And we are supposed to expect the population to be able to wage an internal ‘velvet revolution?’ It’s going to be rather difficult when anyone who protests is thrown in jail.

But then again, Bill Clinton thinks talking to these tyrants to find our ‘common ground’ is a much better plan than attacking them. (Keep in mind how it is Bill Clinton saying these things about foreign policy, allowing his wife to maintain her non-committal cover on the issue. Now that’s leadership!). Clinton’s “Can we kill’ em tomorrow?” strategy prevailed throughout his eight years as president. And to this day we are dealing with what happens when you don’t take decisive military action against murderous Islamist tyrants. To this day, we deal with the fallout of what happens when you think you can leave what must be done today to “tomorrow.” For 3,000 people in New York, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania, there was no “tomorrow.” And for many of the women just arrested in Iran, there may be no tomorrow for them, either.

Iran women arrested over protest

Iran’s authorities have arrested more than 32 women activists protesting outside a courthouse in Tehran.

The protesters were showing solidarity with five women on trial for organising a protest last June against laws they say discriminate against women…The BBC’s Frances Harrison, reporting from the demonstration, says almost all the leaders of Iran’s women’s movement were arrested.

The women held up banners outside the revolutionary court, saying: “We have the right to hold peaceful protests”. ..Our correspondent says police and plain-clothes security men chased away journalists and onlookers and then loaded the women onto a curtained minibus and drove them away.

Isn’t it fascinating that the world came together to punish and isolate the South African government for its apartheid policies. There was no talk then about “dialog” and finding “common ground.” There were certainly no arguments that sanctions should be avoided or watered-down. For its racial separation policy South Africa was boycotted in every possible way, including travel, tourism, and its sport teams were banned from international sporting events. No stone was left unturned in the worldwide commitment to force South Africa to change.

South Africa appropriately became a pariah nation because of institutional racism. Yet now, the world refuses to apply the same moral outrage to a nation that is dangerous not only to its own people but to the world as a whole. With Iran we’re dealing with misogyny instead of racism. Jew-hatred instead of black-hatred. Islamist Supremacy instead of White Supremacy.

South Africa, however, never threatened to wipe another country off the face of the earth. They were not funding death squads throughout their region. There never funded international terrorism in an effort to spread its homegrown genocidal oppressive theory to the rest of the world.

Iran does all these things and Bill Clinton (and his wife) think we should all just get along and talk. Europe is made squeamish by the idea of sanctions. Russia and the EU continue to help fund Iran’s despots. World Cup soccer welcomed Iran’s teams to into the competition.

And the United States will sit at a table with these mass murderers in an effort to help “secure” peace in the Middle East.

My, how the world’s priorities change when women and Jews are the targets of maniacs.

Oh, and what is the American feminist establishment saying about the continuing murderous oppression of Iranian women?

US and Iranian Women Tell Their Governments: “Stop The War Before It Starts!”

Feminist Majority Foundation president Eleanor Smeal came together with Nobel Peace Laureates Jody Williams (1997) and Shirin Ebadi (2003) yesterday to call for a peaceful resolution to tensions between the U.S. and Iran. Williams, an American, and Ebadi, an Iranian, declared in a joint statement, “We demand that our governments not resort to armed violence and instead negotiate a solution to the increasing crisis.”

“We are determined to keep this from escalating into yet another war,” said Smeal…

Their first move will be to mobilize women against a U.S.-Iran war. Williams and Smeal called for an end to U.S. citizens’ passivity.

“The majority of the people in this country want a non-violent solution … when did we become Stepford citizens?” asked Williams. Smeal echoed the sentiment: “Most Americans don’t know what to do… we’re watching. It’s like watching a train wreck. We can’t just watch any more.”

So, Smeal demands a “negotiated” solution to mass murder, misogyny and general oppression. And what exactly should be negotiated? How long women have to stay in their house? That perhaps women’s court testimony would count for 55 percent of a man’s, not just 50 percent? Maybe women who fight off their rapists won’t be executed, just imprisoned for life? Really, Ellie, what part of women’s lives should be negotiated with violent and controlling Islamist misogynists?

Who is this woman to say Iranian women’s lives should be “negotiated” away instead of forcibly made better? Did we “negotiate” a solution to the crime of apartheid? A week before he was murdered, Swedish prime Minister Olof Palme made his position quite clear about apartheid, and it had nothing to do with negotiations: “Apartheid cannot be reformed; it has to be eliminated.”

Islamism is the modern and even more deadly strain of the disease of Apartheid, with its concomitant misogyny, racism, Jew-hatred and added special element of goal for world conquest. This monster not only cannot be reformed, nor can we negotiate with it. It, too, must be eliminated.

The American feminist and political establishment, however, seem to think differently. Oh, how easy it is for women like Smeal, sitting in her air-conditioned suites in Arlington, Virginia, and Beverly Hills, California, to make declarations about what should not be done about Iran. Easy for her because she is not the one sitting in an Iranian jail, or awaiting execution for daring to defend herself against a rapist, or waiting for her husband to give her permission to leave the house. Or risk a public beating because she exposed too much ankle when walking.

How easy it is for the American Feminist Establishment to condemn Iranian women in order to make their own political gains here at home. It would be nice, Ladies, if you put aside your blind hatred of Republicans and conservatives for one moment in an effort to actually be honest about what needs to be done for oppressed women around the world.

For 25 million liberated Afghan and Iraqi women, it wasn’t the Feminist Majority’s selling a swatch of burqa as a fundraiser that freed women from the murderous grip of the Taliban; no, it was the thing called “The United States Marines” who did the job. Have the dignity, for once to admit what has happened and to give credit where credit is due. No amount of ‘agitation’ or petition drives or marches and demonstrations in America made a difference for the Taliban or Saddam Hussein, nor is wearing a pink t-shirt going to save the women of Darfur from being raped and hacked to death.

While the men who perpetrate these tragedies, Islamist Death Squads to be specific, aren’t swayed by American feminist whining, they do care about where the Marines are headed.

In the meantime, as the American left, including the so-called feminist ‘agitate’ for nothing to be done about Iran, scores more women were disappeared today. And trust me, launching a new “petition drive”or figuring out a new clever t-shirt slogan isn’t going to scare the mullahs into treating women like human beings.

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. helpunderdog says:

    To elitist feminists, Capitalism is patriarchy, and it must be defeated at all cost. They don’t bother to think about what came before it or what would come after, only that it must end. All who oppose America are seen as comrades in the struggle, no matter their ideology, their crimes, or what they’d do to these very feminists if given the chance. Never mind that Capitalism is what allows these angry elitists the leisure to protest in the first place. As long as they are able to maintain their cushy jobs and their sense of self-importance then the whole world could violently end, just so capitalism is gone.
    These people are the most selfish things on earth.
    In a feminist theory class I took in college, after the professor railed on about capitalism, a meek student asked that if capitalism is so bad, then what system is better, what should replace capitalism? The teacher sadly shook her head and said, “I don’t know, I don’t know”.

  2. David Jerome says:

    Great piece,Tammy. When are we ,as a country,ever going to wake up and realize that you just can’t ‘negotiate’ or ‘reason’ with certain people. Brute force is the only thing they understand or respect. Iran’s treatment of women is inexcusible and cowardly. According to Genesis,God created Woman to be a companion and helper to Man and He instructs them to treat Women the same way Man himself wants to be treated,with honor and respect. Instead,we have abused,lied to,deceived,raped,enslaved and killed them….or allowed others to do it with impunity.

    I do believe that on Judgement Day,we as men will have to answer for our treatment of the ‘helper’ He gave us. Pardon me,I seem to have gotten off the main subject! Unfortunately,war is the only way we will be able to effectively deal with Amahdinejab. I worry that Americans don’t have the stomach for a military strike on Iran and the possible consequences(suicide bombers,sleeper cells etc) here at home.But when we sit back and do nothing,this is what happens:
    What if this were your sister,mother,daughter??

  3. ashleymatt says:

    It is refreshing as it is heartbreaking to see a feminist who has a genuine concern and passion for women speaking out on their behalf, as NOW and FM manage to simultaneously keep their noses in the air and their heads in the sand.

    Although I am a conservative, I have felt throughout my life like a feminist. Whenever I would look into feminist literature or visit their websites, however, I would feel completely out of place. The organized feminists’ single-minded focus on abortion and their commitments to beliefs that have nothing to do with (and are often contrary to) expanding opportunities for women such as pacifism, socialism, and multi-culturalism have excluded women like me from taking up the cause to help advance equal rights for women.

    Is there currently any association or any resource for non-partisan, authentic feminists? Or do we need a leader with the ability to introduce, organize, and direct authentic feminism to a new generation? Hmm, I wonder who would be good at that…

  4. geocon says:

    i think it is rather amazing that liberals screamed about the S. african apartied but will do nothing about muslim countries (that i believe are far worse when dealing with discrimination). i’m actually very suprised that NOW and other womens organizations haven’t really used this for their fund raising. I guess the liberals hate for judeo christianity trumps all.

  5. joeblough says:

    Near as I can tell most of America’s “feminists” are just ideological hijackers, taking credit for other people’s accomplishments and exploiting the real problems of normal virtuous women to accomplish a power and popularity that their paltry abilities would never earn them.

    They could not possibly care less about the well being of women as such.

    This is about as good an example as I can think of. We sure won’t be seeing any solidarity marches about this.

    And by the way, thanks for doing something about it. I don’t have kids, but I’ll be instructing my nieces, as they grow up, to pay attention to women like you, not those ripoff artists at Ms magazine.

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