A post by Maynard

Once again, organized leftist violence has ended a college “conservative” event. This time it was Jim Gilchrist and Marvin Stewart of the Minuteman Project who had been invited by the Columbia College Republicans to speak. The well-orchestrated assault and melee was captured on video; you can see it at this Power Line page. The New York Sun reported the incident, with this follow-up editorial.

Speaking of follow-ups, the Columbia Republicans are not going to be silenced by violence. The latest Sun article informs us that next week’s speakers will be reformed Palestinian terrorists Walid Shoebat and Zachariah Anani, and reformed Nazi Hilmar von Campe. Will the thugs return to shut down these traitors to the glorious causes of Nazism and terrorism? One wonders…

As one of the Columbia Republicans so eloquently notes at the end of the video linked above, “conservatives” simply don’t stoop to this level of thuggery. It’s events like this that, even when I’m less than ecstatic over Republican leadership, make me want to get as far away from Democrats as possible. Will the Democrat leadership rise up and unequivocally condemn their brownshirts? Don’t hold your breath. DNC Chairman Howard Dean uses his platform to make demagogic declarations about how Republicans are “evil” and “have never made an honest living in their lives.” That’s the kind of talk the gives people implicit permission to get angry and then “act out” their anger. I won’t say that no Republican ever resorts to this kind of hatemongering, but when it happens, it’s rarer and lower in the ranks.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Bridgewerk says:

    Following the links you provide, it immediately becomes muddled as to what the “Democrats” have to do with the “brownshirts” and thugs that led this idiotic attack. It appears that the college security was grossly negligent. If you see a conspiracy here, as led by “Democrats” or “Leftist College Professors” congratulations! You will receive your tinfoil hat in the mail.

    Applying this same logic, may I dismiss all Republicans and their supporters as Foleys in training? I sure hope not.

  2. Carpediem says:

    I don’t think we are talking about conspiracy here. Just another example of the leftist hypocrisy stifling the free speech they love so dearly because it’s something they don’t want to hear. They run amok , spoiled rotten being brought up with no manners or discipline by their AFLIB (acid fragments left in brain) parents. Yes, what they need is a good old fashioned ass whippin. Spare no rod on those freaks.

  3. SteveOk says:

    Bill O’Reilly showed the video of this riot at Columbia last night and called Columbia disgraceful. All of the students on the video should be permanently expelled from Columbia. What they did is illegal in 50 states but I guess Columbia allows to happen (the police were obviously given instructions to not intervene in the riot). The purpose was to silence the free speech of people they don’t agree with and call them racist. According to their view of the world they can brand anyone they disagree with as racist and that gives them the right to assault and riot all day long. The students at Columbia are morons who should be expelled immediately.

  4. dhandler19 says:

    Certainly the attacks by the students at the Columbia University were wrong. However, to compare all Democrats to this kind of behavior is like comparing all Republicans to the KKK. This an extreme behavior.

    It does show that the discourse between right and left even at one of the top universities in the country is in a sad state.

  5. robert108 says:

    The use of violent and forceful protest to intimidate those of a different point of view has been a tactic used almost exclusively by the left since the late fifties. IMO, it should be outlawed, as it is not dissent, but intimidation. Dissent is a reasoned argument, not this kind of behavior.
    The reason this isn’t the fault of campus security is that the violence was not produced by campus security; they were simply not able to stop it.

  6. robert108 says:

    “…to compare all Democrats to this kind of behavior is like comparing all Republicans to the KKK…”

    Nothing of the sort. The KKK was founded by segregationist Democrats, and most of the KKK activity was done by Democrats. The only Congressman who was a member of the KKK is a Democrat. The comparison you make is exactly wrong. In fact, comparing the thugs at Columbia to the KKK is much more accurate in every way.

  7. SegueSelecta says:

    Its the students professors who beat these ridiculous ideaologies into their little brains!
    This is the case at most colleges. Super Left Teachers = riots at schools and closed minded future. I feel bad for this countries future if these are the people that will be running the country!

  8. Neo says:

    “social inequalities are often produced and perpetuated through systematic discrimination and justified by societal ideology of merit, social mobility and individual responsibility.”
    Columbia’s Teachers College

    Does anyone outside of academia really think that “individual responsibility” is a scourge upon our society?

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