An editorial in the National Review explains why the North Korean missile crisis is typical of that regime, and why it’s time to stop playing games with, as Tammy Blog puts it, the insane little midget running the show.

Shoot It Down

Why would North Korea prepare to test a long-range missile in plain sight of U.S. satellites and the world? There is much head-scratching over that, but it really shouldn’t be a mystery. Aggressive and erratic behavior is pretty much what the North Korean economy is based on. It is what has allowed Pyongyang to extort aid from the rest of the world as a prop to its criminal regime.

The proper response is to make it clear to the North Koreans that we aren’t playing that game anymore. That means eschewing the Clinton approach of shoveling help to North Korea in the hope of ending the provocations. It also means using our missile-defense system against a North Korean missile launch, should it come to that…

As for the immediate threat, it is very unlikely the North Koreans would put something nasty atop their missile. But this is another North Korean gambit in coercive diplomacy in which the message is most important. With the test, the North Koreans want to tell us, “We can threaten you.” We should try to say back, through a defense, “No, you can’t.”

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Carpediem says:

    I believe the communist dictator Kim Jong is somewhat jealous of all the attention that Hitler Jr. of Iran is getting and he wants some of the action. Yes, let’s please shoot it down , enough games already. How long do we keep catering to these mini-hitlers as they yank us around by a chain ?

  2. BillD says:

    Why wait for a launch? Just blow it up on the ground.

  3. Vicki says:

    Maybe this is why Murtha wants the troops redeployed to Japan?

  4. ltlme says:

    Just send over a nuke and be done with it.

    Anyone catch Team America where Kim Jong sang “I’m So Ronery”? Every time I hear about him that song pops in my head.

  5. jimbo says:

    Absolutely! Shoot down the Albright-Clinton missile!

  6. Trinity says:

    What is the theme song to Team America again?
    Yep..America..blank ya. (If you do not know it, it is for adult ears only, for those that know..I can hear you humming it now!) Time to end this maniacs rants now. I have had enough of him and his ilk.

  7. Peep8 says:

    Okay, Kim Jr…. No more screwing around. Threatening the US with nuclear attack if we pop your missile is no longer empty rhetoric. The state of war which has existed for the last fifty years remains in force. The terms of the cease fire and armistice are to be revoked, and offensive operations will resume. All nuclear reactors, bomb assembly plants, artillery pieces, rifles, pistols, peashooters and political leaders are targets of opportunity that we will attack at will.

    Douglas McArthur was right.

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