Apparently so. Now the details emerge of exactly what these Islamists did on that US Airways flight, and it looks like they deliberately provoked their ouster from the plane. Why? Because victimhood and supposed oppression provide political power and clout in this country. Claims of discrimination have also made some people in this country very, very rich. That’s right–like slipping and falling, or finding a finger in your fast-food chili, there’s money to be had in them thar hills. Now it’s apparent exactly what happened on that flight, and it screams set-up:

How the imams terrorized an airliner

Passengers and flight attendants told law-enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the September 11 terrorist attacks and also found in probes of U.S. security since the attacks — two in the front row first-class, two in the middle of the plane on the exit aisle and two in the rear of the cabin.

“That would alarm me,” said a federal air marshal who asked to remain anonymous. “They now control all of the entry and exit routes to the plane.” A pilot from another airline said: “That behavior has been identified as a terrorist probe in the airline industry.”

That is only the beginning. The details are chilling. Are the imams disputing the reports of everyone else, witnesses, gate attendants, flight crew, other passengers? Yes, of course. So one of two things is happening here: everyone who witnessed what happened is suffering from some Islamophobic hysteria, causing them to witness exactly the same provocative behavior by the Muslims, or the Muslims are not being honest. I know, this brain-teaser will take hours to resolve.

You must view Islamists as you do Leftists–the only way those parasitic groups are able to gain any political power and position is through guilt and intimidation.

And coming from a ‘conference.’ What do parasites like this do at a conference when the like-minded get together? They plan on how to cause trouble. How do I know? Because I’ve attended my share of leftist ‘conferences’ and that’s exactly what we did–confer on how to get attention, how to gain control, how to push our agenda. This usually involved actions meant to provoke arrests and/or receive press attention on our issues. The core of these plans always relied upon, as did our very identities, the reinforcement of victimhood which guaranteed special social status, increased funding from the base, and last but not least, political power.

The tactic of name-calling (“It’s a shame that as an African-American and a Muslim I have the double whammy of having to worry about driving while black and flying while Muslim,”…) is imperative, and piggy-backing on an established successful tactic (“You arrested me only because I’m black!”…) is clearly irresistible to them, but it must be directly and soundly rejected by us.

Make no mistake, this is the enemy’s Fifth Column. As some are dedicated to murdering innocent people to establish the worldwide Islamist caliphate, others work to destroy this country from within.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. piboulder says:

    You presume they were faking the whole thing. Maybe they weren’t. Maybe they were merely rehearsing for an attack. This has happened before. There’s solid evidence that the 9/11 hijackers rehearsed their hijackings (without taking the plane or hurting passengers) on prior flights before the fatal day.

  2. SLABBOTT says:

    I llive in Minneapolis and we are hearing the whole thing was absolutely staged to cause the Imams to get tossed! Get ready because until we wake up this is only going to get worse with these people! I like one commentator up here on the radio who suggested that if they are Imams, they should wear Imam suits so we all know…LOL!

  3. jeebie says:

    The details are chilling? How about this. Watching the NBC news at 530p on 11/23, mountain time, I saw this story. Behind one agrieved imams head was a prominantly displayed banner for the ACLU. Perfectly framed by the cameraman for best effect. Talk about ambulance chasers, how did that bit of not-so-subliminal advertising get there? How did they get that banner up before the news crew showed up? Did the imams bring their own? Or, did NBC notify someone while they were enroute? Methinks the MSM is as full of traitors as the ACLU. Media as the watchdog over government? IMO they are the governments mouthpiece.

  4. gmee says:

    Having flown a few times since 9/11 there’s something that I haven’t seen commented on. Every airport that I’ve been in instructs flyers, through the PA system, every 5 minutes, to be on the lookout for unattended bags and suspicious behavior.

    For year we’ve been told to look out for suspicious behavior. Now, when we point it out, we’re called racists.



  5. Rook says:

    Well golly…. I thought yall knew. “Suspicious behavior” only applies to non-Muslims. So any “suspicious behavior” on the part of Muslims is obviously imagined which makes the person imagining it racist. So while we’re focusing on the poor maligned Muslims, the real threat posed by the vast armies of zombies goes unchecked. I blame the Umbrella Corporation.

  6. Iceman 1955 says:

    Staged or real they needed to be detained. I would have gotten off that flight if nothing had been done and taken another flight. If these Imams dont want to be profiled then they should know how to behave in a civilized society. I am glad to know that Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee would like to fly on that flight…

  7. tbd256 says:

    Now, I’m certainly aware of just how fascist, elitist, intentionally inaccurate and all around self-serving the ACLU is, but even I was a little (although not especially) surprised to see this arcticle.

    “ACLU Letter to Senator Joseph Lieberman Regarding the Detention of Muslim Religious Leaders on November 20, 2006 At the Minneapolis Airport (11/28/2006)

    The Honorable Joseph Lieberman
    Hart Senate Office Building, Room 706
    Washington, DC 20510
    Dear Senator Lieberman:

    On behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union and its nearly 600,000 members, we write to express our grave concern with the removal and subsequent detention of six Muslim imams from a United Airlines flight in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on November 20, 2006. The imams were attempting to return home from a meeting of the North American Federation of Imams, where one of the scheduled themes of discussion was how to “dispel misconceptions” about Islam. These religious leaders were deemed a threat to security merely because they had, in accordance with their faith, conducted their evening prayers in Arabic shortly before boarding the flight.

    Unfortunately, this is hardly the first instance of religious, racial, or ethnic discrimination in air travel. In the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, “flying while Muslim” became a serious problem for those travelers of certain skin tones and faiths. That problem persists still today. This most recent instance of discrimination brings into sharp relief the ugly undercurrent of religious, racial, and ethnic ignorance that still influences much of air travel policy. These men have been neither accused of nor charged with any crime, yet they were handcuffed, denied the ability to travel, and publicly humiliated simply because they had exercised their constitutionally protected right to free exercise of their religion.

    The Department of Homeland Security’s (“DHS”) Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties has already opened an investigation into this matter. Unfortunately, this investigation is limited both in breadth and depth, focusing only on the actions of DHS employees in this specific case. The United States Congress should embrace this opportunity to fulfill its obligation to American people of all faiths to protect our foundational freedom to worship as we see fit.

    The ACLU strongly urges you to begin the 110th Congress by calling for public hearings into the issue of religious, racial, and ethnic discrimination in air travel. Congress must also assess the potential impact on travelers, including members of ethnic, racial and religious minority groups, of the name-based Secure Flight aviation security system. It is critically important that as the government takes legitimate steps to increase the security of air travel it protects the rights of all air travelers.


    Caroline Fredrickson

    Tim Sparapani
    Legislative Counsel”

    Now it should be obvious to every one out there with the brains and naivity of a dim six year old that this is the case, after all “everyone” is out to get the “poor” “oppressed” publicity stunting imams who according our good-lying throughtheirteeth-friends the ACLU were not conducting a hopfully fake terrorist probe. Strangly after all this I’m going to trust Tammy, off to Guantanimo for them.

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