Iran president says Israel’s days are numbered

TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday told delegates at an international conference questioning the Holocaust that Israel’s days were numbered…

“Thanks to people’s wishes and God’s will the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want,” he said. “Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out,” he added.

Hearing of this new threat, James Baker reportedly suggested that we add serving chocolate milk and cookies at the meeting he wants us to have with this raving lunatic. “Everyone loves chocolate milk and cookies. If we just make him feel loved and happy, I’m sure he’ll stop wanting to kill all the Jews. Well, maybe we should make the milk warm. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Oh, we should also set up a “hug line.” My mommy did that for me when there were misunderstandings at home. Everyone lined up and hugged the person who was out of sorts. It always made me feel better. And remember to smile. That’ll show Mahmoud that we’re not so bad.”

When asked if Smiling Jews should be at the meeting, considering that’s who everyone is afraid of, Baker was less enthusiastic. “No, no, that’s not a good idea. It’ll just upset Mahmoud. Look, I’m thinking the man will be happy if we can give him the impression that all the Jews are gone. With that in mind, we can’t very well invite them to meetings now, can we?”

Good point. And remember to warm up that milk!

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  1. SLABBOTT says:

    I wonder who’s next after we get rid of all the silly Jews? Do we then go after all the uppity negroes? How about the Asians or the Mexicans? Just wondering?

  2. Bachbone says:

    Before anyone is put on future “commissions,” I suggest they be evaluated for Alzheimer’s. It appears Baker and Hamilton would not pass such a test.

  3. Rod says:

    Baker was a fairly sharp guy 20 years ago; not the sharpest in Ronnie’s team but above average. His brain started regressing about 17 years ago. I thought he had reached a steady state about 13 years ago. The ISG report shows how wrong I was. That he was a special ( and very well paid) assistant to Kofi for almost 8 years should have been a clue. He has continued to regress and now is as dumb as Carter. As I have said here many time the last many months neither party has a monopoly on liberals. Carter and Baker prove that the same could be said about Jew hating liberals. They are in both parties.

    In 1964 a red neck former boxer and current Democratic governor of Alabama ran for President (taking votes from the real conservative in the race Barry) he said “there aint a nickels worth of difference between the two parties.” (meaning the Dems and the GOP). I thought he had taken too many blows to the head while boxing. But the last 5 years have proved him not too far from right. Today’s baker is very little like the Baker of 1986; but he is very much like his old boss Kofi and also much like Carter. I have said many times I think Carter was the worst President in American history. I have the same opinion of Baker. That the GOP allowed him to be the “Republican leader” of the ISG shows how liberal the GOP leadership is and has been for 5 years. The GOP leaders say they are conservative but read what Baker says and read Carter and compare and contrast. The compare fills 3 Blue Books. The contrast only 2 pages! It looks like Bush is going to do the same thing to Israel that Nixon did to China (for those under 55 there was one China in America until 1972 and that was Formosa. The other was Red China and was not recognized by most of the free world; nor by the UN. Nixon stabbed our ally free China in the back and among other things said Red China should get the permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Bush is (through his subordinates) blaming Israel for his failure in the War on Terror. Both parties are run by liberals; only one of them tells us they are conservative. Actions speak louder than words. And by Baker as the Republican leader of the ISG the GOP is acting like a very liberal party.

    Which BTW is why Americans voted them out of power last month. Read Tammy’s article of yesterday in the Philly Inquirer.

  4. FozzieBear says:

    Tammy: “And remember to warm up that milk!”
    Tammy, are you equating ImaDamnNutJob with SANTA? Blasphemy! And are you channeling Scrappleface and the Onion now? (Snippy, snippy) Great post.

  5. JayRocketScientist says:

    Here’s the solution to the Iranian nuclear problem: Nuke all their nuclear facilities. Then invite David Duke to an international conference to deny that it ever happened.


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Follow God or vanish, Ahmadinejad tells West

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has warned Western leaders to follow the path of God or “vanish from the face of the earth”.

“These oppressive countries are angry with us … a nation that on the other side of the globe has risen up and proved the shallowness of their power,” Ahmadinejad said in a speech in the northern town of Ramsar, the semi-official news agency Mehr reported Wednesday.

“They are angry with our nation. But we tell them ‘so be it and die from this anger’. Rest assured that if you do not respond to the divine call, you will die soon and vanish from the face of the earth,” he said.

The outspoken president also maintained Iran’s defiance over its controversial nuclear programme, saying it was on course to fully master nuclear technology. “Thank to God’s help, we have gone all the way and are only one step away from the zenith.

So now, surprise, it’s not just the Jews and Israel who will be vanishing from the face of the earth. Now it’s all of us. A normal country, faced with a nation whose foreign policy involves killing everyone, would expel their ambassador. But not these days. Yeah, instead, we’re told how we should sit right down with this guy and figure out how he can contribute to the ‘stability’ of the Middle East.


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  1. CinderellaMan says:

    How do you negotiate with terrorists for whom negotiation only means gaining whatever immediate advantage is necessary to accomplish their long-term goals. As we speak about negotiation with terrorist regimes in Syria and Iran, Hamas openly declares that they will never accept Israel’s right to exist:,,1967676,00.html

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Ahmadinejad: Israel will disappear

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh held talks in Doha, Qatar on Friday.

The Islamic Republic News Agency reported Saturday Ahmadinejad saying, “As everybody knows, the Zionist regime was created to establish dominion of arrogant states over the region and to enable the enemy to penetrate the heart Muslim land.”

Saying the Israeli regime was inherently a “threat,” and was “on the verge of disappearing” Haniyeh praised the support of the Iranian government and nation for the cause of the Palestinian nation. “The Iranian nation’s brilliant stand in the rightful battles of the Palestinians encourages them and signifies their deep understanding of Islamic principles,” Iran’s official state-run news agency reported.

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  1. Lib85 says:

    Tammy, you’re too harsh. You need some nuance. All we have to do is negotiate and we will find that he’s not such a bad guy. James Baker and Condi are working on that.

    Did you see Podhoretz’s line about Baker? “That’s Baker for you. Give him a problem and he’ll tell you your best hope of solving it can be found in sucking up to an Arab dictator.”

  2. St. Thor says:

    Unfortunately, Iamadimeajob may be right. With the new Castrati taking over Europe, the similarly unendowed Democrats taking over the US Congress, and Olemert the Weenie as PM of Israel, all that is necessary is a leftist Democrat in the White House in 2008. Israel will be bargained out of existence by 2010.

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