
USA Today contemplates a new editorial

A newfandangled spin so crazy from the Establishment Media it makes Naked Twister look boring by comparison: USA Today dismisses positive poll results for the president by declaring Republicans aren’t part of ‘the country’ anymore.

GOP is abandoning Bush? Not quite

The Washington punditocracy has proclaimed far and wide that Republicans, disenchanted with the war in Iraq, are abandoning President Bush in droves, leaving him the lamest of lame ducks. However, the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll suggests Bush might not be as wounded as he appears — at least not among his party faithful.

The Feb. 9-11 poll puts Bush’s job approval at 37%, but among people who identify themselves as Republican or leaning Republican, his approval rating is 76%.

Thus, despite bad news from Baghdad and carefully crafted hand-wringing by high-profile GOP war critics in Congress such as Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, three of four Republicans in the country are hanging in there with the president.

The poll also shows that rank-and-file Republicans have higher regard for the president than they do Republicans in Congress. They gave GOP lawmakers a 63% job-approval rating, 13 points below Bush’s. And 72% of Republicans do not think Bush made a mistake sending U.S. troops to Iraq…

Though the president may have lost the country on the issues of the day, rumors of his demise among Republicans voters and lawmakers are greatly exaggerated.

Remarkable, isn’t it? And actually somewhat subtle. It’s the last line of the piece, but the entire purpose of the piece. The sentence states that the president has lost the country, but not Republican voters. Which can only be interpreted as Republican voters no longer being part of said “country.”

I think the EM is going to find that it’s going to be a lot more difficult to get Republicans, conservatives and other people of conscience to ‘be gone’ simply because they command it. This ‘Marie Antoinette’ strategy is not exactly the most brilliant move. Historically, with the exception of people like me enjoying the extra cake, we also tend to continue to take care of business. The ‘pretend the people aren’t out there’ approach is, well, risky. But then, who I am to suggest they do otherwise?

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. brutepcm says:

    The MSM

  2. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    From the way the MSM routinely demonizes conservatives, Christians and Republicans, it is clear that they firmly believe that the people in these groups are not even human beings!

  3. pat_s says:

    So now it’s all 50 states. Republicans in Connecticut had already been discounted as American citizens. I remember some Democrat pundit dismissing the significance of Lieberman’s election because it was the Republican vote that put him over the top. Excuse me, but that was a general election where the voters of Connecticut elected their Senator.

  4. helpunderdog says:

    I know the article is from USA Today, but I have a friend who is a lawyer who reads the NYTs everyday. She continues to defend its neutrality. She’s completely brainwashed by that paper because it’s the only one she reads.
    I am shocked, I mean really shocked that such an intelligent person cannot see it.

  5. SLABBOTT says:

    I don’t trust the press…however, I’m a conservative and the President has indeed lost me!

  6. Floyd R. Turbo says:

    Not surprising. For many years and especially in the last couple of years, I’ve been greatly concerned for America. As a “charter” baby boomer raised by “The Greatest Generation” parents, I’ve seen the unfortunate results of baby boomer kids and where they’re heading and taking this country. As my wife and I have come to realize, it’s not the same America our parents entrusted us with. Sad. Having grown up with comedy like the “Three Stooges”, I keep wanting to line up certain folks in Congress and Hollywood and others on the left and give them a “group slap”. With a 2 x 4. Nah, make it a 2 x 6. But I wonder if it’d really get through to them what they’re doing to this country. As I’ve said before Tammy, God help us. Rough waters ahead.

  7. Lib85 says:

    The MSM thought the Republicans became irrelevant. Now Lieberman is hinting that if the Dems stray too much on security, he will switch parties giving the majority back to the Repubs. How sweet is that? Did you see the Dem blog web sites today bemoaning the fact that Cheney survived the assasination attempt by the Taliban? And to think the majority of the public voted with these people last November.

    Bush lost me, but mostly on spending. They have messed up Iraq and I am angry about the bungling. But given a choice of voting for Bush or Gore or Clinton or Kerry or Edwards or President Obama, that one is easy. It would have to be 4 more years.

    Incidentally, how many massive domestic terrorist attacks have we had in the U.S. since September of 2001?

  8. lnthomp says:

    I refer you to a comics artist who apparently missed out on the Jayson Blair scandal and others at the New York Times:

  9. David Jerome says:

    Regardless of how bungled this war has turned out to be,I believe we went in for a noble cause and President Bush did what his daddy and Bill Clinton knew had to be done but didn’t have the nerve to do,so for that reason I support this President. I’m not happy with our spending or wide open borders and sub-standard trucks with unknown drivers tooling across our highways and byways but in a time of war we have to support the President.

  10. PeteRFNY says:

    Yes, that would be the comic strip Non Sequitur, which is a massive Liberal dogma machine. The guy who does that strip is about as big an idiot you will find this side of Gary Trudeau.

    As for Naked Twister…not very exciting. Now, if we were talking about Naked OILED Twister…

  11. piboulder says:

    Hmm. Wonder if they said 3 years ago “Though Kerry lost the country on the issues of the day…”

    I see your point. I think what USAToday is actually saying is that the Democratic strategy has worked up to a point. They got their non-binding resolution passed (in the House), but they’re not getting any farther, even though they’ve tried to make their opposition sound bipartisan by getting some Republican lawmakers on their side. I think USAToday is pricking that bubble the Democrats had going for them.

    The truth is more complex. Even though the President’s approval rating has been in the 30s, the approval rating of congress, even with Democratic control, has been worse, in the 20s or low 30s. What they leave out is that “the President has lost the country, and so has the congress.” The people don’t like the federal government. Period.

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