After weeks of heat from Americans, Bank of America CEO Kenneth Lewis made it clear he doesn’t care what Americans think, and issued a patronizing opinion piece via the Wall Street Journal explaining why they intend to continue with their credit cards for illegal aliens program. If you haven’t acted yet, the time is now.

When Bank of America announced their plan to give credit cards to people without social security numbers or a credit history, they also insisted that it was not a marketing plan aimed at illegal aliens. Even though the marketing would be in Spanish, targeting Hispanics in the Los Angeles area. Yeah, no illegal aliens in that bunch.

With that absurd denial, BofA exposes the fact that they know what they’re doing is at least unseemly, and at worst, supporting an illegal activity simply because there’s money to be made. Normally that sort of action is left to criminals, not a major financial institution.

BofA is finally feeling the heat of reaction since this little project of their was announced, resulting in an op/ed piece on the Wall Street Journal by the CEO insisting (again) how this has nothing to do with marketing to illegal aliens. He also notes, inexplicably, how good it is to “bring foreign nationals” into the American banking system. Reality check for BofA Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis: al-Qaida relies on access to the American banking system. So do drug dealers, drug cartels, money launderers, and every other criminal element out there who are foreign nations intending to do this nation harm. To say nothing of the fact that assisting and legitimizing illegal aliens at a time when this nation’s infrastructure is collapsing because of their use and abuse.

Boycott efforts and certain congressmen think otherwise during this time of war.

Bank of America defends immigrant card program

Bank of America Corp. is defending its decision to offer credit cards to people who don’t have U.S. Social Security numbers, amid criticism that the program effectively endorses illegal immigration.

The bank’s pilot program, revealed last week, focuses on Hispanics in the Los Angeles area.

It has spurred opposition in Congress and from grass-roots groups who say many illegal immigrants could benefit, and that the program might foster identity theft, money laundering and terrorism.

Bank of America Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis defended the program on Thursday in The Wall Street Journal. This came after some groups called for a boycott of the No. 2 U.S. bank by assets. They say their efforts are bearing fruit. William Gheen, director of the National Illegal Immigration Boycott Coalition, said his group has collected hundreds of e-mails from people vowing to cancel accounts and move mortgages. The group said it has more than 11,000 signatures on its petition calling for a boycott of Bank of America.

“What Bank of America is doing is illegal, or should be,” Gheen said…

In his Thursday opinion piece, Lewis admitted it is not pleasant to be caught a century later in the “heated” national immigration debate, and that he was “feeling the passion.”

Still, he pledged to continue the card program, which he said complies with the USA Patriot Act and other laws.

Lewis said illegal immigrants can obtain cards at many U.S. banks and businesses, and that Bank of America requires other identification to open accounts.

He has got to be kidding! He thinks this is an issue of identification? So, they accept the Mexican Matricular card, and that’s supposed to make everything OK? Or perhaps, since illegals are responsible for the massive expansion of identity theft, perhaps they’ll get a credit card with your name on it. Wouldn’t that be nice?

And the argument that others are doing it makes it okay for them to do it. Please. The truth of the matter is Wells Fargo Bank has also been doing aggressive outreach to illegals when it comes to home loans and other products. That bank (and scores of others) also does not deserve your support. BofA’s arrogance with this issue is especially irritating. They’re doing this because they feel it will make them money. Let’s prove them wrong. Send them a message that the group of people they should be concerned about is you, not the leeches in this nation illegally, draining our health care system, battering our roads and highways, responsible for a majority of gang crime, and perpetrators of massive identity theft. Let BofA learn that their little scheme to make a profit from illegal immigration will, in fact, backfire and cost them money.

if you have a bank account, credit card, stocks or other Bank of America financial products, cancel them, and let BofA know why you’ve done so. In the article BofA days they haven’t experience “unusual business activity” as a result of the boycott. That’s a true as their saying this is not a program for illegals. Bottom line is, BofA has put all of its customers financial security at risk by providing credit to people who can as easily leave this country, and their debts, behind without any concern of being pursued. And who will pay that bill when that happens? You, of course. Your interest will go down, fees will go up, and it will be your money that will fund the interest illegals receive on any account they may have as well. It is your money backing up these credit cards.

But this excuse of why allowing illegals to gain access to our banks is my favorite:

He [Lewis] also agreed with former U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow [the John Snow who, as Treasury Secretary, thought it would be just dandy to have the Islamist nation of Dubai/United Arab Emirates control the majority of our seaports.–ed] the government could better enforce money laundering and terrorist financing laws by encouraging foreign national consumers to enter the “financial mainstream.”

James Angel, a professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, said: “From a homeland security perspective, we want undocumented workers in the financial system, so they can be tracked.”

This is priceless, It is the equivalent of saying we should let bank robbers have easy access to banks because at least we’ll know where they are. If there are people who want to engage in terrorist financing and money laundering, the last thing we want is to help facilitate their activity so we can watch them. The least we should expect from our Homeland Security is that they don’t need to allow illegal foreign nations access to our banking system in order for them to be able to do their job. If they do need to open our system to them to ‘track’ and stop them (from doing what we allowed in the first place) then we’re in a heck of al ot of trouble. Sheesh.

In addition to canceling your BofA accounts, not just to make a point, but also to protect your finances and investments, join up with the Illegal Immigration Boycott Coalition and spread the word. The IIBC also has a secondary site, Boycott Bank of America, where they have posted their list of all the banks that cater to illegal aliens by accepting the Mexican Matricula card as the only ID someone needs to open an account. I can tell you now, even though I do not bank with BofA, after reading their list I found out my bank also accepts the Mexican Matricula card. I will be switching to a bank that does not. When you choose a new bank, let them know why you have chosen them. It’s important these businesses know their decision-making is appreciated and supported.

Americans for Legal Immigration also have great research, coverage, and ways to get involved.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. SLABBOTT says:

    As a former employee of USBank…if there is a lower creature than a politician…it is a banker! They have NO soul! Every member of the staff…every single one spends their entire day with their lips planted firmly on the CEO’s butt…they won’t admit it, but it’s true!!! If you expect more from a bank you are fooling yourself!

  2. SteveOk says:

    This is going to be great for those engaged in Identity Theft when you don’t even need a social security number to get a credit card. According to the LA Times website Wells Fargo and Citibank are also doing this so you might remember them when taking out a credit card too. I’m generally a pro-business type person but when they put the almighty dollar ahead of our national security it’s time for some regulation.

  3. ltlme says:

    For some odd reason I am humored by this. Perhaps it is due to the fact that during the time I served in the Navy, I had a Government credit card through Bank of America.
    I guess they will take business from whomever they can get; Govt. workers, military members, illegal aliens…
    Do you think Osama has an account through them as well?

  4. SteveOk says:

    One of the best ways to protect yourself against Identity Theft is to join one of the credit reporting agencies. I belong to Equifax and they monitor my credit report and notify via text message anytime it changes. They charge a small monthly fee to monitor it but it gives me peace of mind to know that if there are any unauthorized changes I will be notified immediately. I someone tries to obtain a credit card in my name, for example, I would notified via text message immediately and could put a stop to it. There are lots of other people who offer the same services and I’m not endorsing Equifax, I’m just telling you what I do to protect myself from Identity Theft. It is one of the growing criminal enterprises in this country and need to be aware of the dangers. Some other things I do to protect myself is shred everything before it goes to the trash (criss-cross shredder), I have a PO Box address for all my financial stuff: credit cards, insurance, etc, don’t give out any personal information over the phone, period, and be on the look-out for the famous Nigerian scams (if you receive anything in the mail that says you won anything and they want you to send them money=criss-cross shredder). I hope I didn’t get to far off the thread here but I do have some knowledge of Identity Theft (I work in this field–not the bad guy end, duh).

  5. SteveOk says:

    One of the best ways to protect yourself against Identity Theft is to join one of the credit reporting agencies. I belong to Equifax and they monitor my credit report and notify via text message anytime it changes. They charge a small monthly fee to monitor it but it gives me peace of mind to know that if there are any unauthorized changes I will be notified immediately. I someone tries to obtain a credit card in my name, for example, I would notified via text message immediately and could put a stop to it. There are lots of other people who offer the same services and I’m not endorsing Equifax, I’m just telling you what I do to protect myself from Identity Theft. It is one of the growing criminal enterprises in this country and need to be aware of the dangers. Some other things I do to protect myself is shred everything before it goes to the trash (criss-cross shredder), I have a PO Box address for all my financial stuff: credit cards, insurance, etc, don’t give out any personal information over the phone, period, and be on the look-out for the famous Nigerian scams (if you receive anything in the mail that says you won anything and they want you to send them money=criss-cross shredder). I hope I didn’t get to far off the thread here but I do have some knowledge of Identity Theft (I work in this field–not the bad guy end, duh). And don’t leave any mail outside your residence to be picked up by the mailman, period. Mail theft is a big part of Identity Theft.

  6. SteveOk says:

    Sorry for the double post, I tried to add on a sentence at the end which is very important, I almost forgot. Do not leave any mail outside your residence to be picked up by the mailman. Mail theft is a big part of Identity Theft. Take it to the post office or get a PO Box.

  7. bobbi says:

    I cut up my credit card and called them the day this came out; I got a person in Canada and told her exactly why I was closing the account I had for 10 years. She didn’t know anything about it or pretended not to know; I feel we should all let them know how we feel about illegal aliens by hitting them in the pocketbook. If enough people closed accounts, the pressure would be on.

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