A few words on yesterday’s report on Pakistan finally arresting Taliban/al-Qaida biggies in Quetta, and the new report today that the Pakis arrested another one, only after pressure from us to do so. This action does not bode well for anyone, certainly not the Pakis (not that we should expect anything decent from those Islamist freaks), and absolutely not for the Bush admin. What it does say is volumes about what we have not been doing in the War on Radical Islamists, and against the Taliban enemy specifically. The arrest of Taliban freaks is good, of course, but almost six years after the fall of the Taliban? Not good enough.

People wonder why we’re having trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan. It has nothing to do with our military being ‘stretched too thin’ or the enemy being supermen, or America being distracted from Afghanistan by Iraq. We can chew gum and walk at the same time, thank you very much. There is an even more ominous reason why savages like the Taliban can regroup–it’s because we and our allies let them.

The truth of the matter is, as the president became more affected by worldwide leftist rhetoric, and became obsessed with fighting this war as politically correct as possible, we stopped fighting an offensive war, and our allies have followed our lead. Until the other day, that is. Proving they know Taliban leadership operates and plots and plans with impunity in their country, with great fanfare Pakistan finally swept into the “lawless” tribal area of Quetta and arrested various Taliban cavemen, including one of Mullah Omar’s inner circle, and Taliban leader.

Pakistan seizes a Taliban chief

The former Taliban defense minister was arrested in Pakistan on Monday, the day of Vice President Dick Cheney’s visit, two government officials said Thursday. He is the most important Taliban member to be captured since the American-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

The man, Mullah Obaidullah, was a senior leader of the Afghan insurgency, which has battled American and NATO forces with increasing intensity over the last year…

It was not clear whether he was picked up before, during or after Cheney’s visit. But the timing may be significant because Cheney’s mission was intended to press Pakistan to do more to crack down on members of the Taliban and Al Qaeda who use Pakistan as a sanctuary.

Brian Ross at ABC via he Blotter reports on another arrest today, also in Quetta and at the same hotel where they got the Taliban yesterday.

When Dick Cheney Talks, Pakistan Listens

Pakistani officials told ABC News the new arrest also took place in Quetta, where on Monday, the former Taliban defense minister was arrested just hours after Cheney had left the country.

Pakistani officials identified him as Amir Khan Haqqani, a Taliban commander for Zabul province.

“Isn’t it amazing how quickly they were able to find these men?” scoffed one intelligence source familiar with the Cheney meeting.

Actually, no, it’s not amazing. They acted on information we provided them. The accurate question of amazingness is this: Isn’t it amazing it has taken us six years to tell the Pakis where the Taliban are and to arrest them?

It’s one thing for Pakistan to hem and haw when it comes to dealing with the savages in their midst. That country is a corrupt pit and held together a military regime. It is quite another, however, for us to only begin putting pressure on Pakistan now, five and half years after we routed the Taliban in the first place. The fact that we didn’t condemn the ‘peace treaty’ between al-Qaida and Pakistan last year reinforced the fact that we were allowing the despots and savages of this world to win by default; the default of the Bush administration being willingly neutered by leftists in our own nation who prefer and even need chaos to reign and this nation to fail.

They got it during Vietnam and they want it again.

That entire border region and Quetta specifically, is the new capitol of the Taliban. They are still the enemy and still need to be crushed. This is like if, in 1946 as we occupied Germany, we knew the Nazis were regrouping in some border town near Austria, and did nothing about it. Quetta and the surrounding border area needs to be razed just as we razed Fallujah in Iraq. We also waited for too many moths to clean out that rat trap, with cost of dozens more people condemned to torture and murder.

We and our allies are now only going grudgingly after the enemy. Unless this changes, we are going to have a huge problem on our hands–not only will the enemy come back, it will reemerge under a Democrat president. How does that sound to you? I think we deserve better.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. FozzieBear says:

    I have but one response: Tammy for Prez! I’m gonna Fax George yet today with some of these talking-points — you know, so he’ll get a reminder that SOMEBODY is paying attention and wants to see much more “stick” than carrot. In general, I support his efforts — but, yes, he’s way too timid. Great post, Tammy.

  2. SteveOk says:

    It seems like nobody is willing to help us in this war on terror except maybe the Brits. We have the biggest target on our backs and the rest of the world doesn’t much care. We need to go full steam ahead with SDI (a Reagan idea) to protect ourselves from a missile attack, bring our soldiers home from Europe and Korea and let them defend themselves. If the Democrats win in 08 you can forget the war on terror, they hardly acknowledge that is exists. I am tired of going it alone on the war on terror and getting zero appreciation from France, Germany, Russia, and China. Look at the Democrats latest proposal in Congress, they want to cut the military budget proposed by Bush. That doesn’t surprise me one bit, left to their own devices they will gut the military and spend more on social programs. If I sound downbeat I’m really not though because it is the weekend and I’m looking forward to the “babe of the week” and the weekend roundup show, that always makes a wonderful cap to the week!

  3. Rod says:

    Think back 12.5 months. It was 2/10/06 that our liberal President made it very clear to the world that he did *not* want to win the War on Terror. It was that day that he denounced the Danes as trouble makers and praised the terrorists. Within 72 hours after our lefty President’s comments 5 Danish/Swedish embassies were burned in Muslim countries in Africa and Asia and 37 “Danish looking” people were murdered in Africa and Asia.
    It is W’s liberal “read my lips…”appeasment approach to Muslim Fascists the last 2 years that has been the root cause of us not winning.
    Bush says one thing but does the exact opposite of what he say he will do. And I think it is not fooling anyone. The liberal Republicans say he is doing what he say he will because they support his left wing approach to government and the new world order.
    I do not like McCain but he was right. Rummy/Bush cost us the War on Terror.

    My question is – Why did Bush start a war he did not want to win?
    I’ve heard several answers to that but am not sold on any. A year ago I bought into the idea it was a Rovian plot to win elections for the GOP. But after the 06 a*s kicking the GOP took in Congress that answer no longer works for me.
    So why start a war you do not want tow win?????

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