This little gem came from this post about the shock from the international community about the “torture” the CIA has listed it wants to use. Even the horrific example of pulling on a terrorist’s shirt to get his attention. I know, I haven’t been able to sleep for weeks about that one.

In the Comments section this little ditty was indeed just submitted. I thought it a good opportunity to counter the sophomoric arguments against persuasive measures to get mass murderers to talk about their next plan, especially because those arguments are seeping with moral relativism and sick self-obsession. Personally, I am sick and tired of this puerile tripe, Malignant Narcissism and nihilism masquerading as “progressive politics” and “concern for American values.” My comments are bracketed and bold. I have also redacted this Commenter’s name and email to save him/her any further embarrassment. You know who you are.


I can’t believe that you are being honest in this article. Do you really believe that we should advocate torture?

You make fun of the types of torture that the CIA would like to administer, comparing it to a night out at a night club. That is sad.

[Believe it, it’s the truth. You need to get out more].

Let’s say that the CIA only wanted to tap a terrorist’s forehead with a number 2 pencil. Would you make fun of that? Would it be funny if after tapping the terrorist’s forehead for 4 days that the terrorist became psychotic for lack of sleep? Would it be funny if after a week a hole was tapped in his head and became infected? Would it be funny as the terrorist lied there shaking from the fever and chills of the infection from the hole?

[Let’s see…tapping a guy with a pencil…an infected sore and a fever while trying to get a mass murdering terrorist to reveal the next plan. Let me think….wait…Yes, I’m all for that. But actually, I’m more all for water-boarding which doesn’t take four days; it takes two minutes to work].

How funny would it be if a CIA (under a different regime) decided that you were a terror because of your “revolution book.”

[Remarkable. You cannot, or refuse, to distinguish between actions we take to get information about the next mass-murder plan so we can save lives, and a tyrannical regime’s punishment of a writer because they don’t like what’s been written.

This is like saying a husband and father who, when a rapist/killer enters his home to rape and kill, beats him up to stop him, is equal to the neighbor who goes outside and for no reason pummels the paperboy. Young person, and you must be young considering your insipid position, these situation are not the same. One is justified, the other is not. They are not morally equal. They are not morally relative.

What a world we live in when this still has to be pointed out.]

I guess my point is this. In my America we don’t justify torture, we give everyone due process and avoid cruel and unusual punishment, because those are inalienable human rights, that come from both the Constitution and God.

[That’s for American citizens, not foreign mass murdering terrorists who are enemy combatants. As a matter of fact, if you were to suggest to the world that our Constitution and Bill of Rights be adopted by every country on Earth, you’d be laughed out of the room. To give the benefits of our law to foreign murderers who exist to kill us is an insult to every American who works hard to make this country great. Our rights are not to be spread around to anyone who will take them like yesterday’s expired blueberry muffin].

I want my America to be a shining example of what government by the people can be. That we can stand strong in the face of terror, because we know deep down that freedom, and fairness are rights given by God not man. And that in the end they will prevail over terror.

[Aww, that’s very nice and sweet, and such a lovely sentiment, but sentiment won’t uncover plots of mass murder or get savages to talk. Now go look again at the people jumping from the 80th floor of the WTC. Nice cuddly, happy feelings are wonderful. I want this government to be all it can be as well. But in order to have that you first have to believe that you are worthy of defending, and then implement that defense].

I just don’t like to see those principles cheapened.

[Here’s the cheapened principle: your desire to feel morally superior coming at the cost of hundreds or thousands of innocent lives. You and I are different–I am less interested in the way I am perceived than I am in making sure we do everything, everything possible to make sure we get all the information we need to save innocent people from dying. That includes the 2 minutes of water-boarding applied to Khalid Sheikh Muhammad which gave us the details of at least 12 planned attacks against the United States innocent civilians, including the plan to fly an airplane into the tallest building in Los Angeles.

The “cheapened principle” is not considering the thousands of people dead in order so you (or we?) can argue and be somehow seen as “fair”? Fair to whom? When does “fair” kick in for the murdered, when making a terrorist uncomfortable for two-minutes (water-board!) would save their lives, but you don’t want that because it would irritate your idea of you being decent. The indecency is allowing more people to die so you can think good thoughts about yourself. Now that’s sick, self-obsessed, and contrary to everything it means to be an American.

Now, just for good measure, here’s a picture from the Beslan School Massacre. Because for people like you this is all about theory as opposed to real people at risk, real people targeted and real people dying:


Now, I would use water-boarding, or even tapping a guy on the head with a pencil for days on end to stop this. You, you freak, wouldn’t. Now *that’s* sick. In fact, I would do even more. And considering you’re appalled by my support of shirt-tugging and sleep-deprivation, I won’t give you nightmares with a description of what I would support to get a terrorist animal to talk so we can save innocent lives. But if you or your family ever, God forbid, gets hurt or killed in a terrorist action, the first thing you’re going to wonder is, Did we do enough to stop this? Now that water-boarding is banned, the answer will be “no, we didn’t,” and it is then, when you are holding a dead loved-one in your arms, you will wish this was the United States of Tammy].

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. irregardless says:

    I want to be a citizen of the United States of Tammy, the land where clear thinking is the guide for governing (and terrorists can be waterboarded).
    Sign me up,

  2. artgal says:

    Excellent, Tammy! Many seem to have trouble grasping reality, and the comment sent to you further illustrates that point.

    Plus, I am so puzzled as to why anyone thinks enemy combatants (or even the entire world) are covered by the U.S. Constitution (loved the blueberry muffin analogy, by the way)! Guess we had better be careful discussing that before a congressional member takes note and gets yet another bright idea for protecting Allah’s a**kissers over American lives.

    Just for the record: I can back you up 100% on the comparisons to Girlbar. Been there, done that; therefore, my qualifications would be exemplary for the CIA Director post when there is a United States of Tammy.

    If the little girly-man terrorist can’t take the 2-minute Club Gitmo interrogration process complete with all the amenities offered, perhaps we have further demonstrated that American women are tougher than these little sexist-terror-maggots on any given entire night on the town in the good ‘ol USA.

  3. gull says:

    What if we just referred to water-boarding as baptism?

    We could baptize all detainees and set them free. (Unless they wanted to hang around and talk, of course.) We could even issue pocket-sized Bibles (with their names in gold letters on the front cover), drape them in flowers, tatoo crosses on their forearms, video-tape them as they “witness” their conversion, then introduce them to the world (similar to a church social) as “born again” converts!

    Islamo-facists have been known to “convert” captives they don’t decapitate — and in the name of the religion of peace! What’s the difference????

    Surely the world accepts the concept of baptism, no?

  4. Marie says:

    Well, again, repeating myself, do these people read or listen to the same news and you and I do or are their heads so far up there that they can only see themselves? I want the rest of the world to know that we won’t put up with terrorist bullcrap…that we will do what we need to do to save American lives…someone still needs to convince Pelosi and the rest of the moonbats, and remind them they are Americans…I personally think that the American public needs to watch the downing of the Twin Towers at least once a week to remind them what we are up against…TERRORIST DO NOT CARE IF THEY DIE TRYING TO KILL YOU!!!! THEY WANT TO DIE KILLING YOU…AND YOU IS EVERY AMERICAN OR PERSON WHO DOES NOT THINK LIKE THEM…THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS!!! oh..sorry for shouting…I just got a little fired up over this one….

  5. Ken says:

    Can I get directions to the United States of Tammy?

  6. echo says:

    Since we’re being so nice to the terrorists now, and granting them citizen’s rights, will we extend this consideration to our own military that endures many of the same experiences during training? Does this mean we can stop having military people go through training that includes water-boarding and not make those poor Navy Seals suffer all that sleep deprivation they endure during their training?

  7. Cranky Chick says:

    Amen, my sister! These freaks live in a dream world where everything will be ok if we can just hug and extend a little understanding. Screw that. The time for understanding ended on 9/11. We need to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get information out of these savages and protect innocent lives. These liberal freaks don’t distinquish between acts of evil and acts for the greater good and therein lies their danger.

    Thank God for people like you, Tammy. If not for the voices of reason we’d all be in bigger trouble than we already are.

  8. supermanshzm77 says:

    Keep up the good work Tammy!
    That the left might have as much concern for Americans as they do for terrorists.Sad.

  9. Kat says:

    I could say so many things about this original poster, but I think everyone else has pretty well covered it. Instead, I’ll keep it really short and just say, “Bravo, Tammy!!” and “Thank you!”

  10. Craig C says:

    As I have said before, terrorists shold have ZERO rights. It should be REQUIRED that all terrorist prisoners are tortured. Just for the fun, if nothing else. After all, they do it to our people all the time.

  11. Well said Tammy, well said.

    Your America is my America.

    Long live America the Great and may every terrorist die a horribly painful, suffering death full of torture and pain.

  12. TB in Baltimore says:

    A favorite Star Trek quote comes to mind (ok – I’m a geek!):
    “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few… or the one”
    This could be the US of Tammy platform for treatment of terrorists and child molesters!

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