**Welcome James Wolcott readers. It certainly seems that women with an opinion (particularly myself, Peggy Noonan and The Anchoress) slightly irk the amusing and very opinionated Vanity Fair contributor. I thought today’s so-called liberals loved and embraced the idea of dissent. Silly me. Apparently not if it’s delivered by women who think differently from how the left deigns women should think. The only thing missing from his post is a meow and a boa. But then again, there’s nothing funnier than a straight man who sounds like a jealous queen. Or, as Jonah Goldberg puts it, should at least be considered the fifth girl on Sex and the City. Uh, meow. And once done here, feel free to check out the rest of Tammy Blog. There’s plenty to expose that inner Intolerance of the Tolerant Liberal many of you so proudly claim to be.***


No, not Bill, that other cross she’s suddenly been seen wearing. Like she means it. Or like, perhaps, she thinks Christians are empty-headed rubes who are dazzled by shiny props. (HT Drudge)


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21 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Psalm_9:17 says:

    As a Christian for the last 8 years, (and for good, now, Amen!), I am saddened by the way Democrats think they can hold political views that oppose what the Bible teaches (abortion, pro-homosexual propaganda/marriage) and STILL claim to be Christians despite those sinful stances.

    It was a joke to hear John Kerry be pro-abortion and pro-Same Sex Marriage, and then claim to be a Christian, despite his political views.

    For non-believers, non-Christians, their favorite Bible verse, (always out of context from the rest of the Bible), is “Judge not, lest you be judged.” Actually, that verse means to not give the sentence or punishment, but non-Christians have perverted the meaning to say “do not distinguish between good or evil.” The Gospel according to non-Christians then becomes “the only sin is pointing out sin, (and you may now ignore the rest of the Bible concerning morality).”

    This is a lie and perversion of the Scriptures, of course. God will judge and pass His sentence on those who refuse to give up these sinful behaviors. We have long lives because God is giving everybody plenty of time to repent of their wrong ways. Most people will reject the Bible. Most people DO NOT end up in Heaven, but end up in Hell instead. That’s what the Bible teaches about the evil heart of mankind.

    Good Christian preachers teach that the best way to spot a counterfeit is to study the authentic version. The best way to discern wrong Bible teaching is to study the Bible, not to study the people who lie about what the Bible says.

  2. SteveOk says:

    This is almost too good. Well, being married to Slick Willey would drive you to your knees (I can’t believe I said that). It’s all her campaign strategy to pretend to be mainstream on everything when actually she is a hardcore McGovern Democrat. This ruse is not going to win her any red states. We rejected George McGovern in 1972 and Hillary will be defeated in 2008. The next stunt she will pull is speaking at Bob Jones University. Remember these are the same people who stole the silverware out of the WH, looted Air Force One, and used the Lincoln Bedroom as a Motel 6.

  3. cube says:

    It’s surprising Hillary can even get that close to a cross without her head spinning around, or her skin charring, etc.

  4. Gary Keller says:

    This is great; Remember whenever Bubba felt the need to pander to the good old boys, he carried a dead duck in one hand, and a bible in the other.

    These people are the most cynical creatures our increasingly lame culture has spewed out in my life.

  5. Marie says:

    As the presidential election draws closer, we will see her come close to sainthood…

    God help us all…

  6. Izzy says:

    Interestingly, this weeks “The Atlantic Monthly” has an article about the Hildabeast. In it, it describes how she has been going to the “Prayer Breakfasts.”

    Now, I’m no Christian, and I have an intense distrust of any of the Clintons (heck, I wouldn’t even trust Chelsea, and she’s done nothing I disapprove of), but there may be something real about her attachment to religion, rather than just an election gimmick. It may be that being married to the First Black President(tm), BJ Clinton, may have driven her to religion.

    Not that it would make me trust her any more than I do now, since, there are plenty of examples of Christian true-believers whose political views are still abhorent to me.

  7. aegil says:

    Ha! Right, Cube! Excellent!

    Consider how much George W. Bush gets raked over the coals by Our Enlightened Ones for mentioning the importance of God and prayer in his life. I read somewhere that someone studied Bill Clinton’s public statements, and found that that Saint Bill invoked God more than Bush does. But of course that was OK with the intelligentsia, and of course its OK when St. Jimmy gets on his high horse, as he so often does (I’m sorry I can’t remember where I read about the Clinton/Bush comparison). When Bush talks about God, he always does it humbly and without malice, which is much better than can be said for these incredible hypocrites on the Left.

    How anyone with working brain cells can be taken in by Hillary is beyond me. I’d love to sell them my piece of the Brooklyn Bridge.

  8. cabgx2 says:

    Maybe Madonna gave it to her.

  9. big dave says:

    Appears to have diamonds on the cross. Maybe she thinks she is just wearing jewelry and not a religious symbol.

  10. Paper_Tiger says:

    Psalm 9_17 said:
    “Good Christian preachers teach that the best way to spot a counterfeit is to study the authentic version. The best way to discern wrong Bible teaching is to study the Bible, not to study the people who lie about what the Bible says.”

    If that is the case then you just refuted your entire post.

    The problem inherent with trying to use the Bible to back arguments (about abortion, marriage, sexual orientation, etc) is that one has to be selective. Once invoked, your source can be used against you. You claim the moral high ground by stating the Bible says gay lifestyle, gay marriage and abortion are sins. Because the Bible says so. That implies whatever the Bible condones is not sinful.

    The Bible says I can own slaves:
    “However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.” (Leviticus 25:44-46)

    The Bible also says I can sell my daughter:
    “When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl’s owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment.” (Exodus 21:7-11)

    And if you think that’s only in the the Old Testiment you are wrong:
    “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.” (Ephesians 6:5)

    “Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.” (1 Timothy 6:1-2)

    So – owning slaves and selling my daughter are not considered sins? I think most Christians would have a hard time swallowing that one. Don’t presume to judge others, Christian or otherwise.

  11. BigDana says:

    Tammy, I heard you subbing for Laura Ingraham this morning (you were wonderful, as usual); and I LOVED the last caller of the day, who wanted the ACLU “to file a suit to take the cross off Hillary, because she’s federally-funded property.”

    I wanted to get this onto your site along with the photo. Let’s help the American Communist Lawyers’ Union with THIS suit!

  12. Ray Zacek says:

    Gary Keller: a question. How long before we see Hillary with the dead duck?

  13. CinderellaMan says:

    Hillary is like so many other so-called Christians that want their religion ala carte.

    When we speak of the Clinton Administration, it certainly reflects on everything this woman is about: the Rose Law Firm, Whitewater, Vince Foster and Filegate, Sandy Berger and the documents he stole from the National Archive, lies under oath, stealing artifacts and antique furniture upon leaving the White House ( now THAT’s a state of grace- NOT!).

    By the way Tammy, kudos on your appearance today ( Oct. 20th) filling in for Laura Ingraham. I have been a fan of yours for some time, but also Laura Ingraham and Michelle Malkin. The three of you always seem to hit a home run…

  14. CinderellaMan says:

    A little humor which seems fitting:

    “Hillary Clinton is the junior senator from the great state of New York. When they swore her in, she used the Clinton family Bible. You know, the one with only seven commandments.” —David Letterman

  15. Lib85 says:

    Hillary’s cross is the epitome of liberal condescension. Do the liberals really think that works?

    Enjoyed listening to you on Laura’s show today, Tammy.

  16. dame cecily says:

    Lately James’s knickers seems to be in a perpetual twist. Just last month, he was all atwitter over the commentary at Gates of Vienna, and now you ladies have him swooning with nary a fainting couch in sight! Just how much more are his delicate nerves supposed to take?

  17. Gary Keller says:

    Ray, she will put on the waders and bag a mallard sometime next fall, as soon as she finds out “where she can get her a huntin’ license.”

    She might even chew on a cigar, but the symbolism wouldn’t be the same now as it was for her hubbie prior to 1998 😉

  18. Ray Zacek says:

    Poor old Wolcott. I hate to see a man with a case of the vapors.

    Gary: HRC with a shotgun will no doubt make Cheney look like a crack marksman. Anticipate many casualties, but no dead ducks.

  19. SLABBOTT says:

    Tammy, you have “Herself” pegged! The Clintons are the most manipulative, deceptive couple I have ever watched rise to power and unless we conservatives get our house in order, she will be elected President in ’08! Maybe she’s correct…maybe we here in middle America are just a bunch of rubes who will see her wearing shiny crosses, give her a pass and vote her into office…sigh…

  20. Billy Beck says:

    I completely understand that it might be very risky to mention his dread name, but did a single one of you people ever read David Brock’s book, “The Seduction of Hillary Rodham”?

    Her explicit religious practice has been sublimated in her political action over the years, but it is an enormous mistake to discount this aspect of her character. Her Wesleyan Methodist principles are still (and always have been) elemental to her politics.

    Look: That Woman is the most dangerous figure in American politics today, and a great deal of that is because almost nobody understands what they’re seeing when they look at her. This whole flap reminds me of conservatives hooting at her presumed lesbianism, when the truth is that she has far, far more important things to occupy her. I cannot possibly believe that a single erotic thought has crossed her mind in decades.

    She is a steely-eyed Stalinist, on a mission to save the world. Her religion is temporally coincident with the leftist philosophy which has suffused the time of her life, and there is actually no fundamental contradiction here. People might scream about abortion in this context, but that is really only a (logically) high-level concrete of no serious consequence to her fundamentals. You can point out that contradiction, she will dismiss it flippantly and then carry on. It’s not big deal because her basic socialism is unquestionably Christian in character.

    I see no one here (or anyplace else) who gets it.

    That’s not good.

  21. schminkey says:

    “I thought today’s so-called liberals loved and embraced the idea of dissent. Silly me. Apparently not if it’s delivered by women who think differently from how the left deigns women should think. “

    Dissent is great. I don’t see anything in Wolcott’s post criticizing dissent. He just vigorously disagreed with your take on Clinton’s cross. The idea that liberals aren’t allowed to argue, disagree, or criticize others because we are supposed to espouse “tolerance” is rhetorical hogwash. The “left” doesn’t deign how women should think. You are perfectly entitled to hold any view you want — but if you are going to publish it publically, you are also fair game to have that opinion critically examined. Being a woman doesn’t protect you from that, any more than being a man would.

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