And thugs like these tell me that I’m not a real Democrat. On the contrary–It’s these fascist bullies who resort to violence to silence those with whom they disagree who are the imposters. There’s certainly nothing ‘progressive’ about declaring you won’t let someone speak because their ideas differ from yours. That tactic, in fact, is quite familiar in a retro Lenin/Stalin Lenin sort of way, and their concomitant ‘tolerant and progressive’ death squads.

Tancredo protesters turn violent

Violence erupted at a Michigan law school Thursday when protestors tried to block a speech by Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo.

Police were called after protestors pulled a fire alarm prior to the speech on immigration policies. There were at least three violent incidents with protestors targeting student backers of the event, Tancredo, R-Littleton, said today.

“One was spit on, one was kicked, and one was punched,” Tancredo said in an e-mail. “Tires were also slashed.”

And about that comment Rep. Tancredo made about Miami being a “third world country”? Apparently, he’s right. so much so even that Magazine of Record for liberals, Time, agrees.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Lib85 says:

    Ah yes. More civility from kind, passionate, caring, tolerant liberals.

  2. piboulder says:

    Years ago it used to be common to hear from liberals “You have a right to your opinion, but…” and then they’d give theirs. There was respect for the right of free speech from liberals. Now that’s been thrown out the window by the radical left. I remember seeing a story on TV many years ago about gangs who were left wing. They were for the environment, gay rights, the welfare state, etc. And if you disagreed with them, they’d come and terrorize you. It was long ago, so I don’t remember too many specifics. A few of one gang’s members did a brief interview with a network news reporter, and they spoke honestly about what they did and why. One thing that was kind of striking about them is they were white.

    With what’s been going on for the past few years with these guys, it makes me wonder if the gangs have infiltrated the liberal establishment in some quarters. They sure are acting like thugs.

  3. Bachbone says:

    Michigan State has been just a tad less leftist than University of Michigan for decades. One of its presidents used college funds (public money) to lobby against a citizen-initiated ballot proposal to cut taxes. Though an alumnus, I quit donating to MSU after that. This latest incident is disgusting and should cause every one of its conservative graduates, who hasn’t already done so, to cut back or stop donating to it.

  4. SLABBOTT says:

    During my youth at the University of Iowa I considered myself a liberal but changed over the years because of my refusal to adopt and adhere to an agenda. I use to think of liberalism as live and let live…free to think as one chooses but sadly this is gone – replaced by the ultra left wing whack jobs who now control academia, the media and the Democratic Party. Now I’m a conservative without a party because the Republican Party has left me and I expect the Gipper to rise up in anger from the grave any day now to exact his revenge on the Bush’s and their ilk…

  5. TerryW says:

    Cassius M. Clay was a Kentucky abolitionist in the mid 19th century. He was once threatened with harm if he gave a scheduled speech. According to one story, Clay appeared on the platform, announced that he would speak, and placed a copy of the U.S. Constitution on the table. This, he said, was for those who respected the laws of man. He then placed a Bible on the table, which he said was for those who respected the laws of God.

    Clay then placed a revolver on the table, saying that it was for those who respected neither the laws of man nor the laws of God.

    The lesson here is that if your conservative group hosts a speaker that may be disrupted, it is up to you to protect him or her. This means bringing weapons, such as brass knuckles, bare fists, or clubs, to the event. When the leftists aattempt to storm the stage, give them the surprise of their lives.

  6. Greglars1 says:

    One thing I’ve noticed about a lot of liberals is that they seem to base their decisions and actions on emotion, rather than common sense or logic. They also seem to be much more violent than anyone on the extreme right. The anti-war protesters seem much more prone to violence than those that support the war in Iraq. Most of the people that I’ve talked with, who voted for Democrats in the recent election, don’t have any idea of what the Democrats stand for. They know that the Democrats oppose President Bush, but they don’t have any idea what the core values are of the Democrats.

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