Just some ideas that might get them back on track.




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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. artgal says:

    LOL! Great suggestions! It’s just a shame Bush & Blair have made such suggestions so necessary.

  2. Rod says:

    Little did I know that I was re-electing Jimmy Carter in 04!?@!#$%^ Now I know.
    But I really had no choice; did I?

  3. SLABBOTT says:

    Excellent and very funny! I can’t wait to see what the two parties throw at us this year after the dust settles! I’m guessing the democrat will be so bad (Hillary) that we will again be forced to vote for a liberal Republican (Gulianni, McPain etc.) and will then be surprised when they govern as one…sigh…

  4. YankeeWanker says:

    “Spine Fusion for Dummies”

  5. Harpo says:

    “Rehabilitation of the Spine” is my favorite. It is so desperately needed right now among ALL of the so-called Republican party members. I do not look forward to 2008. Will we never see another Ronald Reagan? Or even a Charlton Heston?

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