Still looks like a baby.


In other massively covered urgent news (with over 600 stories googled about Angelina’s emotional birthing state), the “really peaceful” experience actually wasn’t. It is now being reported that Angelina was “terrified” during the birth.

And when did a C-section get equated with “giving birth”? I think any woman who has passed an 8 pound bowling ball would argue with the idea that it’s somehow the same as having someone pluck the bun right from the oven.

And if Angie was afraid at the birth, she should think twice at ever wearing The Fly sunglasses around the kid. Then she’ll know what scared really is.



UPDATE 6/18:

Bishopwife in Comments notes:

Hi Tammy,
As far as it not being the same, you are right. Most women having “natural” childbirth bounce right back. Women having C-sections it takes them a good month or two to completely recover. I have had two C-sections and neither one was all that easy to recover. Women having “natural” childbirth may feel more pressure in the beginning because of having to push and all that, but what about us ladies that have to recover from having MAJOR surgery. Where’s the sympathy for that?

Yes, BW, excellent point and well taken. I expand more on this and other comments in the Comments section.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. BillD says:

    Hi, Tammy.

    Speaking as a mere guy, I blanch at the prospect of giving birth. My wife’s screams giving birth to our third daughter still rattle in my ears. She seemed to think it was worthwhile. You babes are really tough.


  2. bishopwife says:

    Hi Tammy,
    As far as it not being the same, you are right. Most women having “natural” childbirth bounce right back. Women having C-sections it takes them a good month or two to completely recover. I have had two C-sections and neither one was all that easy to recover. Women having “natural” childbirth may feel more pressure in the beginning because of having to push and all that, but what about us ladies that have to recover from having MAJOR surgery. Where’s the sympathy for that?

  3. Dan Patterson says:

    An aside to the celebrity baby story–and I’m glad that mother and child are well: Please consider removing the term ‘google’ as a verb from your vocabulary and from your use as a search tool. Given the Chinese record on human rights, especially the one-child law, and the self-censoring by Google of issues sensitive to the Chinese political image, the verb ‘google’ in your story sparks and clangs against an otherwise happy occasion.

    Dan Patterson

  4. CajunKate says:

    Hey I love ya Tammy but as someone who had all 3 of my sons via C-section if I didn’t give birth to them what did I do?

  5. Tammy says:

    Bishopwife and CajunKate, first BW, I posted your comment on the main page just to give it more coverage. I’m sure you’re not the only woman who had the same thought!

    And I totally agree that having a C-section clearly carries as much risk and pain as natural birth, but you would have to agree it is indeed different from “giving birth.” Just technically, the act is concertedly different.

    Perhaps a C-section should be termed “delivering” your baby. I truly don’t intend for any of this to be considered a dismissal of the power and importance of having a baby in whatever manner a woman chooses, but words are important and convey certain things, so I get interested in things like this.

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