
No problem there. Yeah, I don’t see any reason why doctors would need to see the faces of their women patients. Nah. There’s never, ever any reason to think that a facial expression might indicate pain or discomfort (another perk for Muslim men, you don’t need to see what your women really think of you). There’s absolutely no reason to be able to see the mouth and nose of a woman, you know, which might indicate whether or not she’s having a breathing problem. And that pesky skin–never, ever does a doctor or nurse need to see what’s happening with skin. Let’s say if a woman patient is having an allegic reaction to something, those hives that show up. Yuck. Nah, seeing skin is completely unnecessary.

The most important thing is to make sure we pander to the stone-age mentality of 7th century sexist control freaks. (HT Drudge). Because they say it’s their “religion.” Because God has told them to treat women like property. And gee, if women are just property to be controlled, I guess we just don’t need to give them the same quality of medical care.

Of course, there are also tremendous benefits to implemeting the Burka “Modesty Gown.” It tellsMuslim women that the progressive, emancipated West isn’t for them, and no matter where they go they will remain enslaved by freakish, backward oppression brought to them in the name of God. For the Western world to allow this to be legitimated is obscene. And for those of you who say it’s “culture” and should be respected, apartheid in in South Africa was also their “culture” and that didn’t stop the world from demanding it be changed.

What will the British do next to appease their Islamists? Send women to be treated by the vet? And hey, Jews also make Muslims uncomfortable. Maybe next they should ban Jewish doctors from treating Muslims. And heck, while we’re at it, let’s ban Jews from hospitals all together. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Trinity says:

    This made me so upset, I got physically ill. I can not say this any better than my husband just did, “Honey, didn’t we just fight a war to stop this horrific repression?” I am outraged. I do not know if it is because these slave dresses are being offered or if women in a ‘free’ country are wearing them?

  2. Trinity says:

    This made me so upset, I got physically ill. I can not say this any better than my husband just did, “Honey, didn’t we just fight a war to stop this horrific oppression?” I am outraged. I do not know if it is because these slave dresses are being offered or if women in a ‘free’ country are wearing them?

  3. hud says:

    Britain is let PC take over to the point of insanity. To provide such ludicrous accomodations to a culture that wants to destroy you is beyond suicidal. There’s a serious mental problem infecting the elites of that nation (and many elites here).

    It’s funny, but when I lived there in the 70s and Early 80s, I thought Britain was very chauvenistic compared to America. As a Californian, I was kind of surprised by the attitudes over there. Now they have become ten times more wussified than America, and that’s saying something.

  4. helpunderdog says:

    Churchill’s take on Islam over 100 years ago, funny how it still applies today:

    “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
    Winston Churchill
    (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pgs 248-50, London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899).

  5. Bamagal says:

    Repulsive. What’s next, female circumcisions? So let me get this straight–we place our military in harms way in order to clean up Afghanistan of the Taliban just to see it embraced by the idiotic Brits.

  6. Talkin Horse says:

    Actually, I wouldn’t object to hospitals looking for ways to make their visitors feel more comfortable. They do have a reputation for treating you like a side of beef rather than a human being. So this wouldn’t be troublesome in itself, but it’s part of a larger pattern. Vastly more serious, for example, was the cartoon jihad, in which the Western media has sacrificed its freedom of expression at the altar of political correctness.

    A new sensitivity has been established in dealing with Muslims that was never considered for Jews or Christians, in spite of plenty of offensive stuff. Or rotating the toilets in British prisons so Muslims don’t have to face Mecca. It’s obvious that we’re simply yielding to the power of violence and oil dependency, so we treat this idiocy and depravity as if it were respectable.

    The irony is that if there were a powerful force of truly moderate Muslims, we might share some common ground. Plenty of us are concerned about that segment of our culture that slides into nihilism and hedonism. We dislike, for example, much of what comes out of Hollywood. But our struggle is to win hearts and minds by logic and social persuasion; none of us believes we can win arguments or solve problems by, for example, blowing up annoying celebrities.

  7. Vicki says:

    I’ve spent a good bit of time looking at this picture. It fascinates me, I admit.

    After I study it a bit I see that the veil portion can easily be lifted up to reveal the face. I suppose a doctor can fight through the rest of it for purposes of examination and treatment when the time comes. What an ordeal.

    As to the British hospital providing such gowns-what are they thinking? Maybe they do it so some of the most “fundamental” Muslim women will be able to get the treatment that they (or their men) are prevented from seeking otherwise.

    I think about Christian people in America who may have practices and beliefs that are strange to each other. The Catholics, the Protestents, the Scientologists, the born again, the Amish – all joined together under a common identifier but very different in their practices and beliefs.

    With the Muslims we see men and women who wear burka (which is traditionally a male garment), worn in varying extremes. Some dress very “western” some show their faces, some wear only scarves but in extreme cases the women (like this one) usually the most covered. That is, except for the fully covered faces of men who are “fighting jihad” like the ones who cut off the heads of Westerners in videos, etc., who I presume are so covered to hide their identity. Is this woman masking her identity too?

    I am curious about this woman. Does she WANT to wear this burka this way? Does she feel it is part of her religious faith or is she being forced to or does she think it makes her safer? Does she feel suffocated? I wonder if she knows/cares that she looks like a kook to many in the rest of the world? I do feel worried about her.

    I think about the men. What man would want his woman to dress like this if it weren’t for religious reasons, as screwed up as they might be? Is he worried he won’t be able to control his erection if she isn’t covered? Even then, what man who really loves his woman would want this for her?

    I also wonder where are the stories about empowered Muslim women? With everything that is going on, I KNOW that some Muslim women (and men) must have had their lives changed dramatically for the better by western influence. I suppose there are some women who like the old ways (or they pretend to) but it also strikes me that the women at least must be growing more hopeful that the insane level of patriarchy in their communities is finally being challenged.

    This picture makes me think it is like some alien culture. Too stange. Especially when in some Arab countries you see pictures of women dressed like this driving cars and talking on cell phones.


  8. Etaoin Shrdlu says:

    Oh come on. Talk about “political correctness”! (Or, should that be religious correctness.)

    Unless I’ve misread the news article, no one is forcing women to wear the burka. It’s simply being provided for those who chose to wear one out of their religious convictions. Yet, somehow, this is a sign of the end of civilization as we know it?!

    Come to think of it, here’s a “modest proposal”: why should we accommodate any particular religious beliefs, or mores? Let’s just rip the clothes off anyone coming to the hospital – that way we don’t have to “pander to the stone-age mentality of 7th century sexist control freaks”, nor to those obsolete “Judeo-Christian” notions of modesty.

    P.S. – for the literary challenged among us, the foregoing was satirical.

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