Today as I fill in for Laura Ingraham, a major story, of course, is the continuing drama of our arrested and persecuted border patrol agents. It is a story, in my humble opinion, which illustrates how corrupt and depraved government can be, and what can happen when the machine sets it eyes upon you.

I’m a law and order girl, but make no mistake, I also demand justice and fairness in the process. Agents Ramos and Compean have received neither. Here are the updates:

Border-agent investigator had tie to smuggler

Author of DHS border-agent report lied to Congress

And in the meantime, the mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, who stood and supported those illegal alien protests and marches demanding citizenship and entitlements, is now all atwitter about how we need to crack down on gangs. Most of whom these days are peopled with Central and South American illegal aliens.


Plea for gang violence crackdown

The mayor of the US city of Los Angeles has called for international efforts to deal with gang crime, saying his city was “ground zero” for Latino gangs.

Antonio Villaraigosa told the BBC that many gangs across North and Central America were started from his city Regional police chiefs are in LA to discuss fighting the gangs, blamed for a spree of murder, rape and robbery.

Gee, I wonder why. Maybe it’s because Los Angeles is an official safe haven for illegals, where you can operate with no fear of arrest and are romanticized by the mayor himself.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. MyKidsMom says:

    I was listening to an interview with the lawyer of one of the agents. He was saying there never was a ballistic connection made to the agent’s guns. The drug smuggler’s wounds (into left thigh and exiting at the groin) makes you wonder how he was able to actually run away. Which leads you to wonder if maybe is connection in mexico shot him because he lost his over $700,000 worth of drugs.

  2. Cpl M says:

    Tammy, I was able to hear a little bit of what you said about this today. You did a great job.

  3. Talkin Horse says:

    The Los Angeles Police also operate under “Special Order 40”, which dates back to 1979. It prohibits police from inquiring whether arrested people are legal citizens, and thus is one of the legal instruments that makes Los Angeles another “sanctuary city”.

  4. SLABBOTT says:

    Someone needs to make a plea to the first lady. Our President use to “have a pair” but I think she hid his…give them back, Laura!

  5. artgal says:

    Tammy – Got to hear a bit of the L.I. show today, and I cannot begin to tell you wonderful you were in addressing corruption in the Border Patrol Agent case (among other things). Keep it up! The Dept. of Homeland Security (anymore, for whose homeland and for whose security?) needs to be held accountable, and with people as yourself giving voice to the gross injustices committed against Ramos and Campeon, we will get to the bottom of this whole sordid matter!

    It’s about time ‘we the people’ start demanding our goverment work FOR AND BY US instead of the government strong-arming every decent American into a corner – or federal prison – for a globalist wet-dream.

  6. HShort says:


    I mentioned in regards to an earlier report of yours on this case, that you need to follow the money to understand what has and is going on. Start with this Sanchez buddy of the perp and work your way up; you’ll soon find yourself in D.C. Our grandparents learned all about this type of corruption back in Prohibition – nothing new going on.

    Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were framed to send a lesson to any other law enforcement agents who might think doing their jobs was acceptable. Its just part of the whole multitude of actions, such as the open borders nonsense, to generate uncertainty and doubt about border enforcement. And in the meantime no fence is built, border patrol agents baby sit National Guardsmen, illegals hold rallies across the country, the border stays open and lots of people on both sides of it make lots of money. What is it about this that is so hard to understand?

  7. JingoPoe says:

    Hey Tammy, caught you on the Laura Ingraham show. Quite enjoyable and informative.

    I was talking to my sister today about the border patrol agents’ persecution and told her I want someone to investigate the relationship between this drug smuggling piece of illegal alien garbage and the people responsible for railroading those two agents.

    I’m glad to hear that someone is on it. Thanks for sharing that info. If four agents were willing to blatantly lie to a judge, jury, and congress; you know this goes much deeper.

    I want heads–figuratively, of course.

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