Yeah. I remember when I hit 75 once on the freeway. It was just like if I had sneaked into a country, trespassed on private property, vandalized that property, stole some food in the process, then forged federal documents or knowingly used forged federal documents to get a job. Then it felt just like using emergency rooms to get free health care, forcing hospitals, along with their trauma centers and emergency rooms, to close forever because of my greed, self-obsession and sense of entitlement.

White House compares illegal immigration to speeding

The White House on Friday said a Senate bill that would grant legal status to illegal immigrants is analogous to a traffic law that allows a speeder to pay a fine and continue driving. “If you had a traffic ticket and you paid it, you’re not forever a speeder, are you?” White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said in response to questions from The Examiner.

“So the fact is, you have paid your debt to society,” he added. “And we have come up with a way to make sure that the debt to society gets paid. Then you move forward.”

As I watched my speedometer hover just over 75 mph to about 76, I thought, gee, this is what it must be like to not pay any employment taxes, to send my non-English speaking kid to free public school which I don’t pay for at all taking away textbooks, a desk, and the teacher’s time from American kids, and to be using a false identity and forged documents to get an apartment, and then with all the money I saved not having to pay for health care, taxes, or school, driving a little fast felt just like sending 60 billion dollars out of the country that I was sucking dry.

Yeah, going that 10 miles over the freeway speed limit in the fast lane is exactly like being a vampiric felon.

Hey, Mr. President, exactly when did your opinion of the intelligence of the American people sink as low as your own approval ratings? Whoever is advising the president is either a) his enemy or b) a Democrat, or c) has refused to take their medication, because this has moved beyond the pale.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. In The Tin Ear Department – Revisited

    You know, I had pretty high hopes for Tony Snow as Press Secretary. I think he is pretty much a straight shooter and comes across as quite genuine.
    This was a particularly bad way to try to put across a point, I think. I see what he'…

  2. aegil says:

    I’ve always liked President Bush and admired him for some things, and I thought Tony Snow would be a huge improvement over Scott McClellan, but its getting harder and harder to respect these people after so much of this kind of crap. And I lost respect for most Senators long ago. If the Republicans don’t do something to seriously fix the security along the Mexican border, they deserve to go down in flames in November. Thanks for letting me vent–I’m sure this kind of thing has been expressed here before! 🙂

  3. DaveH says:

    I wrote speeding tickets for 31 years in Southern California.
    A speeding ticket is an INFRACTION, i.e., you can only have a court trial, and the maximum penalty is a fine.
    Illegal Aliens are committing multiple felonies. A felony is something that results in State or Federal Prison time.

    To compare all these felonies is assuming that the Ameerican Public is FELONY STUPID.

  4. MunDane68 says:

    I want to say it was Walter Williams that talked about laws that are not enforced are not laws at all. And laws capreciously enforced are worse than no laws at all.

  5. Tink says:

    So they still think we’re stupid… well, this proves it’s matter of projection doesn’t it.

    Btw, the President made a good speech this morning at the West Point graduation. (Only Fox and MSNBC carried it) I will never ever understand how he can seem to think so clearly about freedom and military victory and then do a 180 when it comes to the borders and immigration.

  6. ltlme says:

    Gosh golly gee whiz, I guess I better stop speeding so I’m not like an illegal alien. Give me a break.

  7. Talkin Horse says:

    This analogy makes no sense. When they catch you speeding and pull you over, you’re no long speeding. The violation is over and done with, and it’s just a matter of settling the damages. When they catch an illegal immigrant and take him in, he’s still an illegal immigrant. His violation is an ongoing thing, not a momentary thing. Offering the illegal immigrant citizenship is like offering the speeder a new car.

  8. chuck e-cheez says:

    Oh boy,another Snow-Job.They must think the average American is stupid,what an insult to my inteligence.I stopped listening to Tony Snow after he took an unshakable pro UAE stance during the Dubi Ports deal,in my opinion he crossed over to becoming the Condesending-Elitest that he is today.The cheezzzey speeding analogy he used dosn’t surprise me one bit.I guess Tony Snow and President Bush have one thing in common,low rattings….They just don’t understand the power and will of the people,yet!!!”They are about to awaken a sleeping giant”….Time for a reality check! Thank You Tammy,for the way you put things into perspective….Love ya….chuck E-cheeze

  9. Artist for truth says:

    “So the fact is, you have paid your debt to society”. First of all, if the debt could be restored in a substantial dollar amount for past infractions, it could not sustain future costs on the environment. Fifty percent of the population increase within the last twenty years was due to immigration. Environmental studies show that each individual influences 5 acres of land to maintain consumption and waste production. In America, each individual’s impact on the environment influences 25 acres. Since the baby boom, Americans are having smaller families. With millions of illegal immigrants coming here every year amnesty supporters need to do the math.

    “The Census Bureau states that if immigration were reduced to replacement level, the United States population would still be growing at the end of the century because of the momentum created by the last three decades of immigration.”

  10. SW says:

    I have been thinking a lot about migration and I can’t figure out why it should be against the law. It seems to me that speeding can be made illegal because we want to be safe and to much speeding is unsafe. But how does a Mexican or anybody else moving here and working affect anyones safety. Americans have the legal right to live in any state they want to. Why should we have laws to keep others from moving here as long as they work, obey the law and aren’t an unreasonable burden. For more thoughts along this line visit:

  11. helpunderdog says:

    “Why should we have laws to keep others from moving here as long as they work, obey the law and aren’t an unreasonable burden.”

    Because many don’t work, don’t obey the law, and are an unreasonable burden. Many live off the social welfare system and are indeed a financial strain. How many send their kids to public schools, receive welfare/food stamps, free medical care, use our roads, clog our jails, commit crimes, sell drugs, form gangs, consume police hours, contribute to traffic congestion and overpopulation? All amenities afforded an orderly, law abiding society are strained when illegals fail to pay taxes. Much of the money they earn is sent back to their homelands. Who benefits from all of this? Employers. They’ve got their cheap maids, janitors, landscapers. American taxpayers subsidize businesses who employ these illegals. Do they pass the savings on to Americans? Some do, many don’t. Look at how much new homes cost these days and tell me that the savings incurred from cheap immigrant construction crews is passed on to homebuyers. Maybe lettuce is a little cheaper – but that’s not a just tradeoff for illegal immigration.

  12. SSgt Rat says:

    And I thought one had to get up in age to get senile, but congress has proven other wise.
    I hope my Marines have an America to come back to. Or will the mid-east be the New United States of Arab Americas; while the US becomes the US of Mexico?

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