
Ahmadinejad has plenty to laugh about

We have now agreed to meet and negotiate with a lunatic nation which has said publicly it seeks to wipe Israel and the United States off the map and kill every Jew on earth. In the meantime, they are the primarily funder and exporter of terrorism worldwide, and are responsible for the training and arming of terrorists who kill our soldiers in Iraq.

Our response? A coffee-klatch.

Cheney spokeswoman: U.S. willing to discuss Iraq situation with Iran

CAIRO (AP) — The U.S. said Sunday it is willing to talk to Iran if discussions deal only with Iraq, where the Bush administration says Tehran is undermining the Baghdad government and exporting deadly roadside bombs.

“We are willing to have that conversation limited to Iraq issues at the ambassador level,” Vice President Dick Cheney’s spokeswoman said after he met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak…

“Iran has agreed to this (negotiation) after consultation with Iraqi officials, in order to lessen the pain of the Iraqi people, support the Iraqi government and establish security and peace in Iraq,” the state-run IRNA quoted Mohammad Ali Hosseini, the foreign ministry spokesman, as saying.

That’s like the Allies agreeing to meet with Hitler to “lessen the pain” of the Jews. How do we do that? Kill them faster with gas instead of bombs? Hmmm….

And Bush and Congress wonder why their disapproval ratings now match that of incompetent clown Jimmah Carter.

While the link above reflects a Newsweek poll (a magazine known for its BDS), it also doesn’t mention the fact that the congressional disapproval rating is as high as Bush’s. The most recent AP-Ipsos poll has both the president and congress scoring just slightly higher than Carter at his lowest, now for obvious reasons.

Do we now have to worry what damage Bush will do, a la Carter, once he’s out of office?

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. David Jerome says:

    Oh man,what is happening to this government?? You don’t ‘reason’ with a bully…you kick his butt across the goal posts,is what you do! Ok Tammy,I’m gonna say something that I never thought I would. We need to pull our troops out of Iraq. I was a staunch supporter of this president and I still believe that Bush went in for a noble cause and I will credit him for that but with the recent capture of the 3 GI’s and the horrible situation they may be facing,I just don’t think it’s worth it anymore. Not as long as our troops have the spectre of a court martial hanging over their heads whenever they fire their weapons at ‘innocent’ civilians.

    Spending the rest of their lives,or possibly losing their lives, for accidentaly shooting what they believed were terrorists…or for having to hold their fire until fired on…or for being used as political pawns to discredit this administration…or for not being able to fire on terrorist who run into a mosque…or for being labeled ‘rapists’ and having their commander-in-chief promise to hold transparent investigations into their actions and having the terrorists watch it all on Al-Jazeera…or for sitting in a jail cell for following orders to put some panties on a head-choppers face…of for the countless other soldiers who will have to die because their hands have been tied by this president and the military brass.

    Under different circumstances I would say stay and fight,because it’s a cause worth fighting for. But with the lack of support for our troops being what it is,and unlikely to change,I say we need to leave now.If the terrorist end up following us to our shores then we will deal with them when the time comes.I just hate seeing our soldiers treated this way.

  2. artgal says:


    And while they chit-chat, more of our troops are being put at risk by Iran as well as by the Bush administration! What an effing-betrayal!

    The previous post advocating the return of our troops is very tempting at this point. How can we ask our men and women to go into harm’s way when their Commander-In-Chief has become weak, knobby-kneed and presents himself as an obstacle to the war’s success himself? And we’re negotiating with one of the prime killers of our troops and cause of instability & terror throughout the entire the world – WTF is there to talk about?

    Having Iran participate in discussions on ‘peace’ in Iraq makes about as much sense as having Ebert & Roeper inviting John Hinckley over to review/discuss Jodie Foster flicks. The point being: in either scenario, someone is going to get hurt – and it won’t be the nutcases.

    I would like to think there would be rat poison conveniently placed in the Iranian mug and that’s why we’re sending this invitation, but I’m not holding my breath.

  3. pat_s says:

    Cheney’s spokeswoman said this isn’t a new position, but reflects an earlier-stated U.S. position. True. But it is a change from the intervening position that we weren’t going to talk to Iran directly about Iraq.

    Iran Agrees to Talk With U.S. About Iraq March 17, 2006

    Ali Larijani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council: “Ín the days to come we are going to designate people who are going to carry out these talks.”

    Stephen J. Hadley, Pres. Bush’s national security adviser: “…it is not a negotiation.”

    Iran sets conditions for talks with U.S. on Iraq December 9, 2006

    “Iran will only hold direct talks with the United States on Iraq if Washington announces plans to pull its troops out.”

    “U.S. President George W. Bush has said he will not talk to Iran unless it suspends its nuclear programme.”

    Could Iran help the US stabilize Iraq?December 15, 2006

    This article discusses what concessions Iran is a position to get in order for talks to occur.

    “We’re not naive enough to think that in this case [Iran] may want to help. They probably don’t”, Mr. Baker testified to Congress last week. “The president authorized me to approach the Iranian government. I did so. And they in effect said…we would not be inclined to help you this time around.”

    Iran’s price, analysts here say, could be a broader package that would, at the least, include ending action by the UN Security Council to draft a sanctions resolution over Iran’s nuclear issue. Iran may expect the US to accept its determination to continue enriching uranium. Something the White House says must be suspended before talks. Recognition of the regime and a guarantee that Iran will not be a military target are top priorities as well.

    I guess we’ll see how Iran plays it this time around. If these talks occur, it’s because we’ve already made concessions.

    This administration is in a tailspin. As to the prior two comments, don’t worry, this is a prelude to pulling out the troops and an utter disaster for our country.

  4. F-Islam says:

    Did not smiley Akbar just have a pro-American rally in Dubai? Listen…either you’re with us or with the terrorists. Just, FYI.

  5. Trinity says:

    It seems to only go from bad to worse with Bush. I honestly do not know what to say anymore. The last grasp I had in my debate with myself to continue to support him was in his handling of Islamfacist dictator’s and groups; now, however, my grip has been released. Where has President Bush gone? As a Conservative I am betrayed by his actions lately. I have no doubt that he believes the fight is just, I wonder however, if he is listening to much to his ‘legacy calling’ and not to the immediate nature of the situation. I suppose they all fall to this sooner or later..Yet, Reagan did not, did he? Difference is, Ronald Reagan was a leader, I fear Bush was just a man for the moment with a bull horn. Alright, that’s enough, I am depressing myself..

  6. brutepcm says:

    Is it too much to hope that this will be a chance to deliver an ultimatum in private? You know, drop your weapons and back away slow.

  7. pat_s says:

    Today’s news: Iran steps up enrichment work.

    Inspectors for the International Atomic Energy Agency have concluded that Iran appears to have solved most of its technological problems and is now beginning to enrich uranium on a far larger scale than before, according to the agency’s top officials.

    I wonder if the Iranians will be serving pancakes during the Iraq talks.

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