obama is indeed shit on a stick. Would be a great day in America if this was a stool sample from his dog. It would save us the trouble of having to deal with him until 2012.

  30. eMVeeH says:

    So, the candy-lollipop godling would like to engage the Taliban in talks. I guess his misogyny doesn’t stop with insulting Hillary Clinton during the 2008 presidential campaign, among other things.

    The author, Brad Thor, has written an article about a horrific and disgusting Taliban rape video. To keep the story from becoming known in the chaste and pure Muslim world, the women in the video have been killed by the members of the Haqqani family. The Haqqanis run a Taliban terror network. A Taliban commander told Thor, “What Abu Ghraib was for you Americans, this will be for the Haqqanis; only worse.”

    Well, Obama has “bent over backwards” to have a “constructive conversation” with Iran about its nuclear program, despite the government slaughter of it’s own citizens. Why not engage “those folks,” the Taliban, too. After all, what’s the rape of a few women?

    G-d rest those poor women’s souls.

  31. Dan Platt says:

    If Sarah’s stimulus plan is anything like her Nascar picture above, I’ll never get any work done. But the economy will be on the right track! 😉

  32. timpeck says:

    Photo caption: “Nice body.”

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